Tempus' Necklace of Edairn

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Type Accessory
Discovered By Cael
Discovery Date 2012-12-20
Discovery Location Edairn, Far East
Abilities Prestige +4
Current Owner Cael

Earlier that night Cael sat down, breathing hard. That last lycanthrope nearly had him, its claws, then jaws just inches from his jugular. But at last, the dagger in the beasts throat brought it to bay, and he was able to deal the killing blow.

After a rest, he started to search amongst the offal and foul scraps. He spotte some coins, robbed off unfortunate travelers, and saw...something else. A glove, both brilliant and somehow repulsive. He was instantly attracted to it. A blood red it was, appearing to be painted...no, made of red metal, red rings of iron. As he touched the glove, he was given an insight into them: the metal was forged with iron, and blood. And yet the glimmered brightly, for all their sullenness of red hue. He frantically searched around, and shortly thereafter found the other.

"The Dazzling_Gauntlets_of_Blood"he breathed to himself, in wonder.


After several hours rest, Cael debated with himself. Should he rest, or search for a few new scraps to kill? He decided on the latter, and couldn't believe his luck when he came away with yet another of the Tempus' Set!