Tian Family

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Revision as of 02:59, 24 February 2006 by Kagurati (talk | contribs) (Updating to include the death of Sargon)
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Tian Family
East Island
East Island
Titles Held:
Duchal Marshall


Came to Nobility: 10-03-2005 (M-D-Y)

Fame: 3 How?

Wealth: About 1000 Gold

History of the Tian Family

The Tians are a family that came into the world during a time of family hardship. Starting as peasants, they worked their way through the ranks for many generations. It was not until the generation that included Kagurati and Yunari, that they acheived the rank of Noble.

The Tian family originated in the lands of Noritor, Itorunt, East Continent. As far as any one knows, none of them have intention to leave the continent.


Little is known of Sargon. Supposedly he was deemed of noble blood by a long lost ruler, others say that he lied and made himself a noble by adding the title. Truth is, he was cousin of a noble line, which had recently died out. This brought the Tian family to Itorunt, where they used to reside.

Sargon is an older brother to both Kagurati, Yunari, and Rose, though comes from a different mother. He is the Tian Family's tie to nobility. After being banned from Ibladesh, he joined the ranks of Perdan, and currently serves in thier military. After his death, it was confirmed that he was a marshall in the Army, and a believer in the 4 gods of Ibldaeshian religion. He died at the age of 28 on the 23rd day of February.

Duels... - A look at the duels he has participated in.
More... - A more detailed history.


Kagurati, is a person that strives to make the most of the world around him. A strategist and economist. His current goal is to serve as a troop leader in a land other than the East Continent and forge a name for himself away from his family.

He left the lands of Eston, to seek his fortune elsewhere. Being on the winning side isn't always the most honorable. Or on the side that appears to be winning. He left the Realm of Eston while imprisoned in Norland.

After a short time in Norland, he was forced to leave. He soon found himself in Drachenwald. While he did plan to stay, events in his life have caused him to seemingly vanish. Then again, he has done this several times in the past.

More... - Not yet started.


Yunari, plans on more or less followed the path of her older brother, Sargon. Though she was lead away from the lands of Itorunt, of the land which her family used to live. At one point she served int he lands of Ibladesh, but was banned for supposedly attempting to try and start a rebellion. After that, she served in Ubent for a couple weeks, and from there moved on to Perdan.

Students... - As a mentor, Yunari has a record listing all her students' names.
More... - Not yet started.


The newest member to Tian nobility, would be Rose. Currently she serves in a land not on the East Continent. As time progresses perhaps more things will become known about her.

More...' - Not yet started.