Lapallanch Family/Kihalin/Roleplay - Karibash ka Habb

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Roleplay from Karibash ka Habb   (1 day, 5 hours ago)
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Karibash and Kihalin meet for the arranged training match. Karibash has chosen a sword and shield, Kihalin simply a sword. "Don't underestimate an old man now!" Karibash calls with a laugh and a smile. It fades quickly as he charges towards Kihalin.

The Evil Knockers charge forwards toward the Taselakian ranks. They are in Lesthem. The fog is thick, as always, and the band of warriors has ambushed the Taselakians. Karibash is at the front of his men, beckoning them forwards. Sprinting forwards from the trench, they cry out as they flank their foe. A snarl is the last sight for many a Taselakian warrior that day, and a sword the last thing through their head.

Caught by surprise from the sudden speed and aggression, Kihalin only narrowly side steps the charging shield swipe. Karibash throws an overhead swipe which is skillfully caught by Kihalin, who responds with a stomp on his toes.

The Sandalakians once more attack the Cave of Guilt. But the Toren are ready. They have maintained their defensive positions and the Sandalakians are being slaughtered piecemeal. Karibash throws an overhead swipe at one which is caught on the warrior's axe. In fear of the giant, snarling Toren in front of him, he stomps on Karibash's foot. Karibash bashes the warrior in the face with his shield, then stomps the poor man's face until his brain is leaking across the battlements.

Karibash steps back and laughs, but with a smack of his sword on his shield he is all business once more. Shield up, he steps forward with a lunging strike. Kihalin has leaned to the side and attempted to stab around the shield, but Karibash pushes down Kihalin's blade, and wheeling about Karibash goes for the kill.

They are fighting in Riakond. Deep in the dark forest they have met the Ikalakian army. He led the charge as usual, but fighting has broken into a disorganized melee. Shield up, he steps forward with a lunging strike. The Ikalakian stumbles onto the ground and experiences Karibash's sword through his gut pinning him into the earth. His friend has heard his cry and slashed Karibash's sword arm. The sword has buried itself in the bone and the frightened Ikalakian cannot pull it out. Crying out in rage and pain, Karibash pulls his sword out the first man, and with his foe's blade still embedded in his arm, cuts off the second man's head. He pulls out the offending sword, picks up the fool's head and roars at the retreating Ikalakians, hurling the head at them.

Kihalin though has rolled and is standing once more. Karibash smirks at the skill, and steps forward with a sideways swing. Kihalin quickly parries the blow and kneels forward pressing the tip of the wooden blade against Karibash's gut. It has caught an old scar though, and combined with Karibash's forward momentum he falls forward plunging himself onto the blade.

The combined Ikalakian and Taselakian forces are assaulting the Toren Stronghold. They have been fighting on the ramparts for hours but their foe's army is vast. Karibash steps forward with a sideways swing, heaving deep into the Taselakians side. He pulls out his blade and moves forwards towards a small group of embattled Toren until a pike plunges deep into his gut. He looks up in shock and pain to see a grinning Ikalakian, pleased to fell the giant Toren. But it cannot be so, with a mighty roar he cuts the pike so his foe cannot stab him deeper and bashes the man in the face sending him to down to the cold stone. Karibash, eyes tearing from the pain of the pike shredding his insides, calls out to his comrades for a more suitable weapon. Throwing his beloved shield and sword to the ground, he is tossed a waraxe. He does not stop until the Ikalakian is a bloody pulp. He then fights on, pike still within him, carving through his foes with a rage that can only be attributed to Tor's vengeance.

Karibash rolls over as Kihalin pulls out his sword, horrified. He swings limply as the healers rush towards him. His eye begin to glaze over and he coughs blood. He murmurs gently, sword still swinging and shield arm twitching. "Betrayer... oathbreaker... averyll..."

They are in Lesthem again. The entire Toren army has been destroyed. Karibash lies in the mud bleeding. The Pontifex has been killed. They are coming to scavenge the battlefield. Karibash, somehow, manages to stand up. He picks up his sword and advances towards the three Taselakians. Sword arm swinging wildly, they laugh at his feeble attempts. One of them takes a javelin and throws it deep into Karibash's chest. But he is unperturbed. A low snarl, murmuring threats, he stumbles towards the increasingly scared Taselakians. Pulling the javelin out, he weakly throws it at one of them but misses greatly. It distracts them enough while Duke Cyperus swoops in on horseback, knocking one down, decapitating another, and sending the last screaming into the night. Karibash bows deeply before slaying the one Taselakian knocked down. He then collapses into the mud.