Ironsides Family/Bowie/Half Century Birthday

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Bowie's Half Century Birthday Party!

Roleplay from Bowie Ironsides

Message sent to everyone in your realm (32 recipients)

Snow fell continuously this night as the carriage traveled down the barren frozen path. Surrounded by rural, the lone carriage brightened from the lighting of a lamp inside its cab. The occupant was awake. Weary eyes gazed outside the door porthole watching the snowfall. It was Lord Bowie Ironsides wrestling with the attempt to sleep during his journey but failing. Disturbed by the light, the driver wondered if his passenger was uncomfortable or about to harangue him. There was no reason to, the road, though rough, was not causing any ill action to the cab. Then, even further disturbing to the driver, he overheard the passenger begin a conversation. With who? The driver pondered. The Lord was alone...

"I know, I heard you say this before! Did you think it would happen over night? There is no time limit - yes, even years. Listen, just give me more time I assure you it will be accomplished. Oh, don't threaten me with that again you know I never cared nor asked for it. Yes. Yes, I do appreciate it but a gift is still something to which one feels no possession of. You keep me up so often! Go away tonight I am tired. Tired of you! You're suffering? Have you any eyes to see me? Go hide away again as always when things get rough. I'll carry us. You are such a frail creature it sickens me. No, no I didn't mean that. Aah get over it. Remember our compact. Try and sleep in this cold, even I can feel it."

The voice stopped but the lamp stayed on. The driver thought to check in on the Lord but was afraid to. Slightly, he turned back to try and see through the curtain of the window behind him. Inside, he saw the Lord writing. Parchments filling the seats and the lap of his passenger. Struck by this sight, the driver returned his eyes to the road and decided the man was beyond hope. As long as he paid and did not bother him, there was no reason to be concerned. The driver put his passenger's peculiarities out of his train of thought for the rest of the trip, although he was eager to tell his wife when he returned home.

Roleplay from Bowie Ironsides

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It was many seasons since Lord Bowie last spent time in his estate in Muspelheim, and his return was both for rest and celebration. He made arrangements for his arrival earlier, but entering his home he surprised his servants with a new agenda.

"Welcome home, Master." The maid said upon his entrance.

"Never mind welcomes, gather the staff. I have news."

The maid bowed and rang the bell five times to alert the staff of their Lord's return and beckoning. When they gathered they surrounded him to hear his news.

"I want you to gather all the stores of food and drink we have and then prepare the courtyard to receive guests."

"What is the occassion, Master?" The maid asked.

"It is my birthday!" He spoke with excitement, "You there, write out and send invitations at once. I am half a century old and all the Empire must celebrate with me."

Though he had few connections in the Morek Empire he wished to resume the custom of entertaining guests he learned while a noble of D'Hara. In those days, the nobles had a regular social life. This was an element the Morekians sorely lacked.

"Too much business," he would say about the Morekians and he hoped many of them knew the definition of fun. If so, they were welcome to share time with him at his birthday party.

Request from Bowie Ironsides

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Nobles of the Great Empire of Morek,

I have turned fifty years old. There are many amongst us who have reached this age no doubt but the joy in my achievement is in that I have lived to see this day. I, the Demon of Dwilight, whom has survived two, maybe even three death duels, whom has escaped execution at the hands of the Zuma, and whom has fought in two rebellions and in warfare across this continent, has reached half a century. Who would have guessed?

So, in the spirit of life and living I invite every one of you to my estate in Muspelheim to celebrate my birthday. Come one come all, drinks and food are provided by me but you must bring your own cheer and joy! Otherwise, you prove my criticism true: that Morek is as old and crusty as a mummy.

Bowie Ironsides (Knight of Muspelheim)

Roleplay from Kyp Duron

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Kyp found it hard too believe, but he was actually enjoying himself at the party, something he hadn't felt in too long. He gulped down another drink of ale, letting it slither down his throat. It was a party for Sir Bowie, a man that is been about as old as his uncle had been when he died. He shook his head, clearing away the memories. This was a happy time. He was in a party too celebrate his comrade, and he himself was celebrating, in part, of his new appointment too Lord. He smiled for a moment, realizing he was about half of Sir Bowie, and hadn't even done half of what he had done. He caught a glimpse of the man, and smiled, "Happy birthday Sir Bowie," He said. "I hope you don't mind if us younger men down all your ale."

Letter from Menelaus Raghnall (1 day, 14 hours ago)

Sir Bowie,

Happy days of your survival on this great place where we live, breath and die. Half a century is indeed quite an achievement, one which I am looking forward to achieve in a few years. However this idea of celebrating ones birthday, I am slightly unfamiliar with. But I am always open to new ideas and this one certainly sounds interesting.

But I regret to say that my duty as High Inquisitor is keeping me in the South and as such I am unable to accept your invitation. I do appreciate the offer though. And in the spirit of celebration, please accept this bottle of wine that I am sending along with this letter. The label has worn away and I have sense forgotten where I obtained the wine, but I recently had an exact duplicate of the wine that I am sending and I thought it was quite delectable. Hopefully it arrives safely and in one piece.

May you enjoy the gift and continue to live an eventful life down the long road ahead of you.

With warm regards,

Menelaus Raghnall

High Inquisitor of Morek Empire, Count of Linhai

Letter from Bowie Ironsides

(Personal message to Menelaus Raghnall)

Gratitude and praise belong to you High Inquisitor, your wine and wishes will be cherished.

It is regrettable that you cannot attend my party. Perhaps the next soiree I throw in my estate you will be available? I have found lately that I miss the old days when I socialized with my peers, as was frequent when I lived in D'Hara. This element Morek sorely lacks and I intend to revive it!

Enjoy your business and I shall see you soon, either at a party or in the dueling ring of the Convocation.

Bowie Ironsides (Knight of Muspelheim)

Roleplay from Bowie Ironsides

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Finishing a glass of wine, Bowie was approached by Lord Kyp.

"Thank you for the wishes and please do not feel out of place young Lord. Just because you are amongst we ancients does not make your life any less noble. In fact, it should inspire you to take up a calling and outshine your predecessors. You should make us feel old instead of we making you feel young. Here, have a glass of this wine and you will smile wider. This was a gift from High Inquisitor Menelaus."

He poured a glass for the young Count and then continued. He had a few already and was noticeably chatty.

"I can tell you the wildest stories of things we did in the past but I wish to know something about you. I came to this Empire seeking sanctuary from those beastly daimons who stalk the Maroccidens, what about you? Where are you from? Where are you going?" He spilled a bit of his wine, "Excuse me. Please, Count Kyp, indulge my yearning ears to hear the spirit of youth once again. You must have some ambitions?"

Roleplay from Kyp Duron

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Kyp smiled, taking the wine and sipping it. He took a deep breath, "Well, I was born in the kingdom of Wetham out in the colonies. When I was only a child, my parents were murdered by an invading army. Our Uncle Atticus adopted me and my two brothers, Zeth and Jessie." Kyp smiled sadly at the mention of his brothers. "Unfortunately, our uncle was the General of the army, and was often away from home, leaving me too raise my two brothers. As soon as I was of age, I became a knight in the army. It was around this time that Jessie migrated here, becoming a Lord in Madina. Back in Wetham, I had gained fame quickly, fighting alongside the best our kingdom had. Soon, I was promoted too marshal of the army. But things had started going bad in the war, we had lost much of our land, including my own estate. When the enemy threatened our capital city, my brother came home..." Kyp closed his eyes. "In a coffin. He was betrayed and killed in a duel," he waived his hand. "But that's another story for a different time. Anyway, the massive enemy army attacked. I led the army as best I could, but we were incredibly outmatched, and I couldn't do anything...." Kyp fought back the tears. "My uncle, who was the king at that time, and my brother Zeth were killed in the fighting. Only myself, my wife, and a handful of survivors were able too take a ship too here."

Roleplay from Bowie Ironsides

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Pouring a second glass of wine to fill Count Kyp's other hand, Lord Bowie replied.

"My my young Lord, you have tragedy in your past, but also royalty. That is something to be proud of. Here take this glass too and drink it, it will help you forget some of those memories for the time being. So you have come to Dwilight to escape the fate of your homeland and to raise your family in safety. You have made a wise choice, Dwilight is a frontier. It can be as dangerous or as profitable as you make it out to be. This continent, for me, is an open playground and every instant is an invitation for opportunities. It is a sincere hope of mine that you stake your claim and bloom here. I too came here to start a family and find adventure. I did all of those things, although not to my original expectations."

Bowie finished his glass and signaled for his servants to bring the harder stuff. He was a rummy by nature. Then he continued,

"I take it that you are the soldiering type? Unfortunately you find yourself in a comfortable Empire. Perhaps you enjoy this? What are your expectations for your future?"

Roleplay from Bustoarsenzio Peristaltico

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With a letter apologizing for not being able to participate to his birthday party, because finally he found the time to bring his men to the frontlines and have some healthy battles once again, the stewards of sir Bowie's estate received a gift from the Grandmaster for their master.

In a finely crafted leather tube, emblazoned with the royal seal of Virovene, there was a very old but remarkably well conserved map of the north east of Dwilight. Not the work of a simple peasant, one could still spot remnants of the golden ink used to write the names of prominent areas: all different from what they are now, and some even using letters no one remembers the sound of.

The final remark of the Grandmaster's letter spelled: "a gift worthy of the most remarkable living historian of Dwilight. an interesting riddle for yourself to figure out when was this map made. No one apparently knows."

And of course the gift was enriched by two barrels of good wine, just to make sure the party wouldn't run out of fuel.

Roleplay from Kyp Duron

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Kyp accepted the drink and took a sip.

"This is the first peace I've known in a long time, it's both comforting and unsettling, but my new position is keeping me busy enough." He set the drink down, and thought for a moment, "As for expectations... I don't know." He shook his head. "After what's happened in the past years, I'm not sure anymore. I've learned too not be surprised by anything..." He laughed. "I suppose my goal is too live as long as you."

Letter from Ingi Vlad (2 hours, 17 minutes ago)

Sir Bowie,

Congratulations on your birthday, please excuse my absence but as you may have noticed I'm in the other side of the empire performing the so awaited expansion process.

I hope we can have more talks regarding what we are going to do in the convocation of the sword guild.


Sir Ingi Vlad

Ordermarshall of Morek Empire, Marshal of the Order of the Maddening Star

Letter from Darius Malo (1 hour, 12 minutes ago)

Lord Bowie,

It looks like these monsters in Huanghai are going to keep me from attending your party. I have sent a scarlet silk robe made from the Huanghai's notorious Ang Caterpillar. The worm is slow producing this fine silk and thus only a few of these robe leave Huanghai. I hope you like it and congratulation on reaching 50.


Darius Malo

Count of Huanghai, Marshal of the Order of the Austere Star

Letter from Bowie Ironsides

(Personal message to Bustoarsenzio Peristaltico)

Thank you for the wonderful gift Grandmaster, you know exactly what an Old Demon like me likes. I regret that you are unable to attend, but there shall always be other parties in the future.

Hmm, I shall examine this map further...hmm. Let me pull out some of my books.

Bowie Ironsides (Knight of Muspelheim)

Letter from Bowie Ironsides

(Personal message to Ingi Vlad)

I am glad to receive your wishes Ordermarshal and please do not apologize, I have sympathy for the busy schedule of a General. There will always be other parties in the future.

I have been thinking of a way to organize our duels for better scheduling but am unsure exactly how to go about it. Something to iron out with the Convocation, no doubt.

Congratulations on the conquest of Shomrak! Hey, if you reach Ashrak don't forget that I was its last Lord, hint hint....

Bowie Ironsides (Knight of Muspelheim)

Letter from Bowie Ironsides

(Personal message to Darius Malo)

Marshal Darius,

Conversely this party is keeping me from fighting the monsters with you. I suppose there shall be more monsters in the future as well as more parties. Let's hope for our sakes one isn't confused with the other. We would not want to wine and dine beasts would we?

This is an excellent quality silk robe. I am pleased to receive it! Scarlet is one of my favourite colours. I shall wear it so much that it will be a defining characteristic of my dress.

Thank you kindly.

Bowie Ironsides (Knight of Muspelheim)

Roleplay from Bowie Ironsides

Message sent to everyone in your realm (31 recipients)

Bowie, now two glasses into the rum, slapped Kyp on the back and laughed heartily.

"Excellent answer my boy but you realize that I am immortal and will outlive everyone." He took another sip but coughed it out. "Forgive me if I blurred the lines between host and mentor. I suffer from pedantry. Now that we and the guests are sufficiently, how should I say, filled? Now we enter the fun phase! Follow me!"

He grabbed Kyp's hand and led him to another room, a larger decorated room. In there Kyp saw a line up of beautiful women dressed scantily.

"One of the many perks of being a Demon is that you get to indulge your vices without guilt or condemnation! HahaaaHaaa! Take your pick my young friend. Please your eyes and your skin with my female delights. Or if you prefer men, there are a few over there who might strike your fancy!"

The guests starting filing into the room and the party entered its next level. None of this was detailed on the invitation, but this being the birthday party of the Demon of Dwilight these sorts of occasions are implied. Bowie stood next to Kyp and watched the scene.

"Marvelous isn't it? For all our concern over posterity and principle at the end of the night we are merely flesh obsessed creatures. Tell me Kyp, before you are tempted to break your vows to your wife, tell me if it is acceptable, maybe even encouraged, for a man to indulge his vices if given the opportunity? You, more than anyone here, are in the perfect position to answer that question."

Roleplay from Kyp Duron

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Kyp forgot where he was for a moment, wondering if sir Bowie was either either drunk or just insane. Then he caught a glimpse of one of the girls, and when his gaze lingered, he shook his head clear. He turned too Sir Bowie, a neutral look on his face, "While I'll admit that I am tempted," He said. "But acceptable? Never in my eyes. Thank for for the drinks and the talk, but I believe that I have much work too do back at my estate." He began too exit the man's estate

Roleplay from Bowie Ironsides

Message sent to everyone in your realm (31 recipients)

As the Count turned to leave Bowie responded to his answer.

"You have made the smart choice. The choice I should have made so long ago. It's too late for me now I am afraid. On a lighter note, I am grateful to have spent this time with you tonight. You have made my party memorable. On your way out please help yourself to any leftover food or drink. Safe journeys!"

He took a deep bow and then joined the nightlife of his party. He had intentions for a phase three after the debauchery, but that is a story best left unsaid.