Lapallanch Family/Kihalin

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  He is the Baron of Chrysantalys Mines and a Marshal of the Defenders of the Blood stars. Also a former member of the Warders of the Island Citadel. He commands infantrymen. The first noble of Astrum to win a sword-fight tournament. He joined a crusade against the Saxons of Thulsoma.

Kihalin was always intrigued by Sword Arts and dedicated his childhood on mastering his swordsmanship. When he left his ancesteral home of Sirion, he decided to travel to Dwilight where he will have monsters and undead creatures to test his sword. Monsters and Undead of Dwilight were famous for their strength and cunningness which surpassed any monster in other continents.  He travelled throughout the land until he found the great realm of Astrum where he sworn his oath as a knight of Chrysantalys. He fought under Duke Sergio for three years until he was appointed as Baron of Chrysantalys Mines. Chrysantalys Mines were falling apart when he was just appointed but after months of repair the region was restored to its former glory. He joined a tournament opened in Storms Keep shortly after the restoration of the mines but lost in the round three. He was shocked by great swordsmen of Dwilight and trained himself against monsters and undead of the mountain of Remorse. His training paid off and he became the Champion of the tournament of Valkyrja.


  • The First Tournament: The Tournament in Storms Keep (400 gold for the winner), lost to Sir Jonn from Pian en Luries(the winner of the tournament) in the round 3.
  • The Second Tournament: The Tournament in Valkyrja (1000 gold for the winner), Defeated Sir Greg from Morek Empire and won the tournament. [1 st]
  • The Third Tournament: The Tournament in Golden Farrow (1200 for the winner), lost to Sir Greg from Morek Empire and achieved the second place (600 gold). [2 nd]
  • The Fourth Tournament: The Tournament in Valkyrja (500 gold for the winnier), lost to Earl Larkin from Caerwyn and achieved the second place (100 gold). [2 nd]

The Crusade

  • He was defeated and captured during the siege of Storms Keep.
  • While the crusaders were assaulting the keep,he killed one of wardens and escaped in the confusion.
  • Defeated the Saxons, the second crusade was a success.
  • Promoted to a Knight Crusade within Sanguis Astroism.

Marshal of the Defenders of the Blood Stars

  • He defended the Chrysantalys regions against monsters from the mountains of the north of Chrysantalys Mines.