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"no traveller will be harmed until Waywatchers guard the road"

note: this is an historical research, nothing of the notion in this section can be considered true at 100%. The reaserch is conducted by the Dwilight University, Bowie Ironsides Dean of History and Muris Vecchioratto Dean of Art.

Short note History

the past lord of Via, was a vassal Echiur. During that period, Golden Farrow was in war with Echiur. For that was created the fortified Pass of Via. That pass is a crucial place for all the region, was the only safe road for go trought the Barrow Chain and the deep Forest Lavendrow. The war during seven year and after two year of siege Force of Golden Farrow take Castle Via. The Vizir of Golden Farrow, impressed by the bravery of Shiro Kentamai the leader the castle resistence decide to not tear down the castle and found here an important stagional market. The crossing of Via acquire even more importance. The market of Via, placed in the middle of the caravan way between Echuir and Golden Farrow in the west east axis, and between Shokaloom and Itau in the North Sout Axis, bring to the city a lot of welness and improve all the area economy. But soon the two long caravan way become pray for brigant and the incoming Monster Invasion. the Regent of Via, Lord Serenghe Kelari decide to found a mercenary corp to protect trader on the way. After year the Waywatchers Army become the main army of Via and sponsored by Golden Farrow and Echuir start to protect all the road of the region. This way the Waywtchers lose a little the shape of the elite army for become more similar an expansive Watcher. Loosing quality, the utility of the army end. last combat recorded away from Via is the Wakreno Defeat, in that plain over four hunderd Waywatchers from Echiur and Via regiment fall under a huge Moster swarm hit, Ghurian Kelari, the last descendant of the Waywatchers Founder was slaughterd in this plain.

Via Regiments

Via was the main fort of Waywatchers, in the fortress was foun proof of three regiments in the peak of Waywatchers History. their was:

First Regiment

They was the first and most active Regiment, divided in 8 patrol they control all the trade way.

Gate Guards regiment

The Gate Regiment was in charge of protect the Fortress of Via. A proof of this regiment was a weapon find in Lowervia

The Pathfinder Regiment

This was a small force, focused on scout and pathfinder, duty of this Army was in found new route and hunt any rogue who can be a threat for the main route.

Golden Farrow Regiment, The Vizir Regiment

Was an honour regiment with the duty of escort the Vizir in his travel trough the west route.

Echiur Regiment, The Ocean Regiment

Was a small regiment on service for escort goods who come from the sea. Some Waywacthers was used even as Marine for fight aganist some pirates.

Itau Regiment, The North Hunters

The Iatu North Hunters was in charge of the north inland rogue invasion protection. Was one of the biggest regiment, slaugheterd on duty in Dunbrook, Aganist an horde of Undead creature.

Shokalom Regiment, The South Guards

The City of Shokalom never real support the Waywatchers, so the South Guards appear to be only a deal left on paper.

Koshtlom Regiment, The Purple Regiment

The city of Koshtlom was part of the Forts chain around the Mountains of the Dragon. It was the last station of the commercial road that spread off from the fortress of Via. In the city was establish a small department of Waywatchers, The Purple Regiment, this misfortunate regiment search for years a sure way towards the fortress of Via through the woods Gonophor. The safe path was never found, rogue and savage wolf was always too dangerous for trader carovan. The route through the north and the sea turned out to be the best.