A Dwilight Adventure/Part 1

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Roleplay from Rodale
In the offices of the local magistrate, a rather scruffy, dirty peasant plonked a few scraggly monster ears down on the magistrate's desk.

"Good Sir, I be here to collect a bounty on these here monsters. I done killed 3 of 'em."

The magistrate snarled at the mangy peasant. "Look here, you! Get that trash off my desk."

"Please, Sir. The man at the tavern, he told me there's a bounty on these."

"The bounty pots are empty. Now get this trash off my desk before I have you beaten."

Rodale frowned at this news. "So, I don't get any silver for these?"

"No!", the magistrate yelled. "Guards!"

Rodale ducked his head and ran out of the magistrate's office as fast as he could go. He left so quickly he didn't even think to grab his trophies on his way out.

Roleplay from Rodale
Freshly fed and rested, and having scrubbed off most of the dirt (at least the dirt you could see), Rodale sauntered into the smithy in Rye and whistled for the smith.

"Smith! Smith! Come here. Show me your best swords!"

The hulking smith glanced at Rodale's none-too-fine clothing. With a sneer he said "Heh... Show me your coin. Then maybe we'll talk."

Rodale reached into his pouch and pulled forth a handful of coin. There was the glint of gold there, but not much. Most of it was tarnished silver.

The smith barely even glanced at the paltry coins. He reached over to the stand near the wall and grabbed a dagger. Without a sheath. He plonked it down on the barrel that served as a counter, then held out his hand.

Sheepishly, Rodale deposited a few coins in the smith's massive paw. The smith smiled, then wiggled his fingers for more. This continued until Rodale had deposited nearly every one of his coins into the smith's hand.

Rodale picked up the dagger and nodded to the smith. "My thanks, good man. Perhaps we'll meet again." Rodale then exited the shop, hoping to preserve as much of his dignity as he could. Hopefully he could find a snug bush to sleep under before it got too late. This adventuring business was hard ...

Behind him there was a slight splashing noise as the smith, shaking his head, dropped the coins into the barrel.

Roleplay from Rodale
Rodale arrive in Nifelhold in the dead of night. The streets were dark. The oil lanterns at the street corners had been allowed to go out. Not a single person wandered the streets.

Rodale walked from door to door, knocking at all the taverns and inns he could find. They were all locked, and no one would answer their doors. He tried at a few stables even. No answer. After a while, he noticed that there weren't even any whores out looking for customers.

Something was definitely wrong in Nifelhold. Rodale snuck down an alley and hid under pile of garbage until morning.

Roleplay from Rodale
Rodale panted heavily as he hid behind the thick bushes. It seemed like he'd been running for hours, and he was thoroughly exhausted. After a few minutes he gathered himself together enough to take a look around him. The woods weren't as thick in this part of Cortlandt. But it was still as gloomy as it had been in the deep forest. Roland looked up to see if he could catch a glimpse of the sun through the sparse canopy of trees. When he finally found the sun he blinked it surprise. It seems that he actually had been running for hours.

There were monsters everywhere in Cortlandt. But not as bad as Nifelhold had been. That lands outside the stronghold had been positively infested with them. Not surprising since the lord did not offer bounties for killing them. Rodale had been beaten within an inch of his life several times before he'd given up and left Nifelhold for greener pastures. No point risking your life without any chance of getting something in return.

Which lead to Cortlandt. Yes, the region might be full of nasty beasts. But at least the lord paid well for killing them. Rodale checked to make sure his rusty short sword was still in the sheath at his side. Then he slowly crept out of the thicket and went off to find a place to spend the night. The silver in his pockets would buy him a good night's rest in some farmer's hayloft.

Roleplay from Rodale
Rodale had been walking around the Empire for what seemed like months. Nothing but empty bounty pots from Stratford to Nifelhold, and all the way up to Cold Spring. Springdale city itself had bounty pots full to overflowing. But what's the point of a full bounty pot, if there's nothing to hunt? A man had to eat, after all. And it was hard to survive if he didn't get paid for his work. Rodale still had a few silver left in his pouch. Enough for another few days' lodging before it ran out. Maybe by then he'd find a place where the lord actually bothered to keep the bounty pots stocked.