Asenian Courier/Issue 4 - January-February 2011

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Miniasena6.jpg Asenian Courier
1 Silver with Honour and Valour Issue #4 - January-February 2011
Total War!

Duke of Kalmar...Captured?
11 February 2011 (Kazan) by Joseph Ironheart, Ambassador of Sultanate of Asena
In the first meaningful between battle the Sultanate and OI. Paul Aelradir, High Samurai of Obsidian Islands, Duke of Kalmar has been captured by our valiant units. Having the duke of their capital and only city captured, is indeed an ominous sign for a realm that thrives on backstabbing its neighbors. Betraying Old rancagua in the past, and now betraying the Sultanate (for the third time!) at present. Perhaps our friends in the islands will redeem their honor one day by removing their backstabbing leadership.
11 February 2011 (Kazan) by Joseph Ironheart, Ambassador of Sultanate of Asena
After clearly informing them that they are not welcome in our lands. A host from OI arrives at Kazan, robbbing the very people, whom they claim to be going to liberate. They did not even declare war, simply sneaking into others' domain. Sultan Alparslan brother to the late Sultan Korkut, declared war upon them for defiling the lands of Asena in such a dishonorable fashion.