Occidens Occasional/Issue 4

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Price: 1 Silver The Red Griffin. Issue #4
Previous Issue 19 Dec - 15 Jan Next Issue
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The Red Griffin
20 December, 12 YD Karana Tian
Every so often I happen across one gem or another of some sort, and I see it and thank "I should write about that!" Well, today I write about a little guild house I stumbled across in Itau, known as the "Red Griffin". I'll just put a copy of what the sign outside says, and you can let me know what you think.
Red Griffin

Always in pursuit of a beautiful death.

Red Griffin is invitation only Guild, enter only if you or someone from your family has served in HSG your brothers will recognize you. If not you will be laughed at and cast out.
War Islands
4 Januray, 12 YD Karana Tian
A new board game has been seen being played by nobles far and wide, released by a man known simply as Tom. A game based around the eternal conflict of the now lost southern islands. This game is called War Islands, and while only a recent addition to the game rooms of the world, it is a game that is taking the populace by storm.
Request from the King of Summerdale
27 December, 12 YD Joash Hamarson
Archon Baal,

I have a message for a Knight of your realm, one Sir Muris Vecchio Ratto, and wish to extend my personal invitation to him and the rest of your people to come to Nifelheim and visit the Royal Heraldic Registry Guild.

With Respect, Joash Hamarson King of Summerdale, Duke of Nifelheim

Rumor Mill
25 December - 15 January, 12 YD Karana Tian
This Rumor Mill is going to be a long one, given the delay in publishing. Where to start, where to start? No promises on chronological order this time though. You have been warned.
  • Word on the street is that Corsanctum, while having difficulties always finding enough food, is selling it's food for extremely cheap prices. Perhaps they don't realize that when you sell food at market, it's available to ANY caravan?
  • Much work has been done as of late by the nobility of Dwilight to track the heraldry of the continent. The list of names involved is vast, but at least one is in Caerwyn: Muris Vecchio Ratto
  • It is said that at Astrum's declaration of war upon Averoth, the leadership of Averoth muttered only one word: "Finally."
  • Commoners and Noblemen alike are said to have been fleeing the borderlands of Terran recently after being attacked by the Zuma!
  • Ilena Blint was executed in Thulsoma for "The Misuse of your Office, for acts of depravity and the rape of prisoners and for attempted Sexual Assault"
  • The Grand Duchy of Fissoa is rumored to have claimed the title of "Realm with the Single Largest Region".
  • Tax collectors in the larger realms are reporting differently about how much the people hate being taxed!
  • Ordenstaat, long standing beacon in the wastelandish forests of southwestern Dwilight, has finally been snuffed out.
  • Astrum, while willing to talk peace with Averoth, has yet to see their enemies at the peace table yet. One can only wonder how much longer Astrum, and Caerwyn, will wait before abandoning the talks.