Blakeshadow Family/Rugina/A Nice Night?

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A Nice Night?

Rugina taunts the men on the street. But every single one of them kept away slowly moving, like Rugina was a snake ready to strike. She didn't understand it, no matter what gesture she did, they despised her, hated her, cursed her. And then they gathered around her. Each one a Green look in their eyes.

Rugina was felt changed, her cloths were rags, her hair was a short mess, what happened to the long hair she beloved??

Among the crowd was a laughing, a curdling cruel yelp of a laugh.

"Want it all back???? crackle Want your Ebony hair? Your Infamy? Your looks?!?! YOUR CLOTHS????? coughing Well girly, I will tell you what."

Out of the crowd came Rugina, but a wicked woman. Her yellow eyes a Jealous Green.

"I will keep al of your life! But I will give you this wealth!"

On the group by Rugina's feet, was a sea of gold coins.

"Would you like this trade?


I bet you would give every thing in the world for this."

Rugina crys out "The only thing I would trade my all for is HIS name!"

Rugina bursts up right out of the gold sea-.... her sheets...

Rugina gives off a Laugh of nerves"... What in the hell was that dream about???"

A scribe knocks on the rooms door and enters, staring at Rugina befuddled.

"did you have a nice night Milady?"