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Population 0
UnknownSome use of "" in your query was not closed by a matching "".


The Holy State of Corsanctum

Corsanctum is a theocracy on Dwilight dedicated to Sanguis Astroism. It was formed on February 20, 2009, when Prophet Mathurin Hossenfeffer seceded the city of Mimer from Astrum.

The Founding of Corsanctum

After many years of dispute between the theocracies of Sanguis Astroism, the Holy Prophet Mathurin Hossenfeffer decided that a new theocracy needed to be founded as a focus for the faith. After many months of hot debate it was decided that the Mimer Peninsula would be an ideal location for its central placement. Regions were acquired from Astrum and the Raivan Empire which formed the core of the realm. The most important part of this realm is its capital, Mimer City, Holding the High Temple of the Stars, the Palace of the Prophet and The High Tower of the Magistratum.

The Government of Corsanctum

Corsanctum is a Theocracy of Sanguis Astroism, founded by the Holy Prophet himself and so politics are closely entwined with wishes of the Stars. Since the Holy Prophet left to assume his life of seclusion and meditation Corsanctum is watched over by Regent Medugnatos Stormcrow. He is aided by Treasurer Goren II, High Inquisitor Marius and General Kamin. They are further supported by the 'Council of Corsanctum' and most issues are discussed there. The Coucil is free to join for any nobles that wish to.

The Military of Corsanctum

Corsanctum currently has one active army - The Corsanctum's Shield, sponsored by Lord Branthorpe Silverbear. It's mandate is to protect Corsanctum and her inhabitants from the monsters and undead that ravage the wilds of Dwilight. The Unterlands to the south are known as monster breeding grounds and many of the peasants slaughtered by the monsters become restless undead. The Shield is trying to clear the nests and help repair these regions. Newcomers might like to read the Guide to recruitment and operations

Fallen Heroes

Lady Zirena Khan, Countess of Mamaroneck, fell fighting monsters in Mamaroneck

The Merge with Aurora

When Aurora could no longer sustain herself, her nobles turned to Corsanctum. In July 2010 Mamaroneck and Weinschenk switched their allegiance. It was agreed that Corsanctum would soon march into Unterstrom to secure Aurora's capital but the hordes of monsters in the Unterlands hindered the army and as yet the banner of Corsanctum has not yet been flown from the ramparts of the city. The Morek Empire disbuted Corsanctum's claims to Aurora's old lands and relations worsened dramatically, with Corsanctum nearly invaded by a fellow Theocracy. After surviving that threat Corsanctum is working on honouring her promise to Aurora.

A Modern Corsanctum

Corsanctum is always ready to welcome new nobles, from distant lands or those newly come of age. There are constant monster and undead threats to be dealt with, especially in the untamed reagions to the south and so Corsanctum offers the chance to quickly gain recogntion, glory and honour in the name of the Holy Bloodstars. Initiative and devotion are rewarded and there is always a project to lend your sword, pen or voice to.