Petterson Family/Rangonio

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Mentor of Perdan, Count of Clermont
Weapon of Choice: Marble Staff Dyramiir



Rangonio gets sick of waiting in the rough cells of Ibladesh. He ruffles around looking for any weak spots in the cell bars, walls, ceiling. None were found, at least not in his cell.

Sick of the waiting Rangonio smashes his fist into the tough steel bars of the cell. His knuckles start to bleed.

"Guard! Guard!" shouts Rangonio with no responce, "OI! Scumbag! Get up!"

A guard stubbles of his stool and murmers to himself... "Mummy?!"

He stands up wiping the drool from his chops and straightens himself out. "Yes...?" the guard queries.

"How much is my ransom? I want outta here!" replys Rangonio.

"61G sir, but you have no money!" laughed the guard.

Rangonio reaches to his sock. Quite coincidently, Rangonio has exactly 61G in his purse. "I want my freedom!" he shouts! "I dont like your cell. At least in Sirion there is the occassional nice guard with a pillow spare."

With his shirt ripped and his clothing tattered and pieces of cloth falling off, Rangonio was wearing hardly anything without a coin to his name. He stumbles out fo the cells getting pushed to the fields on Zwar once more.

"What? Your leaving me here? Like this...?" questioned Rangonio!

I suppose Ill find my men, there should be a few remainly troops. He heads towards his last fortification in hope to see his troops once more. Several men had fell bloody to battle with Runts.

"Men! Lend me a lengthy cloth!" stummbled Rangonio "We head out now. We must continue were we left. Weher did the rest of Perdan's forces go"

"A siege on Ibladesh city sir!" squeeks a soldier.

"A siege?! Without me! I miss all the fun things. I bet they looted it to the ground!" Rangonio shouts as he runs toward Clermont! "Ill be back Ibby Scum!"


  • Guilds
  • Thought of moving
  • Count of Dimwood
  • BG Leader of Crimson Wing (Perdan Reinforcements)
  • Count of Clermont

Books of a Life Time

Rangonio's books will be placed here

Time Line

  • 14.12.2003 - Left his home in Nida, Atamara and emmigrated to East Continent joining the realm of Perdan.
  • 14.03.2005 - Appointed as Count of Dimwood by Gadouha, King of Perdan.
  • 10.06.2005 - Stepped down as Count of Dimwood.
  • 12.11.2005 - Appointed as Count of Clermont by Nightmare, King of Perdan.
  • 22.11.2005 - Lost post as Count of Clemront, due to a region revolting.