Ironsides Family/Bowie/Feast and Museum

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The Feast and Museum Visit

Roleplay from Bustoarsenzio Peristaltico

Moved by Bowie's speech the Duke shook his hand and invited him to follow.

"It was a moving speech. But I'm not sure all liked it. Maybe you would have even hurt me with your rich description of our faith, if I did not know you. But don't worry. we're in a campus. Freedom of speech is the basic requirement for culture to be developed."

Two valets opened the heavy doors of the History Department and they found themselves in the main hall. It was a large room filled with two rows of white marble columns. Two exits were at the sides, and at the opposite end to the entrance a large double stairway leaded to the upper floor. In the middle a pedestal stood with Bowie Ironsides engraved on it. No bust stood on it yet.

"At the banquet you'll meet the artist that shall make an appropriate bust for the main hall. Unfortunately no one around here knew you well enough to make one before your arrival."

Leading Bowie through the western exit first and then into another large room, they arrived to the banquet hall. Large tables were set and wine was already on them. Musicians and bards were readying their instruments in a corner, and scent of food came from afar. They sit in the center most places, two high chairs richly decorated with faces and leavy motives, and afterwards the whole table were filled by the various nobles that witnessed to the speech. Amongst them some to-be professors of the Department and the high priest of Muspelheim's temple, which could not avoid gazing Bowie with hate.

"Food will be abundant. I hope you will not be hurt by that, since I guess you did not have a good relation with Morekian food back in Aquilegia. You'll have the pleasure to taste the Cailyn roast duck. The most appreciated Dongese dish. And let me tell you that my cooks are among the best you can find around Morek. Unfortunately the wine is not the most famous one from Weinschenk, but no harvest took place there since a while, not since old Morek lost control of it."

Food started to be brought by valets and waitresses, and it was indeed abundant. Fried fish from Nimh, the already mentioned Cailyn roast duck, Blueberry jam from Caiyun, spiced bread from Muspel, mashed potatoes with mushrooms from Zhongyuan, stuffed cabbages with cheese and onions, grilled lamb pork and veal. Soon the banquet became the typical mess noblemen who drink too much tend to make and the musicians had an hard time to overcome the noise and make their performance noticeable. Among the chaos a young boy with a canvas upon an easel tried to draw Bowie but it was not an easy task due to the food movement and the target's unsteadiness.

The Duke seem to enjoy the feast, but kept a composed attitude, as if waiting for something. Suddenly a messenger seemingly coming from afar entered the dining hall and nodded towards Busto.

"I am sorry my friend. I have an important matter to discuss for some minutes. Make yourself comfortable, and stay away from the priests."

Sir Bustoarsenzio Peristaltico

Grandmaster of Morek Empire, Duke of Muspelheim

Letter from Bowie Ironsides

(Personal message to Bustoarsenzio Peristaltico)

Marveling and delighting at the food presented before him, Bowie was impressed. Knowing full well the views of most of the dinner guests, and that he probably singed many of their egos during his address, he figured he might keep to himself for a little bit, that is, unless someone provoked him, or if he found a plumb victim.

Just before the Duke tended to his own business, Bowie said,

"I am grateful for such a feast. The Muspelheim Campus is wonderful, much better than the shack I built in Ashrak, and of finer architecture and grandeur than the one that used to sit in Flowrestown, although that one had a better garden. Then again, gardening is that city's specialty."

It was especially exciting that he was going to have a bust made after him. Finally, he thought, there will be a lasting memento to my legacy.

And continuing his words to the Duke, he said,

"And besides, how could I have not taken the opportunity to relieve myself, that is, express myself, in front of all of those Astromancers out there? It would have been more unusual if I behaved than if I spoke truly. You know it was not an offense against you, right? I gave you the heart of my address. It was the least I could do for all that you have done for me, my dear friend."

Allowing the Duke to turn to his business, Bowie scanned the room for any would be takers to which he could pick a verbal fight with...

Bowie Ironsides (Knight of Nifel)

Letter from Bustoarsenzio Peristaltico

After a while Busto returned with a somewhat troubled expression.

Sitting again in his spot he whispered to Bowie

"Seems I am dragged more and more far from the military career and thrown into the politics one. A turn I dislike, but sadly is needed."

Drinking a sip and asking valets to bring in the desserts and the sweet wine, he added.

"Well our little dinner is over. Maybe we can quickly give a look to Virovene museum and then go back to the keep. I don't want to keep you here too much I guess you are quite busy trying to rebuild a life."

Desserts consisted mostly in fruit and pastries, tasty but not amazing. The wine was good though. They both left the dining room first, afterwards guards let the rest of the nobility to come out and go home. In the dim light of the winter evening Bowie and Busto visited the small museum. Candles provided some lights, and with them walked the responsible of the museum.

"Cato had a rather strong dream. But he was mad. Enough mad to succeed in the first part of his plan, where people came to his aid, but too mad to handle a realm that basically existed out of an act of his will. The secession of Virovene has been a quite dramatic moment, many felt how the faith was being used for Cato's purposes, but nothing has been done to stop him. Well anyway I guess history stopped him."

The museum was small but well organized. It consisted mainly in emblems carved on archways and large doors belonging to the keep or large palaces. A fine collection of potteries and jewels, all crafter for either the royal palace or for higher ranking families given the decorations, were exhibited. A parade Armour, probably belonging to one of the first Generals of Virovene, was standing in the second room of the small museum, richly decorated with stars motives and Virovene symbols. The most interesting piece in the whole museum was the robe Cato wore on the day he declared the independence of the muspelheim duchy from Springdale. It has been sewed with gold and silver thread and it had on the stomach the shield of Virovene made by silver and platinum plates.

" I am always amazed by this robe. Cato was indeed a remarkable personality, someone ready to enjoy all the comforts his position allowed him to."

Turning back from the robe towards Bowie he concluded

"Well here ends the inauguration. I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did, and I believe it's time for us to return back to the keep and have some sleep. Tomorrow your horse will be ready to take you back to Summerdale. Let me say it has been a real pleasure to have you here. It won't be easy to meet again I am afraid. I will probably become even more busy soon."

Sighing, he moved to exit the musem and the department, towards the keep.

Sir Bustoarsenzio Peristaltico

Grandmaster of Morek Empire, Duke of Muspelheim

Roleplay from Bowie Ironsides

(Personal message to Bustoarsenzio Peristaltico)

Upon the conclusion of the tour in the museum, a fascinated Bowie wanted to see more, but it was getting late and both men were pressed for other duties.

Before the Duke departed, Bowie made one more comment.

"You know Lord Polemarch, ah, sorry I was used to that title, I meant Ordermarshal, this city is littered with the marks of history. This museum is filled with relics of Virovene and Cato De La Fere. I feel that one day, maybe the next time I get to visit this duchy, I will see a city made in your image. Your signets and your personality will define Muspelheim. And I hope that when the time comes you give this duchy the great moment it deserves and elevate it to first rate. Muspelheim can be greater than Donghaiwei. It is in your power to fulfill that."

He shook the Duke's hand and wished him a good night, unaware that he was standing with the Grandmaster of Morek. How fast the whirlwind of life changes the scenery. In a blink, what was once a mighty tower could be nothing but rubble. A deep truth Bowie experienced several times.

Bowie Ironsides (Knight of Nifel)