Ironsides Family/Bowie/Muspelheim Duchy

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Touring the City of Muspelheim

Roleplay from Bustoarsenzio Peristaltico

Busto and Bowie went downstairs and crossed the main hall paved with a large mosaic representing a red Maddening Star on white ground. Outside they found a squad of guards watching two horses.

"I prepared for you one of my horses, yours must be tired from the trip. Captain Jurgen and some of my men will escort us towards the campus. I shall lead you through the noble district of Muspelheim. A sight that may be impressive or very sad, depending on your taste."

They left the main courtyard of the keep and headed westwards through the almost empty streets.

"You see, Muspelheim is quite interesting to be visited. The people of Virovene had a very different style from us dongese, and they had plenty of fine grey stone from the quarries of Mt.Black Nastrond, something that can't be found in the vast plains of central Morek. We are more used to build with clay bricks. Donghaiwei is a red-brown city, as opposed to Muspelheim's grey. In time, the two styles will mix together and, hopefully, create something totally new for the amusement of those interested by architecture. I'm actually writing an essay to be submitted to the university about the reconstruction of Muspelheim and its buildings. But it is still a draft and for sure won't reach the levels of your prose."

Proceeding into a large paved road, large buildings -mostly palaces- could be seen all around. Most of them were in ruin or abandoned, yet still in a decent state

"The noble quarter is the best place where to witness the taste of late Duke Cato and its nobility, enjoy it."

They rode in the cold wind of the evening, across the large noble district for some twenty minutes, slowly but steadily raising towards the hill where the campus was located. The palaces and large houses were built preferring height over width, almost everyone had one or more small sharp towers at their sides, few of which still stand undamaged. The gray blocks of basalt were usually kept uncovered, often decorated with colored bas-reliefs around windows and doors: names of the householders, leaves or rocky motives, draws picturing the bloodstars, blessings of the prophet or the flag of Virovene. Common were also large and magnificent balconies, upheld by laboured columns and decorated with statues picturing men women or even winged monsters. Few of these statues have been found, for they were highly valuable on the black market and looters stormed the city freely for years.

Walking in the noble district now gives a sense of creeping doom, for the high and gray ruined palaces appear like twisted and sad monoliths in the dim light of the evening, all the colours and sounds left these halls since long, reclutant to return. Here and there works were underway, some palaces were restored, some other were already populated by minor nobles. The city was slowly coming to life again.

"So, academically speaking, this essay is the only thing I'm working on. Unfortunately administration and leadership of the armies leaves me little time to work on that. And what about you? I bet you are already working on something. Maybe you can tell us about the realms of the north or about Pian en Luries, few here in the Dongese lands knows much about them."

Almost at the campus, Busto waited for Bowie's answer.

Sir Bustoarsenzio Peristaltico

Ordermarshall of Morek Empire, Duke of Muspelheim

Letter from Bowie Ironsides

(Personal message to Bustoarsenzio Peristaltico)

Bowie was marveled and delighted by the city he saw. Though some parts were worn and weak, his mind imagined the glamour and glory they would become under the reconstruction efforts of the Duke.

"Magnificent," he stated.

The Duke's mention of his new article on the growth of Muspelheim perked his ears and he said in reply,

"Why Duke, if you would like me to edit it for you I can certainly do that. As the Dean of History I take great pleasure in grooming and rearing Students. In fact, I encouraged the work of Student Jar when he was still young, and he became a Dean. I wish in the future that you would find yourself holding such an esteemed rank in our academic community."

As the conversation continued,

"I lived in Pian en Luries for only a short time and never planned on settling any roots there. What they have and what should be recorded I am not as familiar with. Although, as a member of the Keepers of Lore guild I can give you some historical articles about Pian en Luries that may enlighten your thirst for knowledge:

As for Summerdale, if all goes well I will be making history for that realm. Hopefully not in the same vain as what happened in Aquilegia, but something remarkable. Oh, I forgot, I was going to release my newest historical accomplishment on the Civil War in Aquilegia and I have a copy here for you:

I dedicated the work to you my friend in thanks for your honour and kindness."

He handed Bustoarsenzio the thin book and continued to walk towards the campus.

Bowie Ironsides (Knight of Nifel)