The Glory of Enweil

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Glory of Enweil.jpg

In every land, in every age, there will always be the ambitious and the youthful, those who would sell their soul for another lot of land or a little bit of power. Given free reign, they will spread their lies across the lands. They build their power on deceit, manipulation, and boundless ambition. Left unchecked these usurpers will devastate Beluaterra, and all it's inhabitants, in wars without end. Enweil will not stand idly by while the Barbarian Hordes ravage through Beluaterra. The Glory of Enweil will stand forth as a beacon of pride as Enweil enters her Golden Age and fights back the invaders at her borders.

The Glory of Enweil is a honest news media. All facts presented below have been verified, and all suggestions and predictions are based on reliable sources. Unlike the lesser newspapers of this world, the Glory of Enweil does not resort to lies, for such things are unnecessary and would lessen the strength of the messages. We are proud to bring forth that which others try to hide.

Among those who dislike oppression
are many who like to oppress.

- Napoleon Bonaparte
Micro Enweil.png   June 13, 2010   Micro Enweil.png
Sint not as innocent as they tried so hard to make everyone believe?
Anyone who had the least contact with a large group of foreigners would know that since a very long time, Sint has been trying to paint themselves as good guys, as warriors of mankind and opponents of the daimons. They tried to hide their alliance with the daimons, the fact they worshipped them as gods and the fact that they even tried to summon the "Destroyer of Worlds" to Beluaterra so that he may destroy us all. A faith which they still adhere to, interestingly.

But they claimed to have a change of heart. That the daimons were pretenders, and cited the battle or two they had against the daimons as "proof". However, truth was that Sint vehemently defended the Netherworld, and threatened war against all those who sent armies to Jobo's Mouth. And now, as their neighbours are being invaded by daimons: nothing. Sint has remained in their corner, allowing Netherworld to expand and take up new regions. And even when their neighbours, who had spent much effort to defend them on the diplomatic scene, get invaded by daimons and have their cities taken they still do nothing.

The hypocrisy of the self-righteous westerners is becoming irrefutable. How ironic that the very friends of Sint sometimes used terms such as "daimon-worshippers" to justify their betrayal of Enweil.

Micro Enweil.png   June 12, 2010   Micro Enweil.png
Typical stubborn hypocrisy
Enweil laughs at the accusations made against it by the southerners, as it shows the typical disconnection between Riombaran leadership and nobility. Despite being offered aid by Enweil, Riombara and the Dominion continually put Enweil down and refuse help. When DoA was asked to sign peace should that cooperation would at least be possible, Enweil was turned down in the rudest of ways. Later, when the Field Marshal contacted Riombara's and the Dominion's general to ask them how Enweil could be of assistance, they refused to reply.

So we drink and laugh. The south so very much loves to be martyrs, we know that all too well. They played the role so well before the invasion, we were silly to think they'd shed themselves of such shameful behaviour. After all, Enweil is, was, always was, and always will be the source of all their problems. Of course. Maybe they can get the martyrdom they desire, of the kinds of Valentia which quickly fades out of memory thanks to how inglorious their death was.

Micro Enweil.png   June 11, 2010   Micro Enweil.png
Westerners allying the monsters?
Word has it that the western realms of Heen and Mesh have been trying to ally with the monsters in order to save themselves from the daimons. The great irony is how Mesh used to zealously yell how all inhumans should be exterminated without consideration, and slandered human realms when they had better things to do, and that now that realm is seeking an alliance with the very faction that is destroying the allies she betrayed Enweil over in the South-East.

As the monsters ravage the peninsula, Mesh attempts to ally them. But word has it the monster simply think, and rightfully so, that they are stupid and have no intention to ally them. Regardless, the battles between monsters and daimons shall prove interesting for all of Beluaterra, as will the hypocrisy revealed from the realms which host the battles. Enweil is used to seeing such double-standards in her neighbours, however.

Addenda: Further looking into the matter, many interesting facts have been uncovered. As it appears, the realms of Heen and Hetland actually signed peace with the Monsters, while the realm of the Dominion of Alluran is the only human realm not at war with the Netherworld. Mesh is trying to ally the monsters, who are rejecting their offers, despite previously (annoying and) constant rhetorical about all inhumans being evil and needing to be fought of and long-during slander against all which took even remotely nuanced position.

Micro Enweil.png   June 10, 2010   Micro Enweil.png
Shame on the Dominion
Recent events seem to indicate that the Dominion places greater importance to arrogance than survival. When asked regarding an Allurite assassin trying to take an Enweilian noble's life, the following response was granted:
Letter from Celyn Haerthorne
Message sent to the generals of Beluaterra (15 recipients)
Go eat a pike, Chenier. Most of the reports coming my way are about how there are a thousand monsters ravaging my capital, a few from the monsters themselves and most coming from me are about getting all of this fixed. The neutrality with Enwiel is a formality with the way that your Supreme Chancellor treats the rest of us as scum, so if your "scout" can't be bothered to talk to the defenders of Eno and explain he isn't a foe then he might as well foot the bill for his own stupidity.
Celyn Haerthorne (King and Lord Protector of Dominion of Alluran, Marshal of the Raven's Regiment)

When asked for peace so that Enweil could come to assist them, the King's reply was:

Letter from Celyn Haerthorne
Message sent to all human rulers of Beluaterra (12 recipients)
Supreme Chancellor Alex,

Your first letter outlined how you would basically be left out of the war. In it you called all of us treacherous. Then when you sent the peace proposal I was wounded in battle. If you and your General are going to continue evoke strangely pleasant images in my mind of you both being impaled on pikes, I doubt we are going to get much further than neutrality.

Call back in a few days. Maybe I won't be so eager to strangle something then.

Celyn Haerthorne (King and Lord Protector of Dominion of Alluran, Marshal of the Raven's Regiment)

One would think that they would be better-placed not to spit on our name. They seem to act much as the realm which preceded them on the very same lands, perhaps it's something in the land that gets to their brains.

Micro Enweil.png   June 6, 2010   Micro Enweil.png
Pride of Enweil
As some forked tongues spread vile rumours in some of the less glorious parts of the lands, Enweil today showed the world that nothing frightens it and that her armies are the mightiest of the lands. In a test of strength, Enweil overpowered the hordes of the First of Gilgamesh in Droxago today, a loss not anticipated by the Epic and which's repercussions are yet to be known.

Proud of the feat accomplished, the armies return to the capital to chop some vampire heads and re-asses the situation as hordes spawn all over in adjacent realms, notably the daimons to the west and the undead to the north.

Micro Enweil.png   May 26, 2010   Micro Enweil.png
Invasion again
Really, nothing else could have stopped the rightful and just retribution of the glorious Enweilian armies than an invasion. As ground trembled and a great cloud covered the skies, the invasion was revealed and the armed forces reluctantly returned back home instead of punishing the insolent for their crimes.

The gods must really hate Riombara, to make them suffer again and again our wrath without ever being allowed to put an end to it.

The News
DoA infiltrators attacking

Right after signing an alliance with the monsters, the Dominion sends infiltrators to attack Enweil. They were caught in the act and promptly thrown in the dungeons. Enweil is not pleased.

June 18, 2010

DoA allies monsters

Oh, the irony! After accusing Enweil of having some sort of "secret alliance" with the monsters, the south-eastern realms now ally them.

June 17, 2010

Death wish

Many days have passed since Enweil offered her aid to the southern realms and we still haven't got a response. They must just want to be left alone to die.

June 13, 2010

Monsters hammered in the west

As the monsters continue to try to fight the daimons in Reeds, the daimons are massacring them with increasing numbers. The monsters are also getting themselves killed in battles with Mesh, described by a southerner with family ties to the realm as "accidental", hinting there was some form of agreement between the monsters and the western realms.

June 12, 2010

Lunarion Lefanis buried

The dishonourable Lunarion Lefanis was buried today. He will not be missed.

June 11, 2010

Might of the Alliance

In Qual the allied forces of Avalon and Fronen dealt a serious blow to the undead. Enweil is proud to have such people as her friends.

June 10, 2010

Show of Enweilian might

In Droxago today Enweil showed the monsters what her armies were capable of. In an impressive show of might, fifteen hundred brave Enweilian soldiers pushed back the hordes and slew their leader, the First of Gilgamesh.

June 6, 2010

Monsters in the South

The monster armies have arrived by the southern seas, taking over rogue lands before moving on to Enweilian and Dominion lands. Multiple battles between them and the southern realms occured.

June 1, 2010


Vistuvis of Netherworld, Marshal of the Undead, and the they-thing of the Monsters have risen their forces and put the realms to challenge.

May 26, 2010