Doomed Axe of War

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Type Weapon
Discovered By Rhamnusia Mourmain
Discovery Date 20 July 2009
Discovery Location Outer Giask, Dwilight
Abilities Prestige +4
Current Owner Anarion Gryphonheart


The mysterious axe was first uncovered by the local adventurer named Rhamnusia, after which the commoner sold the axe to the Grand Imperator of Pian en Luries, Sir Anarion Gryphonheart. As Anarion sweapt away the barbarism around the Lurian Empire with this finely shaped axe, and as his own reputation and glory slowly started to rise, so did the power and prestige of the axe. From an item of minor value the Doomed Axe of War has earned the reputation of a mildly familiar item and has become a desirable object to purchase. Why exactly the axe is doomed has not yet been revealed.

This battle axe features a black stainless steel head, with creatures that resemble a gryphon or a dragon that are etched on each of the blades. The edges of this axe are sharpened and the handle is metal black, with gold accenting the shaft. The rest is made of stainless steel.