Dwilight University/History/Early Springdale Rebellion

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I arrived on the new world they called Dwilight four days before Attius Miriel was elected its first ruler. My ship also carried Sir Cato De La Fere and Sir Harthur Carver, with whom I had struck a good friendship. We decided to join the realm of Springdale, which looked promising, and as we had hopes of colonizing the lands together.

Early days

In the early days, King Attius ruled fairly and justly, leaving his seat of power as Duke, and appointing Lady Zyrinn Fallan in his place. Sir Lestat Corax was elected the first judge of Springdale. Sadly however, these times were not to last.

A rebellion is bred

King Attius's hand ever grew heavy, and soon, he would not answers a nobles query, and he would make bargains and deals without even informing the realm about them. His tyrannical ruling increased day by day. At first, only Sir Edelhart Marquis of Cold Spring and I dared raise a voice against him, but soon, so did the other lords, lead by Duchess Zyrinn. Finally, the lords made an ultimatum to Attius- create a Senate of lords, or face rebellion. He did not capitulate, unfortunately, and preparations for rebellion began.

Rebellion begins

At first, Duchess Zyrinn approached me to lead the rebellion, but I declined. I had started the protests against King Attius, and I did not want anyone under the impression that I did it in self interest, to put myself on the throne. However, it soon became apparent that there was no one to lead the rebellion; the bureaucrats demanded that the rebel leader have spent a month in the realm. The rebellion was delayed slightly, until the Lords finally found someone with the necessary qualification. Sir Neel Arya, a relative unknown, a man who had taken no sides in the entire conflict, had been chosen to hold the banner of the new Springdale. The choice perplexed me, but i knew there was nothing else I could do.


Soon, the rebellion broke out. Neel promised away regions to his supporters, including the city of Muspelheim to Sir Cato, who was Duke Nifelhold. It quickly became apparent Attius had no support, and his lone unit was defeated, and the palace occupied by the new ruler, Neel.

New Springdale

King Neel quickly established the Senate, consisting of councilors and prominent lords. Shortly after, Judge Corax was forced to resign following a scandal, I found myself Judge of Springdale, in an eminent position to witness our new leadership.