Da Hadez Family/Severn

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The House Da Hadez originates in the realm of Darka on the continent of Atamara.

Severn Da Hadez

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Error: No contents found at URL https://battlemaster.org/data/character.php?World=2&Name=Severn.


Severn Da Hadez was the first child born to Luthor Da Hadez and his second wife Lillith.

Quiet and somewhat reserved he is a loyal Darkan and dedicated family man.

As a child he idolised both his father and his older half-brother Balian who for a long time was his closest friend and confidant. He doted on his younger sister Erisha and the three step-siblings spent many happy years together in the lands around Eurotan in Northern Darka. Prompted by their father's ailing health Severn eventually convinced his father to move the family home to the capital where he would receive better care.

This infuriated Balian who had his heart set on leading the household from their home in Siver and considered this a play on Severn's part for control of the household. This and other events triggered a tragic spiral of paranoia and anger that led to Balian's failed attempt to end Severn's life. Severn, awoken by the chill of his brother's knife at his neck and saved by his personal guard, has never forgiven Balian's betrayal and swore never to let him set foot on Darkan soil on pain of death. Following Balian's flight from Darka to exile in Norland and the continuing decline in his father's health Severn has become the head of the Da Hadez household in all but name. He moved the household to Azzal as promised and has since dutifully followed the family tradition of diligent military service for Darka.

Ironically soon after moving the Da Hadez household to Azzal Severn was appointed as Count of Eurotan, a role that required him to split the household in two and return to his beloved homelands of northern Darka.

He stepped down from that position to become Baron of the formerly rogue region of Bitana at the north most tip of Darka, a move that would surely have infuriated his estranged half-brother further.

Severn generally keeps himself to himself and concentrates on his work for the home guard, maintaining the region of Bitana and occasional front-line warfare when his other duties permit.

Since the death of his brother Balian in the Norland / Minas Ithil war the rift between the two Darkan Da Hadez households in Azzal and Bitana are all but healed.

Severn Da Hadez