Blessed Book of Forbidden Knowledge

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Type Book
Discovered By Crayton Stormwind
Discovery Date 4 November 2009
Discovery Location Ibladesh, East Island
Abilities Prestige +2
Current Owner Crayton Stormwind

Crayton Stormwind walked out the gates of Ibladesh when he smelled something foul. He followed the smell until he heard a lot growls. He sneaked up on what seemed to him as an undead army. They were rather organized and looked disciplined though. Crayton killed the sentries silently and shot the next 5 with his bow. He then sneaked up to the camp and slit the throat of another 5 undead.

He heard some roars and he was noticed. He fought for his life and soon the undead were almost all gone. Then a bigger undead with a huge axe came out of the biggest tent. He roared and charged at Crayton. Crayton let him charge and think he was in the advantage, but when he was almost upon him he spinned away and slashed the undead with his sword. The undead was off balance and in that moment Crayton chopped off his head.

Crayton then saw a book on the floor in front of the big tent. It had a faint glow over it. He picked it up and saw lettering. If only he could read.