Ironsides Family/Bowie/Death Duel

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Roleplay from Hexic Jeckyl

Message sent to everyone in your realm (29 recipients)

Hexic passed through the gates of Qubel Lighthouse just prior to sunset, and quickly took command of the men available, sending them all straight to the battlements. 13 monsters would soon be on his doorstep, and he had no intention of allowing them to breach his defenses.

Upon review of the militia he had stationed there two weeks previously, the Duke was pleased. They were perfectly cohesive, with the highest level of training. The captain also had a keen sense of leadership, perhaps more so than many nobles serving in D'Hara. They had also taken minimal casualties while fighting a superior enemy. The Duke was very pleased by this.

Soon the battle was upon them. Jaysen's Acadian Scorpions archer unit and his mixed infantry taking up the forward most positions, and the militia archers just behind them. Arrows pelted down on the attackers as they drew near, and still has they attempted to scale the walls. With all the archer fire, and the melee from Jaysen's and Hexic's units, the monsters were repeatedly thrown from the battlements, causing further casualties. By the end of it, Jaysen's unit had suffered one fatality, and one injury. The monsters fared far worse. They had lost 6 of their original 13. Just to be safe, Hexic ordered for more of the D'Haran Guard to reinforce them. A few extra swords or bows wouldn't hurt, especially since his army would have to rotate between Port Nebel and Qubel Lighthouse. Might as well get enough people in the Lighthouse to properly discuss their situation, and issue assignments.

Having his captain Andric take charge of the men, Hexic walked along the walls to the other side of the keep, where he took up his favourite perch, overlooking the waters leading to Sallowtown. As he gazed upon the speck in the distance, he couldn't shake this feeling that something was wrong, and that Sallowtown was part of it. Perhaps it had something to do with Bowie. When he had been in Port Raviel, he had not gotten the chance to speak with him, nor with the Mother Confessor. The Confessor had been busy, and the Duke had a feeling that her servants hadn't even bothered to hell her that he had arrived, and was requesting audience. He had long suspected Bowie had been sent to the dungeons, but without gaining formal entry to the castle, he would not be able to make his way there to speak with him without raising suspicion. Something was definitely wrong. Bowie had not responded to the letter he had smuggled into the castle of Port Raviel. Either he was already dead, or he was not in Port Raviel. Neither was settling news. But if he indeed was not in Port Raviel, then he would be heading here, to Qubel Lighthouse, so he could go to Sallowtown. If what the Dragon King had told him was true, his long standing friend had betrayed him, and his trust. Living the life of a hero, Hexic had to make a hard choice. He could not simply arrest Bowie, it would be a breach of honour. He would either be forced to duel him to the death, or let him pass through the Lighthouse, and end his friendship with him. Either way, he would be ready for him.

He left his perch, and finding his way to the nearest set of stairs leading to the ground below, he made way for the Lighthouse proper. There was much work to be done. The first which was to call a draft. More men were needed in Port Raviel. A figure caught his eye, it was Jaysen. "Jaysen!" The Marshal called out. "You and your men fought well! Care to join me for a drink? We can take it up in the Lantern Room, the sight is quite breathtaking."

Sir Hexic Jeckyl

Duke of Qubel Lighthouse, Marshal of the D'Haran Guard

Fine issued

Kisharianda Onyxien, Confessor of D'Hara, Duchess of Port Raviel has put a penalty of 25 gold on Drakos Garalos (Knight of Qubel Lighthouse) for this reason:

"Judgment was held in private between Myself and Sir Drakos."

Roleplay from Hexic Jeckyl

Message sent to everyone in your realm (30 recipients)

With unexpected help from Duke Bowie Ironsides, and Alden Clarke, the monsters in Qubel Lighthouse were slaughtered. Hexic noted that both units tried to evade combat.

With the battle fought and won in under an hour, Hexic promptly ordered the D'Haran Guard stationed in the Lighthouse to move out to Qubel to deal with a new monster threat that had arose. With most of the nobles now occupied with preparing to move out, Hexic approached Bowie.

"I knew it would come to this. You are heading to Sallowtown. I have considered what to say to you should you show up here, and words cannot communicate the betrayal I feel. You have worked to undermine everything I have worked for, and betrayed my trust in asking me to spy on my greatest ally. For this, actions will now speak louder than words. Either you face me at sunrise, in a duel to the death, or you leave D'Hara in shame. I will not detain you, or Alden. It is your choice to leave. But if you do so without facing me, you lose all honour." Hexic removed his gauntlet, and threw it to the ground.

Sir Hexic Jeckyl

Duke of Qubel Lighthouse, Marshal of the D'Haran Guard

Roleplay from Bowie Ironsides

Message sent to everyone in your realm (30 recipients)

After the battle, Bowie was confronted by fate. Duke Hexic brought with him potentially the final decision Bowie would ever make. He replied thus,

"You know Hexic, all I ever wanted, ever, was to find sanctuary in Sallowtown. That city is a lot like me, on the fringe, unwanted. How beautiful and empty it is. But no, Cenarious had to be given a crown, a Duchess, a Princess and a realm while I fall even further. There is nothing worse this continent has done to me than raise him high and keep me low. It is an insult! You speak of betrayal, how about living under a glass roof watching your enemy thrive? How can a man live like that? Remember the things that I say Hexic. Tell the others the last things you hear from my mouth.

You need me D’Hara. You need me because none of you have the guts to be what you want to be. You need me so you can point your finger and say to each other, “there, that is the bad guy.” Are you so convinced you are the good guys? You are not good. You just know how to hide, how to lie and how to bow to worthless Cabbage. Me, I don’t have that problem. I bow to no one. I am honest even when I am lying. I am crossing that channel Hexic, and I guess it will be over your corpse. This is the last time you will ever see a “bad guy” like me again D'Hara. So say good night to the bad guy."

He tossed his cape off and unsheathed his sword. It was dark on the battlefield. The twilight of the sun was still a ways off, but the two had already found a flat plain to finish the great turmoil.

When the sun would rise, one would die.

The Prince,

Bowie Ironsides (Duke)

Challenged to a duel

Sir Hexic Jeckyl, Duke of Qubel Lighthouse, Marshal of the D'Haran Guard has challenged you to a duel of honour till death. You have 3 days to answer the challenge. In order to resolve the duel, both of you have to be in the same region. His challenge was accompanied by these words:

"Face me, or leave in dishonour."

Letter from Kisharianda Onyxien

Message sent to everyone in your realm (30 recipients)

Sir Bowie Ironsides If you do not present yourself back at the palace to face your court you will be faced with an immediate banishment to the realm of D'Hara. Your fate will be harsher then the one I gave Sir Rathan yes but at least he stayed and faced the accusations.

Many may wonder why I have been so lenient with the Marquis and that is only because in the last week he has cooperated with me through the whole process, otherwise he would be finding himself a new home.

Do not test my patience you have been warned!

Kisharianda Onyxien

Confessor of D'Hara, Duchess of Port Raviel

Letter from Bowie Ironsides

Message sent to everyone in your realm (30 recipients)

I am sorry Confessor, I cannot do that. Poor Rathan broke too easily I think. He should have at least put up some struggle. To tell you the truth, his swift cooperation is quite suspicious. He has fooled you into taking it easy on him. Watch what he will do next.

For myself, I am not one to take chains easily. Bans or fines, freedom in the desert or the mountains will be my new law.

The Prince,

Bowie Ironsides (Duke)