Ironsides Family/Bowie/The Folder

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Letter from Rathan Himoura

I have a proposition for you.

I am leaving D'hara. I cannot remain... Due to... Circumstances. Lets leave it at that.

I am making a colony in the West. I have two nobles ready to join me, but I require a few more. Will you join me? I require someone to be my general, and I don't have a sound military mind on board yet.

The realm will be devoted to the pursuit of knowledge, and I know a man like yourself can respect that. What do you say? I only ask you acknowledge that I am to rule over the new kingdom.

Sir Rathan Himoura

Marquis of Nebel

Letter from Bowie Ironsides

(Personal message to Rathan Himoura)

Propositions! I love that word.

When are you preparing to depart? I have unfinished business here. There are some things which I would like to do, or attempt, which I am preparing for. Depending on the outcome of that I will happily sign under you, so long as you recognize me as an equal and not your subordinate. I am a Prince, not someone's vassal. Other than that we should have no troubles.

Let me know more about your plans and maybe I will forget about mine.

The Prince,

Bowie Ironsides (Duke)

Letter from Rathan Himoura

Good enough for me. Welcome aboard. Start saving gold now, I'll keep you informed on my progress.

Sir Rathan Himoura

Marquis of Nebel

Letter from Bowie Ironsides

(Personal message to Rathan Himoura)

How far west are you planning on going? Would you need me to participate in the colonization effort? What I wish to do may take a while.

The Prince,

Bowie Ironsides (Duke)

Letter from Rathan Himoura

Koshlton is our goal. Just North of Daimon territory. They won't mind.

But yes, I will need you to participate, if you tell me what needs doing, I might be able to help. Also, if you know anyone else who might want to join us, let me know.

Sir Rathan Himoura

Marquis of Nebel


Letter from Bowie Ironsides

(Personal message to Rathan Himoura)

Alright Marquis, the two of us have usually been similar in method though different in motive. Since you have already begun to separate yourself from this realm in your mind then you may be more receptive to what I am about to tell you. You should immediately realize the danger I have just put myself in, but, I have always been a risk taker and I certainly do not hold much weight in trust.

It has occurred to me that Cenarious is leading the realm in the exact opposite direction of where I want it to go. He has left me in the dust and I am not happy. I have always been a patient and determined man and I have ambitions and goals. Since we overthrew the Old Bat I have been operating with the position of cooperation in hopes of accomplishing my aims. Cenarious is no longer interested in cooperation. Cenarious has become an obstacle.

You say there are things in the realm that are causing you to move away? Why should you leave and start the incredibly long and immensely difficult journey of traveling all the way west and attempting to build a new home for yourself? Instead why don't you push out the thing that is causing you to move? I want to push out Cenarious and take D'Hara for myself. A coup d'etat. Those who will likely oppose me will be his wife, the Duchess of Port Raviel, most likely the Duke of Port Nebel, and probably a lot of the other Lords whose minds are unformed and too feeble to realize his inadequacies. That means there will be room for a lot of promotion. This plan is my unfinished business. Sallowtown will never be mine so long as that dolt blocks me. Either I push him out of the way or I fold.

Proposition. Instead of building a whole new realm far west, taking all of that time and effort, you and your two companions join my collegiate and we steal this realm for ourselves. There will be a city in it for you, and a nice government rank. Any one except banker is for your choosing. It should be obvious that I will be the ruler in this scheme. If we fail then we move to Caerwyn as colonists, gather resources and make an attempt at Echiur, the last best city.

Does that douse your intention to leave? Do you find it appealing? You know we could do it. We just have to sell it the right way.

The Prince,

Bowie Ironsides (Duke)

Letter from Rathan Himoura

You always have known how to spark my interest. I'm in, and so are my associates. I want to be D'hara's new Confessor. I never thought there was interest for it, but I definitely agree with you.

My other term is:

We kill Mathias.

Sir Rathan Himoura

Marquis of Nebel

Letter from Bowie Ironsides

(Personal message to Rathan Himoura)

If you wish to kill him, I won't stop you.

Alright, let us begin the scheme. The Confessor position is yours, and depending on the outcome, you may have one of the cities. We must look towards gathering our forces in the capital and slowly poison the environment of the people around us. What I wish to do is make the realm, who are largely lazy and uninformed, understand that all we are doing is replacing one man with another. Cenarious for me. Of course the whole cast of lords will probably change, but so long as they feel they are not going to experience a major change, they might not mind and they might not resist.

I have ideas that I am nurturing on how to spin this, and I will start sending out short and subtle letters to my colleagues in the realm to gauge their loyalty to the Cabbage (his code name from now on). We must try to gather as many sympathetic nobles into our camp without telling them our true intentions. This way when we finally do chop the head of the snake they will likely step aside instead of step in the way.

Please introduce me to your friends and feel free to share any other ideas you have. This league of chivalry that exists in Port Raviel I assume is the Cabbage's effort. That must be destroyed as well after we take power.

The Prince,

Bowie Ironsides (Duke)

Letter from Rathan Himoura

I'll introduce you to my associates in person. As for killing Matbias, I will take great pleasure in it, but it has to look like you forced me to do it.

Sir Rathan Himoura

Marquis of Nebel

Letter from Bowie Ironsides

(Personal message to Rathan Himoura)

So you wish to dodge the moral blame and guilt placing it all on me? Hmm, I must admit I don't need this nor am enthusiastic about it. But if it makes you more confident in our scheme then we will arrange a performance in the future which will secure your innocence. Know this though, that this is a matter second to our ultimate objective and my participation will cost you one favour.

I am about to knock door to door to sell dissent. Whose doors can I safely ignore?

The Prince,

Bowie Ironsides (Duke)

Letter from Rathan Himoura

Alden and Drakos.

Sir Rathan Himoura

Marquis of Nebel

Letter from Bowie Ironsides

(Personal message to Rathan Himoura)


I will start engaging in conversations with some of the nobles of D'Hara. As the conversations move on, I will slowly place in dissension against the Cabbage. I shall then gauge their responses and measure their opinions. If I find them positive then I will speak a little clearer. If not, I will convince them.

No doubt we will face strong opposition, most likely from all the nobles currently in office and those in their camp. The others I feel are only a matter of proper education. If they are made to understand our position then our battle is already won.

By the way, you should begin to recognize me as Prince.

The Prince,

Bowie Ironsides (Duke)

Letter from Rathan Himoura

Prince Bowie,

Will you need me to 'cook' the cabbage? I can take care of that once things begin.

Sir Rathan Himoura

Marquis of Nebel

Letter from Bowie Ironsides

(Personal message to Rathan Himoura)


Do you mean put him down? Maybe it will be more enjoyable to keep him active and able to watch his ground fall out from under him. It would be disappointing for our opponent to be silenced, his protests and screams will give me great pleasure. Although it may be a necessary move, so do not rule it out altogether.

I have sent letters to the first two key figures of my plan. If I can turn them, the rest may not be so difficult. Slowly, I will plant the seed of rebellion, then when I see it mature some I will ask them to join us. How much do the others know?

The Prince,

Bowie Ironsides (Duke)

Letter from Rathan Himoura

They know enough. I've told them we're staying here, and instead of making a new realm, we'll just take our own.

I want Drakos to become the new Marquis of Nebel when I get my city.

And, actually, I think executing the cabbage might be more satisfying.

As for Mathias, I cannot take responsibility if I wish to obtain the hand of Sorsha. Could you perhaps try and delay their marriage?

Sir Rathan Himoura

Marquis of Nebel


Letter from Bowie Ironsides

(Personal message to Rathan Himoura)

I was unaware of any marriage. So that was your push factor, and the reason for Mathias' death sentence. Since when did you fancy Dame Sorsha?

Anyway, I have been invited to entertain the Duke in a secret bachelor party. The hosts are planning on kidnapping him, as a sort of fast one, then taking him to a surprise party. If we twist it to our advantage, you can kidnap him for real. What would you think the best trap?

Second item, what should be our timeline? I was planning a slow collecting of resources before a quick strike, but if you wish to use the rebellion to ruin the plans of your beloved, then that may be sooner than we can plan for. I do not know the date arranged for the wedding, nor how fast I will be able to convert the Cabbage's followers.

The Prince,

Bowie Ironsides (Duke)

Letter from Rathan Himoura

Who is hosting it? If we can find out who is supposed to be staging the kidnapping, we can kill the men they've hired, and have our own men take him instead. I'm moving to Port Nebel now. I can help you with funding for this, I have no shortage of it. How many followers do you have in this?

Sir Rathan Himoura

Marquis of Nebel

Letter from Rathan Himoura

As for a timeline, I cannot be here too long before striking without drawing suspicion. Two weeks would be ideal, a month at the most.

Sir Rathan Himoura

Marquis of Nebel

Letter from Bowie Ironsides

(Personal message to Rathan Himoura)

Oh, I have forgotten, ask your associates to speak with any of their acquaintances in the realm. If they extend the web then we will gain followers faster. Tell them to say something like this, making sure not to incriminate themselves or us. They can use this letter if they want:

Dear Whoever,

I have been in this realm for a while now and I don't think I am getting anywhere. Haven't you noticed how uneventful things are around here, save for the occasional social call - which I am never invited to. I thought there would be more action. Why does the King never make any big moves or grand speeches? Does he even know he is King? I might just leave to go somewhere else. What do you think, is it worth staying here?

Such and Such

Tell them to have all the responses sent to me so I can inspect the feelings of the answers. If enough people agree, the next message will include more direct comments like, "we can change this situation you know," and "I don't want to sit around and wait here forever. Why don't we make things the way we want them?" Then once the recipient starts to agree, we nab them with a "hey, I know some nobles who are planning an uprising. Let's join'em!"

Subversion skills are endlessly enjoyable, especially if they succeed. Please initiate this part of the plan. Use your men to turn others to our cause.

The Prince,

Bowie Ironsides (Duke)

Letter from Bowie Ironsides

(Personal message to Rathan Himoura)

The party will take place when Duke Hexic arrives in Port Nebel. How will you proceed with your plan? I do not want your hearthrows to interfere with our plans to take the crown, so here is what I propose.

You should intercept our attempt and kidnap Mathias for real. This way, it would seem like you are trying one last attempt to gain Sorsha and not let the Astromancer have her. By the time the full event plays out, after the search and rescue, and the accusations etc. we may be ready to strike. I can say for certainty that next week will not be a good time for me to engage in anything, I will be kept busy on business (OOC: going on a business trip to Montreal, will be gone from Wednesday to the following Tuesday). Once I return, we can initiate, or begin preparing for, the final curtain. Would you be able to stall the rescue of Mathias until then? About a week of keeping him tucked away?

Is there a time limit for your departure? I did not know you were being herded out.

The Prince,

Bowie Ironsides (Duke)

Letter from Rathan Himoura

How I feel about Sorsha will not interfere with my ability. I remain cold and calculating. I will take care of Mathias and company, and hold them as long as I can.

Sir Rathan Himoura

Marquis of Nebel