Ironsides Family/Bowie/Mathias

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Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell

Message sent to everyone in your realm (27 recipients)

The ship arrived in Port Nebel as the sun began to set. It would be night soon. Returning to the Ducal Palace, Sorsha was immediately stopped by Mathias’ guards. She was taken to their Captain and explained what had taken place with Mathias. She did not inform them of her plans, she needed to do this alone not alert everyone in the vicinity of her plans.

Leaving him, she ignored every other servant and guard that passed her and returned to her room. Closing the door, she leaned against it and looked to the bed in front of her, an image of Mathias appearing before her eyes, a memory of her last moment spent here with him. She could still feel his hand upon her face and see the smile on his lips. She touched the bedcover lightly. It had all seemed so perfect but then it fell apart into utter chaos. She missed him so much, she just wished he would appear out of thin air and take her in his arms and tell her everything was going to be right again. But he couldn’t…not yet.

Standing absolutely still she searched deep within herself, she took every emotion she had, her anger, despair, guilt, her love… and tucked it all away into a dark place in her mind. The sensation of numbness grew into the pit of her stomach and the flame that was her anger was fed with each possible emotion, every thought, everything that had happened within the last couple of days. When she was done, her face was a mask of emptiness, when she opened her eyes they were dull and lifeless.

Preparing herself, she redid her braid and finished it into a tight bun at the nape of her neck. Walking over to the pack on her bed, she pulled out her armored gauntlets and slipped them on. She then took out Síoraí, tied the belt to her leathers, her two scythed daggers were then added. Leaving the room she continued through the hall until she arrived to Mathias’ weapon room. She looked around and her gaze stopped when she noticed the spear she had given him. Impassively her gaze continued until she found a sword. Taking it she slipped the baldric over her shoulder and picked up a bow with some arrows. Satisfied, she left the room and the Palace.

When she got outside, she gave a high pitched shrill whistle and continued to walk until she arrived at the port. She received many wary glances but ignored them. She had already dispatched a message to have her Captain meet her there. When she saw his familiar face she gave one short nod, and noticed several men there waiting. “I will take you and five others, the rest of The Arrows will leave immediately for Port Raviel.”

He nodded at her words, he knew better than to ask questions, especially seeing the state she was in. The Captain turned, and without hesitation he picked out five men. They all wore dark capes as she had requested. Four she could see their faces, but one had his hood up. They all walked past her and preprared themselves.

Then there was a small flash and the Captain backed up as Lasair approached Sorsha at a lazy walk. He rubbed up against her leg and sat beside her. She leaned down to scratch his head. “I will need you too,” she whispered and the large ocelot nudged her hand in response.

They boarded a small ship, the quickest she could find, and they set off in the direction Rathan had told her of. It took them a while to get to their destination, when they did they were covered by absolute darkness but for the light guiding their way.

The island was small and a ship was anchored nearby. Men could be seen walking the shore. They noticed the small ship approach due to the lanterns being lit and began to move out alerted by the fact someone was approaching. The ship was brought as close as they could to the island and then it was anchored.

Lady Sorsha McDowell

Marshal of the Black Lions

Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell

Message sent to everyone in your realm (27 recipients)

Captain Johann was instructed to stay on ship and wait. He did so, and with four of the men who remained behind, he began to made as much commotion as he could.

Meanwhile, while the attention was drawn on the ship, with the cover of darkness, a small boat moved away. Sorsha looked to the man before her, his face hidden by the cowl of his hood. Hypnotized, she watched the steady movements of his arms. The cape moved over to reveal corded muscle beneath as the oars moved into the water. His movements precise and slow, to avoid as much noise as possible. He was large, his hands were large, calloused, made for heavy work, more so the handling of a sword. She watched silently refusing to speak, she would not even allow a slim chance of losing the void. Lasair was curled up at her feet, watching everything with lazy eyes.

The small boat circled around until they arrived at an area that was covered by the heavy folliage of trees. They stealthily jumped out of the boat. Sorsha removed her daggers and tightened her grip around the handles. She heard the flutter of a cape and heard the distinct sound of a blade being drawn. Pointing to him, she pointed to her eyes, and then to him. She motioned to the right of the trees, and then repeated the same movement for him but to the left. They seperated and ran off in their own directions quietly. Lasair following behind Sorsha.

They moved a distance away, keeping to the trees, and rocks to hide their presence. She was hiding behind a large rock when she noticed a man approach, and then another and soon there were four. They met and talked to one another, they shared a raucous laugh and slapped each other on the shoulder. Sorsha watched them with a calculating gaze and leaned down to whisper a command to Lasair. The large cat gave a growl and jumped out at one of the man and a large paw came out to swat at one.

The men scattered with surprised shouts. Suddenly a dark figure flew past and the first man was run through with a claymore. He fell to the ground quickly. Taking advantage of the element of surprise, Sorsha ran out and kicked one man in the stomach, he grunted and while he was stumbling back she swiftly drew her scythed dagger across another’s throat. He gave a chocked sound as he grabbed his throat and thuded into the sand. The other man was back up and Sorsha cut him once, and then twice and stabbed him in the gut. Putting as much strength as she could she cleaved him up to his throat.

She turned to look for the fourth man, but noticed he was already dead. She gave a nod of her head to the dark figure and they were off again.

They continued cutting their way through the island, killing every man they came across. She had given specific orders to leave no one alive. This was purposely done to leave a message.

Sorsha was unforgiving, she killed methodically, without flinching, she didn’t even bother looking at their faces. She used every underhanded skill she knew of, she had been trained from a young age, not only to protect herself but to use any means necessary to survive. She would let nothing stand in her way. In the distance, she heard similar noises of death. Grunts and groans and the last desperate gurgling sounds of blood filled throats as her partner killed what she wasn’t able to get to.

They finally arrived near a cave and she motioned for him to stop. This had to be where Mathias was being kept. The had simply followed the men here. This would be harder, eight men guarded the outside. She knew there to be more inside.

Lady Sorsha McDowell

Marshal of the Black Lions

Roleplay from Mathias Ridder

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Mathias had been sitting in this chamber what had to have been a week now. It had already been two days since he had freed himself from his bonds, however he managed to hide this from his captors. Sitting around he did the same thing he had done for the past few days which was twiddle his thumbs while waiting for something to happen. However something changed this time. Noise could be heard off in the distance something that sounded like battle.

Mathias sat and watched as the guard around him shrunk to the point where their leader was the last one left. Closing his eyes Mathias waited to hear as to what happened. Suddenly he heard a click as the door opened.

His captor giving a slight chuckle. “Looks like our time is up. If I can’t make it through this then you shall not either.” Then drawing his blade he approached Mathias and prepared to cut him down. However sweeping his feet Mathias managed to bring the man to his feet then grabbing his sword from his hand he began to laugh. “Heh, my friend. I have changed my mind. You shall not die this day. Oh no….far worse.”

Taking the sword, “First I shall remove your feet.” To which Mathias quickly lopped off his feet. Stopping for a sec he cherished the screams he heard. “Next, your hands” Then taking the sword mathias removed the man left hand. Then picking it up he waved it at the now screaming guards face , “Say bye bye to your night time friend… or is old trusty your right hand?....Hmm oh well. Don’t get too attached to it either!” Mathias now laughing like a mad man removed the right hand.

Mathias then noticed a dagger in the boot of the man. Picking it up he cut out the man’s left eye. “MY god man, can’t you stop whining like such a little baby?” Mathias said then shoving the eye in the man’s mouth. Then plucking out the last eye he threw it over his shoulder.

The screams of anguish and pain could now be heard throughout the cave. Opening his mouth Mathias grabbed the now half chewed eyeball and put it in the man’s pocket. Then grabbing his tongue he began to slowly saw it off. Taking his time with it.

Sir Mathias Ridder

Duke of Port Nebel

Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell

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When Sorsha ran in she expected more resistance but what she saw before her made her freeze in her steps. Mathias was in his cell, cutting off a man’s tongue. His limbs severed and dotted the ground around him. Her daggers were coated in blood, her armored gauntlets no longer shone, they dripped with it, she could even feel the stickiness of it as splatters of it, had already dried on her face.

“Mathias?” she said his name and the void trembled. She held on to it with an iron grip, if she lost it now she would crumble to the ground in a heap of relief and cry. She still needed to get him out of here and there was no telling if she had missed any of the men guarding the area. She continued to watch impassively as he finished doing what he needed to do and then he turned to see her.

Lady Sorsha McDowell

Marshal of the Black Lions

Roleplay from Mathias Ridder

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Mathias' eye lit up at the sight of Sorsha. "Mo Searc...I am sorry but we will have to save our rejoicing until we have left." he said then grabbing his mauled captive by the collar and dragging him by his side. "I need to make sure this man survives. I assume you brought some healers with you." he said dragging the man out the entrance to his cell.

Sir Mathias Ridder

Duke of Port Nebel

Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell

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Sorsha watched him as he dragged the man out of the cell. “Mathias, leave him, we have no time,” she said tonelessly. She pulled the sword out of and gave it to him. “We have to leave now.” He looked from the man back to her, and in his blue eyes she could see there was a bit of madness there, which probably mirrored her own at that very moment.

Had she been given the time, she would have tortured each and every one of them and enjoyed every second, but she had needed to do this quickly. Outside, she could hear new shouts and the sound of fighting, knowing more had showed. Well at least now they would be three, and she knew Mathias was safe, that was all that mattered. “He won’t be able to hold them long,” she warned, “he’ll need us.”

Lady Sorsha McDowell

Marshal of the Black Lions

Roleplay from Mathias Ridder

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Mathias through the man over his body and attempted to carry him out of the cave. But halfway through he noticed the moans and muffled screams of the man had stopped. "Hmm. Too bad I so wanted him to live through that. I had much more fun planed for him." Throwing him off his shoulders and onto the floor he gave him one more kick to the ribs and then continued his way to the ship for their escape.

Sir Mathias Ridder

Duke of Port Nebel

Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell

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They fought their way through the rest of the men around the area, and Sorsha led Mathias back to the small boat, not far behind the man in the dark cape watched the rear. They all jumped in, and she called Lasair who was only a few moments in arriving. When all of them were into the small boat, they rowed away. When they were away from the shore they didn’t return to the ship. She had instructed Johann to leave as soon as he was sure she was on land. They would be waiting further away but it would be some time before they reached the ship.

She took hold of Mathias’ hand and squeezed it but she didn’t show any other reaction or outward emotion. Not here, not now, she would wait until they were back home. Looking to the man before them who was rowing again, she started to wipe some of the blood off her face. “Thank you for helping me,” she told him softly.

Lady Sorsha McDowell

Marshal of the Black Lions

Roleplay from Kisharianda Onyxien

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With Rathan's act of swearing his loyalty in blood oath Cenarious accepted his terms to prove himself and asked that Rathan remained in the palace to answer all the Confessor question if any were brought forth. Cenarious made his way out of the room quickly after speaking with Rathan which caught Kisharianda's attention. She nodded at the King as he left the room and she turned her attention back at Rathan handing him her handkerchief to wipe his hand from the dripping blood .

"You know Rathan I wish none of this would have took place, and I truly wished that you would have shown this side of you to the King a lot sooner then now, maybe things would have turned out differently" she sipped her tea.

"Now I haven't gone over the list of charges with you as you are well aware what they are the King informed me that he has already narrowed them down to the point for you. However, with your oath which I will hold over you" she smiled at him "I will make a proposition to the King that will benefit us all in the end without having to exile you from your home" she sat back for a moment allowing him to ponder her words further.

"What I will propose to the King is that you will step down as Marquis of Nebel, and you will return to duty under the King's command. You will be responsible in taking control of Sallowtown where you will rule over the people of that region. Your punishment will be to maintain and bring the region up to suitable level. You will do this by choosing one man you see fit to follow you in these orders but one man only. When the time comes the King will work with the general to make sure the take over of Sallowtown be seen thoroughly. Although this is far more less then what you deserve for putting the people of D'hara in danger, and having part in kidnapping your very own Duke consider it a second chance to prove your loyalty to the King. Do you accept these terms if the King accepts mine?" she sat back and waited

Kisharianda Onyxien

Confessor of D'Hara, Duchess of Port Raviel

Roleplay from Hexic Jeckyl

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"It was my pleasure, Marshal." replied the hooded figure. He held many loyalties. In the past his loyalties had always lay with those who would grant advancement in his career, or otherwise support him. Something had changed recently, and he no longer valued his own life, but those of others. Similarly, he wished to repent for atrocities he had committed in Everguard. He had only told one other of the guilt he faced, and he was determined to right his past wrongs. Rescuing Duke Mathias was part of the penance, a small part.

The boat docked with Marshal Sorsha's vessel, which was in turn docked with another vessel, on the other side. Neither Duke Mathias, Marshal Sorsha nor the hooded figure could see it from this angle. The hooded figure knew it was there however. He had instructed the captain of the Maiden's Voyage to dock with it so that he could use it to return to his army still in Sallowtown. He ushered the Marshal and Duke up the rope ladder that had been let down for them, and brought up the rear. When they reached the deck, he saw the look of confusion on the Marshal's face, as she wasn't expecting the other vessel.

"It looks like my ship has arrived to take me to the next part of my quest." He grasped the Marshal's hand, and shook it, acknowledging a job well done. "My lady, it was a pleasure fighting along side you." Turning to Duke Mathias, the hooded figure noticed him eying his claymore, no doubt recognizing the Jeckyl family crest that lay upon it. Surmising that Mathias knew his identity, he took off the hood to confirm what the Duke suspected. "Mathias, you have quite a treasure here. If it were not by my insistence that I accompany your betrothed on this rescue, she surely would have come by herself just to be with you. I am sorry for the part I played in your abduction. I pray you can one day forgive me." Hexic turned and strode to the gunwales on the opposite side of the ship, where a plank had been erected for the Duke to board his vessel. Almost as an afterthought, he stopped and shouted across the vessel "Oh, when you get back to Port Nebel, you'll find four of your guards in your dungeon awaiting your interrogation. They are innocent." Hexic jumped down from the blank, landing on the deck of the Maiden's Voyage. He ordered the departure, leaving the happy couple to express themselves.

Sir Hexic Jeckyl

Duke of Qubel Lighthouse, Marshal of the D'Haran Guard

Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell

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Sorsha watched Hexic leave and then turned to Mathias. She couldn’t wait a moment longer, and the trip to Port Raviel would be too long. Leading Mathias away from the men on the ship, she found a secluded area. When she did, she wrapped her arms around his neck and held him tightly, afraid to let go. “I thought I would never see you again,” she whispered emotionally, the void finally breaking and she kissed him passionately. Her hands cupped his face and she looked into his blue eyes, “I love you so much, I would have gone to the ends of the earth for you,” she told him and kissed him again.

Lady Sorsha McDowell

Marshal of the Black Lions

Roleplay from Mathias Ridder

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Holding Sorsha in turn Mathias whispered, "I know you would have my love." Mathias then picked Sorsha off her feet and looking into her eyes said, "What do you think? Pick up where we left off?"

Sir Mathias Ridder

Duke of Port Nebel

Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell

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Smiling, she leaned in and he kissed her brow. “At the rate we’re going, I’m not losing anymore chances,” she whispered softly and bit her lower lip. “We should be in Port Raviel soon,” she looked over the horizon. “I need to get out of these clothes and so do you…” she then smirked. “And how about a nice long hot bath?” she offered and touched his chest.

Lady Sorsha McDowell

Marshal of the Black Lions

Roleplay from Rathan Himoura

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Rathan considered her offer, and grinned.

"I am more than up to the challenge. Sir Alden Clarke will accompany me on this deed. Thank you Confessor, its more than I deserve." he said humbly, bowing low.

Sir Rathan Himoura

Marquis of Nebel

Roleplay from Kisharianda Onyxien

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"Very well" she stood up "I will see that your room is readied until I speak to the King. I'm sure you will appreciate a nice comfortable bed over the hard boards of your former cell. I will not be made a fool twice in one day Rathan therefor I will still order a watch to your room so that I can see that bright grin in the morning. There will be two guards posted at your window side and two at the door. My children sleep in this house and although I know you would never bring them physical harm I also do not want them to be subject to chaos in their homes where they should feel safe" she walked to the door and opened it

"Now I must find the King if you will excuse me" she motioned for the guard to enter the room "See that he is brought on the west side of the palace, post two guards at his door and two at his window do not hesitate to use force should the Marquis decide to go for a midnight stroll. Bring him a plate of food and some refreshments it's been a long day and I'm sure he is hungry" she looked back to Rathan

"Enjoy your night Sir Rathan, the guards will show you to your room now" she walked behind the guard as they escorted the Marquis to his room.

A few hours had passed and Kisharianda rolled around in bed wondering where the King had been all night. He left rather quickly earlier and he had an air about him that made her suspicious of where he might be. She knew Cenarious well and for him to leave the way he did something was up. She stood out of bed and went to check on the children for the fourth time since she had prepared herself for bed and like the first time they were all sleeping soundly in their rooms with both the nursemaids and their guards at the door. Thankfully Cenarious was smart when he order the additional room next to their room to be set up for the twins as the room had no windows the only means of entrance was through the door and that was well guarded. She kissed Selena and rubbed her hair back admiring her bubbled lips as she slept.

"Your real father is a fool little one, but I make a promise to you on this day, I will do what is necessary to make sure you never see the likes of him for the rest of his life. You will not be subject to such shame from his actions, you will grow up to be an honorable woman with class and sophistication. She leaned over and kissed her forehead again, turning over to the twins she kissed them also and walked out of the room to tour the castle and find Cenarious, for without him she would surely not sleep this evening.

Kisharianda Onyxien

Confessor of D'Hara, Duchess of Port Raviel

Roleplay from Cenarious Stormrage

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The sharply raked bow of the Storm Cutter sliced through the ocean gradually picking up even greater speed as its sailors made minute adjustments in answer to the orders of its captain. The clipper ship belonged to the Black Lions and it was said to be the fastest boat in D'Hara, and tonight they were working hard to maintain that reputation, not that anyone would ever actually hear of this trip as everyone on board had been sworn to secrecy in the name of the Crown. The ship ran dark as it raced across the open water, not a single light shone on deck and its black sails could not be seen against the dark of the night. Its compliment of Lion guards held themselves below deck, both to keep the space above free for the sailors and to help mask any noise their equipment might make. If it came to it they could be on deck in seconds, and it wasn't as though the sailors couldn't hold their own in ship to ship combat as they were trained as Black Lions themselves.

As the crew went about its business as usual, one Lion sat nondescriptly in the stern with his sword across his knees. As the captain seemed to be making a point of ignoring the cloaked man all his sailors followed his lead and did so as well. They knew all to well the price that could be had for sticking their noses where they didn't belong. Lost in his own thoughts, the Lion pulled a cloth from his belt pouch and began to slowly wipe the blackened blade of his bastard sword clean of the blood that drenched the blade. Though the man had obviously seen a good deal of fighting that night, and was mostly certainly fatigued from the exertions, he performed the cleaning of his sword with the demeanor of a priest performing a daily ritual. Slowly, with a steady hand, he wiped the blood that could barely be seen in the dead of night from the blackened steel. Every good soldier knows that their weapon is their life and that blood left on a blade for any length of time could well ruin it beyond repair. It was apparent to any who saw the blade in its current state that it had seen a great deal of use that night. More then one man must have died on that sword for it to be so caked with blood that layers had formed in several spots along its length.

Cenarious Stormrage

Dragon King of D'Hara

Roleplay from Cenarious Stormrage

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As the man worked to clean his blade he pondered the nights events. He had never seen Sorsha act so singlemindedly, she had disregarded her own safety as she worked her way across the island like a woman possessed. It would seem she really was in love with Mathias, though he still doubted that Mathias deserved such devotion. If it hadn't been for her Lions it wasn't likely that she'd have made it as far the cave, let alone succeeded in saving Mathias from his captures. In truth she would never know how close she had come to death that night. Though her group had taken on the patrols that roamed the island she had avoided the kidnappers' ship entirely, and the main camp that guarded it, as it was located on the farthest shore of the island from where she herself had landed.

Even as Sorsha was busy saving Mathias from the cave, the mercenaries had prepared to secure their prisoner in answer to the ruckus death cries of the men she had slain to get there. It was then that he and the Storm Cutter had made their move. While the swiftness of the silent attack from the sea had taken the kidnappers completely by surprise, it was far from their death blow. The ship did little more then set the mercenaries' carrack a blaze before it moved back out of range of the fire or of any other possible counterattack from the kidnappers. The safety of the ship was paramount in this situation, as it would do them little good to kill the mercenaries only to trap themselves on the island after all. As the mercenaries raced to save their doomed ship Sorsha was busy leading her party to their boat and the safety of their ships, still completely ignorant of the battle about to take place to ensure her safe retreat. He remembered thinking that the burning boat would be the anvil to his hammer as he had drawn his sword and raced ahead of his Lion companions as they charged out of the darkness to attack the distracted and disoriented mercenaries. He would love to say that they had been worthy foes for him to test his strength against but alas that had not been the case. It was not a battle, it was a slaughter, and as his bloody clothes would attest he had been at the center of the slaughterhouse. Head butcher of a macabre meat house. It brought back memories of the siege of Avamar, the blood had pooled in the streets as the elves fought tooth and nail to breach the walls. He had lost friends and fellow soldiers in plenty during the days of that siege, and in his youthful rage he had killed more elves then he could even count. He had killed for days, from sunup to sundown, until his arm had grown too tired to even lift his blade and yet in the end they had been forced to flee the city as the elves climbed over the bodies of their own dead in order to claim the city as their own.

With his blade now clean, and his garb still bloody, the Lion sheathed his sword and looked out at the Dragon Gate as the Storm Cutter passed beneath the fiery eyes of the Dragon towers. Home at last it seemed, he thought to himself as he glanced back at the open sea behind them. The Storm Cutter had earned its reputation this day, for although Sorsha's ship had left before they could, the Storm Cutter had made it here first and with time to spare no less. He would still need to be quick if he was to sneak back into Heaven's Palace before Sorsha's party of Lions did so themselves. It wouldn't do to go to all this trouble just be found out on the home stretch.

Cenarious Stormrage

Dragon King of D'Hara

Roleplay from Rathan Himoura

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Rathan followed the guards back to his room, and sprawled out on the bed. He was tired, but he could not sleep. He sat up, and opened the door.

"Do go get something to drink... Something strong, and something to eat as well, I am starved. Be quick about it." he said the guard, and shut the door. It wasn't long before there was a knock, and a young serving made came in with a plate and a tumbler of whiskey.

"Good. Now leave."

He ate quietly, and downed the small glass, and went to sleep, wondering what the next day would have in store.

Sir Rathan Himoura

Marquis of Nebel

Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell

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Mathias’ reaction to her words was a large grin and he set her back to the ground. She would have wanted nothing more than to forget they were on the ship but they couldn’t, not here. The ship sailed on quickly to Port Raviel. She walked to the railing and Mathias stood beside her. Her hand touching his, every moment she needed to feel him near her, needed to touch him to ease the worry she had in the pit of stomach. Even though she knew he was safe and well, the fear she had lived with for the last few days remained within her, and it would for quite some time.

Their talk, even though light at first had turned to a darker note as she told him everything that took place in his absence. “When I found out you were taken, I searched the city for you. I ended up at the port, and something just felt off, too many strange things happening for it to remain coincidence. I found a small ship, and engaged with a masked mask, the ship we were on was set on fire. I didn’t think I was going to make it out alive, but I thought he was the one who had taken you… He managed to push me off the ship and I was hurt” she then reached up to touch her head, she was still very tender. “He knocked me out and took me back to a room in the city… It was Rathan.”

She swallowed, not looking at Mathias’ eyes, she knew he would be enraged but she couldn’t leave him in the dark, he deserved to know the truth. “He apologized, and told me everything had gone wrong… At the time I did not know it, but the King demanded that every noble be arrested and I be found. Not only were they dealing with your kidnapping but mine as well.” She squeezed his hand lightly. “I did fall asleep, and then remember Bowie waking me. I began to leave and Captain Johann found me and took me back to Port Raviel. Bowie was then taken back to the palace as well.”

She looked up to the sky at the next part of her story. “The King was relieved to see me, but he persisted in saving you, only they were waiting for something… of what I am unsure of. He wished to know what happened and I gave him Rathan’s name. He was locked away.” She closed her eyes and looked down. “I went to Rathan and asked him to tell me where you were. I couldn’t ignore my instincts I knew something was terribly wrong. He refused to tell me unless I took him with me, it was then I offered myself, telling him I would remain with him, in exchange for your safety… he gave me your location quickly.”

She didn’t turn to see the look on his face. “When I left, he escaped and joined me and Lycan on a ship to return back to Port Nebel. That’s when I found out the real truth. Bowie was preparing a rebellion, and you were a key element. Rathan has told me it was to apprehend you…to detain you to keep my attention drawn elsewhere. These words I know to be false. He thinks I am easily fooled, but I am not. That is not the only reason, Rathan would have accomplished in ridding himself of you… And I would have been left without you.”

Her eyes filled with tears as she spoke the words out loud. Sorsha had felt betrayed before but not like this, her throat seemed to fill with a sob she refused to let out and she closed her eyes. “I thought Bowie…was different, a friend even, but he shall never receive a kind word from me. When I close my eyes, all I can see is myself killing him with my bare hands, over and over…but that fate would be much too easy for him, he deserves to suffer for an eternity. He has cut me so deeply there are not enough words of apology in this world that will make me hear him, he has become nothing to me and Rathan…” a trembling sigh escaped her lips.

“What did he think would happen? You are taken, possibly killed in the end and what? I fall into his arms out of grief? The only reason why he is still alive at this point is because he has served his usefulness for me and has led me to you.” Her voice dropped so low she stopped talking. It hurt too much to continue, in the end Sorsha had lost more than anyone could ever imagine. With the events that had taken place, many of them had made an enemy out of her. This was extremely dangerous for them.

She remained silent and waited for Mathias to speak. She knew he would have much to say considering all she told him. She didn’t really know how he would deal with it all. He was a man who didn’t trust people easily, she could only imagine how this would change him.

Lady Sorsha McDowell

Marshal of the Black Lions

Roleplay from Lycan Moreira

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It had been a whole day since Lycan had left Rathan with the guards at the palace. He was now in the King and Queen's hands and there wasn't anything else he could have done. Afterwards he returned to his camp.

After arriving there, he went directly to his tent and Gregor greeted him with "Sir, that must have been one heck of a party for you to return only now..." Lycan replied in a low voice "No, it wasn't." and asked to be informed of the latest reports. Gregor found it strange. After a bachelor party the commander should be walking around with a huge grin instead of a frown, but he knew better than to ask more.

Lycan sat at his table and read the reports and then a few orders while Gregor awaited. He looked up from one of the orders and with an even more worried look and disappointed look on his face he told Gregor to keep the men ready for battle. "And no, Gregor, that's all you'll know about it." Lycan answered when the captain's brow furrowed. Gregor saluted and left the tent.

Lycan slipped his hands through his hair and yawned. It had been two days since he last slept. But now there wasn't any time for that either. He got up and followed Gregor outside, he needed to inspect the men's equipment, weapons and oversee their training. He needed to make sure that everything was being done as he wished.

Lycan Moreira

Royal Fiduciary of D'Hara

Roleplay from Kisharianda Onyxien

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The morning had started out slowly for the Stormrage family, staff and servants were walking around the palace like busy bees at their duties. She made her way to the kitchen to find Charles cooking eggs and pancakes in a black cast iron pan, you could smell the bacon cooking from deep within the hallways of the palace..

“Smells wonderful Charles” she grabbed a cup and filled it with coffee “Charles will you see that Rathan gets a hearty breakfast this morning it’s probably been days since he’s had a good decent meal” she looked behind her to find Misha walking in. “Oh good just the person I wanted to see, will you see that Rathan gets a bath filled for him, and have his linen changed as well” Misha bowed and left the room to execute her wishes

“Breakfast in the garden my Queen” Charles asked smiling knowing the answer already “Yes as usual Charles that will be fine” she made her way out of the kitchen and picked up the reports that were handed to her, she read as she made her way to the children’s room. She approached the door and looked at the guards. “Any movement in there?” she asked smiling “No m’lady nothing yet” one guard answered. “Wonderful” she grinned “Quiet is always good, take your leave and get some rest I will be with the children today, you will return this evening” she ordered and both guards bowed “Thank you my Queen” and they made their way out of the hallway

Opening the door she walked in stepping lightly on the floor not to wake them, the room was always dark since their was no windows in the children’s room, Cenarious had purposely made it this way to make sure the children were kept safe but most importantly to keep the brutal humid sea air out of the room to prevent the children from getting sick. She flickered a match to the lamp on Selena’s bedside. As the room lit up she noticed Cenarious sitting on the rocking chair between the twins cradles and she smiled to herself. His head laid comfortably on top on his hand which gripped the hilt of his black sword, all the while his other hand was in Alistair’s cradle who gripped his father’s index finger. She couldn’t help but smile again at was she was seeing. Cenarious loved his children and he often slipped in their room at night to watch them sleep. She stepped lightly around Cenarious to light the other lamp behind him, looking back as the area lit up she noticed blood stains in the back of his neck and speckles of blood around his ear and she frowned and wondered.

“Cenarious” she shook him lightly “Cen my love” she shook a little harder. His head raised to see his wife standing before him “Where have you been all night?” she asked . Cenarious looked at her with sleepy eyes wrapping his arms around her waist and snuggling up against her “Guarding our family” he said as he hugged tighter.

“You have blood behind your neck and ears my love, what have you been up to” she shook her head waiting for him to reply but instead he just squeezed harder. “I’ve been worried sick about you “ she played in his hair and noticed how tick and knotted it felt “Guarding your family” she said again knowing well at this point that was all the information he was going to share with her. “Were you successful in guarding your family this past eve my love” his head leaned back and her eyes caught his. “Everything is at it should be” he sat back and stretched as he yawned “Is that Charles breakfast I smell? I’m famished” his eyes grew round “ and he stood up and stole a kiss from his wife

“Yes that would be Charles breakfast” she folded her arms and grinned at him “He will be serving us in the garden as soon as I ready the children”

Cenarious smiled and tapped her behind “Good let me get into some clean clothes and I will meet you in the garden” he walked over to Selena who was just waking up from hearing the voices “Good morning Selena how did daddy’s little princess sleep last night” he kissed her forehead as she rubbed her sleepy eyes and runny nose

“Daddy sleep wif Selena” she hugged his neck and continue to rub her nose on his shoulder. Cenarious grinned and patted her back “Yes daddy did” he put her down “Now we all get ready and go have breakfast”

“We need to talk about Rathan, I have something to propose to you that might be of use to all of us in the end, over breakfast maybe?” she asked hopeful “Yes over breakfast” he nodded and made his way out.

“Alright princess lets get the twins up and ready” she held her hand out to Selena “Yep mommy we get da twim weady”

Kisharianda Onyxien

Confessor of D'Hara, Duchess of Port Raviel

Roleplay from Hexic Jeckyl

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Hexic sat in his cell, picking his teeth with a bone left by the previous occupant. Withdrawing the bone from with his mouth, he stared at it for a moment. "Hopefully I have better luck than you." He saw the irony in now being captive after helping Duke Mathias escape from similar circumstances, just a day ago. The Duke allowed himself a quiet chuckle. Either he had the worst luck, or the gods were trying to speak with him. He had been wounded in Sallowwild, and imprisoned in Sallowtown, all within a week. To top it all off, it had all started when the founder of Everguard arrived. He had never been a religious man himself, and had always regarded religion as a means to control others, nothing more. Perhaps after this ordeal, he would seek counsel. Determine if the gods were indeed speaking to him.

Setting down the bone under his boot, Hexic broke off several pieces. "Sorry my friend, but I need this much more than you do." Picking up the largest piece, he plopped it into his mouth and sucked the marrow out of it. Not the not appealing food, but certainly more desirable than the rotting rats he was fed. Forgetting for a moment he had a shard of bone in his mouth, Hexic brought his teeth together, resulting in several cracks, and a sharp pain. He spit out the bone and the better part of a tooth. "By Seeklander's Blood!" he cursed, and spat blood to the floor. One of the undead approached, to see what had happened. Whispering under his breath, lest the abomination hear him "That's right, come closer you stupid zombie. I'm going to rip you limb from limb and beat you to death with your own arm."

Sir Hexic Jeckyl (Duke)

Roleplay from Hexic Jeckyl

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His captor approached, and cocked his head inquisitively. It entered the cell to inspect its prisoner. The zombie had little capacity to understand the pain the Duke felt, nor did it understand the concept of blood. It saw that Hexic was still breathing, and that was enough for it. It made to leave, and as it turned around, Hexic attacked. "You undead son of a cow!" Hexic tackled the zombie into the bars of the cell, wedging its head between the bars. The thing tried in vain to free itself. Even as it tried, Hexic braced one foot on zombies backed, and gripped both hands on its right arm. Adrenaline, anger, and bloodlust consumed him. With one great pull, the arm came free. Realizing what was happening, even though it could not feel pain, the monstrosity let out what could only be described as a scream. If there was anytime to escape the prison, this was it. Hexic didn't take this chance however. He was too far gone for the thought to enter his mind. The only thing he wanted to do was beat the zombie with its own arm, and thats what he did. He brandished the arm like a club, gripping the wrist. He beat the things back, determined to sever it from the head, and to see the head pop out as if fired from a bow. Before this could happen however, several more undead arrived. Hexic fought in the middle of the doorway for several minutes, not causing any real damage. A limp arm of necrotic flesh made a poor club. By sheer numbers he was forced back into his cell, and the cell door locked. Throwing the severed arm into the corner, he surveyed his surroundings again. He saw the zombie still stuck between the bars. Apparently its companions didn't value a one armed zombie. Angry at himself now for not seizing his chance for escape, Hexic did a running kick for the zombie's rump. More specifically, where genitalia should have been. Instead of the reaction he was have expected from a man, the Duke was even more satisfied. The head of the zombie came flying off, and bounced of walls and floor alike in the corridor beyond his cell.

"Haha! This is the most fun I've had in ages!" The site of the head flying to the wall and bouncing all over the place lifted the Duke's spirits greatly. "When I get out of hear, I have got to tell Cenarious this story, Lycan too." Letting out a great sigh, Hexic slumped against the wall. He supposed he considered these men friends. He had never had friends in Everguard. The closest this to a friend he had while he served Everguard was the Strategos of Astrum, Boreal Arakiss. Boreal was dead now however, and naught but a memory. Thinking about mortality brought Hexic back to the reality of his situation. If he did not escape soon, he would fade but to a memory as well.

With such a depressing thought, Hexic decided it was time for some rest. He would attempt another escape in half a days time. At least now he had a pillow. Not bothering to stand up, Hexic crawled over to the zombie carcass and flipped it onto its back. He lay down, and rested his head on the stomach of the thing. "Hmm, very soft." He commented, and went to sleep.

Sir Hexic Jeckyl (Duke)

Roleplay from Hexic Jeckyl

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Hexic woke from his sleep, no idea what time of day it was. All he knew was that he had had the best nights sleep in a long time. His day was about to get even better. He rolled over, and right there in front of him was the keys to the cell. He had forgotten the zombie he had killed previously had a set. Grabbing the keys and bolting upright he reached through the bars and unlocked the door. He looked left and right, the only directions he could go. Left would lead him to other cells, and possibly guards. Right led him to who knows where. But until he was armed, he would have to avoid encountering any undead. And so he went right.

After several forks he found himself in a large room, with piles of treasure and junk alike. Near the base of the closest most pile, Hexic spotted his sword. Hexic grasped it and tied the belt. Torches also lit the room, which Hexic found odd, undead do not need light, and fire is one of the most powerful weapons against them. Deeming a torch necessary and even essential, Hexic lifted one out of its bracket. Or at least he tried to, it seemed to be stuck. He pulled his hand away, now covered in cobwebs. He inspected the torch and bracket, and it looked as both was one solid piece of metal. A thought came to him, and instead of pulling up on the torch, as he had been, he pulled down instead. The torch and bracket lowered, and Hexic noted that it was part of a mechanism of some kind. A few feet down in the room, between two piles of treasure a doorway appeared. Hexic ran to the new passage, and sprinted down its length, sword in hand.

You manage to find one of those old passages, and slip out of the prison. You are free again!

Sir Hexic Jeckyl (Duke)