Ironsides Family/Bowie/Rathan Exposes Bowie to the King and Confessor

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Roleplay from Rathan Himoura

Message sent to everyone in your realm (27 recipients)

"When I approached Bowie about joining me in my colony efforts he said he had his own business to attend to first. I inquired, and he offered me a place in his plans. He is going to rebel against the King, and he offered me the position of Confessor, and a City. This was quite an offer... I accepted. He wanted to interrupt Mathias's bachelor party and kidnap the Duke, hoping it would make the rebellion easier. I was to either apprehend him, or cause a commotion to make the apprehension easier. I erred... I... I wasn't myself. I wish to set things right... And then, if the King and Confessor see fit, I will leave."

Rathan said grimly.

Sir Rathan Himoura

Marquis of Nebel

Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell

Message sent to everyone in your realm (27 recipients)

Sorsha looked at Rathan and gripped his hands tightly and frowned. “But what did he think to accomplish by kidnapping Mathias? I mean a rebellion? He is a duke, I doubt the King would feel a threat in this. The only person affected would be me? It doesn’t make any sense, unless Bowie wished to use me in some way. Was there an ulterior motive to have me involved? I mean you do know how this affects me…” she let trail of and hoped Rathan would fill in the blanks. At this point she noticed the guards on the boat but didn’t alert Rathan to their presence. “Rathan where do you stand in this matter? Are you willing to set things right?” she asked hoping he would do the right thing.

Lady Sorsha McDowell

Marshal of the Black Lions

Roleplay from Rathan Himoura

Message sent to everyone in your realm (27 recipients)

"I wouldn't be here if I didn't wish to set things right. I erred, I wish to fix it. As for Bowie, I believe he plans to keep attention focused on Port Nebel, and keep you, the Marshal of the Black Lions, occupied."

Rathan shifted, his attention focused on the guards.

"Will you let me come, or do I have to continue to do things the hard way?"

Sir Rathan Himoura

Marquis of Nebel

Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell

Message sent to everyone in your realm (27 recipients)

Sorsha weighed her decision carefully. She could let Rathan be taken, be left without his help, his assistance or she could allow him to come, defy the guards who were sent by the Queen herself and hope to make the task of saving Mathias a smoother one. But the risk of one realm over one man was too great – the man who meant the world to her.

“If this rebellion breaks out, I need to have your guarantee that you will assist us in this. Like it or not Rathan you helped cause this, you gave Bowie a means to an end with your assistance and everyone else who follows you, they give him that much more strength…”

She then remembered a very long time ago a letter she received from Sir Kratos…he had voiced his opinion on such a matter, claiming that if he was to put someone in the King’s stead it would be Bowie. She bit the inside of her cheeks and closed her eyes. She remembered this now, but she had been closed into the void and had not cared what happened one way or another. Now it may all be coming to fruition, she hated this, she had been blinded. She should have paid more attention.

Not only the fact that Bowie used her like a tool or thought to still use her, but any attempt they made at this point would all be for naught, because she was positive Bowie would not stop at only recruiting members of one realm alone, he would make sure that while this rebellion would take place, their attention would be drawn in more than one place…When she saw him next, she would gut him from navel to nose. She could feel the anger seething within.

“If you’re going to set this right, you will start with this...” she opened her eyes and took his hands and sighed at what she was about to do.”

“Return to the Queen, tell her all that you have told me, I will have a letter sent on your behalf to the Queen and King that will ease the blow somewhat. Although I know I won’t have to, as Confessor she will see to the heart of the matter quickly enough without my words on paper. I know I am not your Marshal and you are my Liege, but if you ever loved me Rathan, do this task for me…Don’t run anymore, perhaps with this information...” Then her voice lowered to a whisper and she shook her head. “You sold yourself to a monster, for a city and a position… Had you only worked with the King instead, he would have given you so much more and you would have earned his respect…but now you’ve betrayed both. I know when this is over we will not be together, but don’t add me to your list of losses, you will still have me, although not in the way you wish, but don’t jeopardize that as well.”

She raised her hand to stop the guards from approaching, why was there never enough time in the world to make these decisions? “I will send Lycan with you as well,” she said firmly and looked to Lycan to make sure he would do it. “I have much to take care of,” she rubbed her temples again, the headache had not lessened. “We need Mathias for this…” Bowie had managed one thing at least; he had gotten her attention and the distraction he wanted. “I will not be gone long.”

She looked back up to Rathan’s eyes. “Return peacefully, I can see you already have chosen the right side. Promise me, that you will stand with us and do all in your power to set it right, nay swear it,” she reached in and took one of his daggers, handing it to him handle first. She knew matters of oaths, and the weight they held, she also knew deep down Rathan was a man of honor who was misunderstood and somewhere had lost his way. “…with a Himouran blood oath.” She waited and watched his reaction carefully.

Lady Sorsha McDowell

Marshal of the Black Lions

Roleplay from Rathan Himoura

Message sent to everyone in your realm (27 recipients)

Rathan took the dagger, and weighed his choices carefully. He thought for a moment, before slitting his palm with the dagger.

"I do swear that I will do all in my power to set things right." he said solemnly, dropping the dagger. He turned and sighed.

"May they have mercy." he said quietly, and stepped off the ship. As he walked, he stripped off the blade of the guard he had taken, and dropped the blackjack to the ground. He walked up to the Confessor, past her guards, his hands in the air, and then bowed before her.

"Forgive me Confessor for I have erred. Sorsha is on her way to rescue Mathias right now, but there are bigger happenings. The kidnapping was part of a bigger plan to rebel against the King, a plan incited by none other than Bowie. A plan I agreed to, in a clouded state of mind. I wish to set things right."

Sir Rathan Himoura

Marquis of Nebel

Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell

Message sent to everyone in your realm (27 recipients)

Sorsha watched as Rathan stepped off the ship to the Confessor, and then nodded to Lycan before he left as well. Now with both of them gone she was alone once more and she gave a long tired sigh. It wasn’t long after she left port and was finally on her way to Port Nebel.

Lady Sorsha McDowell

Marshal of the Black Lions

Roleplay from Lycan Moreira

Message sent to everyone in your realm (27 recipients)

Lycan followed Rathan as he surrendered to the guards. He didn't like leaving Sorsha by herself but he understood the underlying dangers of staying away from the capital for too long. Now that a possible rebellion was taking place, everyone should be ready.

He looked back one more time to see the ship leave and whispered "May the Gods be with you my friend."

Lycan Moreira

Royal Fiduciary of D'Hara

Roleplay from Kisharianda Onyxien

Message sent to everyone in your realm (27 recipients)

"Forgive me Confessor for I have erred. Sorsha is on her way to rescue Mathias right now, but there are bigger happenings. The kidnapping was part of a bigger plan to rebel against the King, a plan incited by none other than Bowie. A plan I agreed to, in a clouded state of mind. I wish to set things right."

At his words Kisharianda's heart sank, the information Rathan was giving her cut deep like a knife and she listened as he spoke. The guards quickly grabbed a hold of Rathan and were quick to shackle him down, Kisharianda lifted her hand and shook her head.

"Get those things off of him and give him a horse" she ordered one of the men

"I hope for your sake that you aren't fabricating this for your advantage" she gave him a long stare "For my ruling on your matter will be unforgiving, do we understand each other" she paused but before Rathan could answer she added another comment. "I have a King to answer to as well as a husband" Rathan nodded

"Lions formation" she yelled behind her and quickly the mounted guards surrounded the Queen and Rathan and headed back to the palace where she would have Rathan detained once more until he could brief the King on this information and the reasoning behind his actions.

"I hope for you Rathan that the King will have compassion for your outrageous acts, You say you weren't yourself while this took place, what is telling me that you are indeed yourself now and this is just a ploy to keep us where you want us while everything else is set in motion? Are you even aware of how many laws you have broken? I could keep you in that dungeon to rot" she said shaking her head and kicked her horse to a gallop "Either way you will have to explain in details to the King and when Bowie is confronted you will be there for his questioning.

They weren't very far from the palace and the whole ride back she couldn't believe that Bowie would do this, why would he put us in this predicament, Would he have talked with Madina and filled their heads with lies and deceit to manipulate himself to a throne? To put his own daughter in harms way for a title? Her heart sank deeper as she visioned memories of Selena playing in the garden with her dog and playhouse. The betrayal she felt at that very moment was worst then anything she had felt.

Bowie was her champion how could he do this to her! He claimed to love her but in the same breath would jeopardize her safety along with the safety of his daughter, if these accusations were indeed true and he was the reason for the way things were turning out she would be broken and scornful in her ruling against him, to put D'Hara at risk was one thing but to put his daughter in the cross fire over his selfish needs was unforgiving.

"Selena" she whispered "Guards double the security on my children immediately and tell the King of the situation quickly" the guard nodded and left at full speed towards the palace with Kisharianda following closely behind.

"Do not make me hunt you twice in one day Rathan, you have better keep up" she glared back at Rathan. This time her anger was not directed on him but on Bowie and how she would confront him of these accusations she hoped deep down inside this was a ruse from Rathan, at least his betrayal was expected, but Bowie's was not.

They came to the palace and Kisharianda turned to Rathan her eyes locked into his.

"Do I have to detain you in a cell or can you be trusted and honorable enough to be put in a room like civilize people until I prepare the King for your briefing?" she looked into his eyes and waited for his response.

Kisharianda Onyxien

Confessor of D'Hara, Duchess of Port Raviel

Roleplay from Rathan Himoura

Message sent to everyone in your realm (27 recipients)

"You have no need to worry about me Confessor, I will wait for you peacefully."

Rathan sat down.

"Oh, and if I could have my things returned to me, so that I can show the King the letters incriminating Bowie, it would be most useful. A cup of tea, wouldn't hurt any either."

Sir Rathan Himoura

Marquis of Nebel

Roleplay from Kisharianda Onyxien

Message sent to everyone in your realm (27 recipients)

She looked at Rathan and turned back to the guard who stood behind her.

"Return all his personal belongings" she turned and looked at Rathan for a moment.

"But hold the weapons" she took a deep breath "You can understand my precaution"

"Find Misha and have her bring Sir Rathan a cup of tea while he waits for the King" she sat across from him and folded her arms

"You know Rathan I have always treated everyone with equal respect, and I have given you more then anyone in D'Hara my compassion" she licked her lips

"Do you know how many times I have taken your defense? in the eyes of the King?" she said shaking her head in disbelief of everything that was happening. "If the King would have been stern on his decision you would not be calling D'Hara your home" she stood up and started to pace before him

"What good can come of all this? If you would have put as much effort in working with the King as you did doing all this you would have the King's respect which is ten folds what Bowie could offer you! As Lady Sorsha told me that he promised you a title and land" she sat back down and her voice lowered down peacefully "You already had those given to you by the King, why would you put yourself in that kind of predicament to lose everything you already have"

She looked at Rathan as he quietly let her speak her mind. "You would sell out your friends and family for a promise coming from a man who is guided by evil" she closed her eyes at the painful accusations "Did you know Bowie is my Champion, and he claims to love me and has promised me riches and comfort beyond belief since I have been wed to our King. What makes you think that he would hold true to those promises when he cannot hold true to himself. I am raising his daughter because she was conceived out of drunken state to a prostitute! there's a reason Bowie is where he is today and it's not anyone's fault but his own, and trust me when I say that he wouldn't even shake a stick at you if you were drowning he would use your head as a stepping stone if it secured his passage to the other side safely" she looked at Rathan again but this time with pity "You have a lot of anger towards the King for the way that he does things but have you stopped to maybe think for one minute that when the King does the things he is forced to do it's to ensure the safety of everyone in D'Hara" she paused and stood up putting her hand on his shoulder "That included your safety as well Rathan, Cenarious does not do these things for pleasure but to ensure that we merge out victorious in all we do, you should put more faith in your King" she continued to walk out the study to meet Cenarious

Kisharianda Onyxien

Confessor of D'Hara, Duchess of Port Raviel

Roleplay from Rathan Himoura

Message sent to everyone in your realm (27 recipients)

His tea was brought in, and Rathan slowly sipped it. Shortly after, his belongings were brought to him, and he rifled through his bag, and sorted through his letters. He pulled a dagger out of the bag and shook his head.

"Sloppy." he said, setting it down on a table.

Sir Rathan Himoura

Marquis of Nebel

Roleplay from Kisharianda Onyxien

Message sent to everyone in your realm (27 recipients)

Kisharianda couldn't help but make a quick stop to check on the children and when she arrived in her quarters she was pleased to see that the security had been more then doubled. She walked up to the captain who stood at the only entrance to their quarters.

"Captain Benjamin" she smiled "My Queen" he bowed "No one will get through here I assure you the children are well protected my Queen" he nodded and smiled reassuringly at her.

"I feel much better knowing they will not be in harms way, but I do have one thing I need you to promise me" she put her hands on top of his "Promise me that in the event that we are faced with a rebelling faction you will take my mother, father and children to safety, I wish for you to organize a boat and have it be ready if such things should happen, If it does I wish for my parents and children to return to Atamara in the safety of my mother's and father's home can you do that for me" she waited

"My Queen your wishes are my command I give you my oath that I will take your kin to safety if it is the last thing I do, I will carry out these orders to my last dying breath for this I swear" he bowed his head and squeezed her hand tighter "I will see to the safety of your family"

At his words she felt relieved knowing that if anything were to happen to her or the King the children would be well cared for and Alistair which is the rightful heir to the throne would be protected at all cost. She walked to the study where Cenarious was furiously yelling on the other side of the door, she took a deep breath and walked in.

"My King" she bowed as she entered and Cenarious turned to look at her "Kish" he took a deep breath and sat down at his desk

"I know you were not aware of everything that took place this morning, but to quickly recap you on what has been going on. Rathan had escaped this morning to follow Sorsha on a whim to find Mathias, he broke several laws to do this but you can say his intentions were in the right place" she paused and got closer to his desk as his eyes squinted in anger but before he could speak or start yelling again she quick reassured him "I ordered the guards to find him which we did and he his now waiting in my study with guards to speak with us, he claims to have information that will clear his name of all the commotion that has been going on and I think that you should give him a chance to explain and prove his loyalty" she waited biting her lip hoping that even though the King was furiously angry with Rathan that he would give him the chance to explain.

The King was a good man he always had good intentions, but most importantly he was empathetic to others which is what made him a good King. She knew deep down inside Cenarious could see the good in others if even their actions proved otherwise which would explain the trust he had put in Bowie, that showed that Cenarious put faith in his people just as much as they put faith in him. Hopefully Rathan would not be hot headed when speaking with the King this time and he would learn to hold his tongue in his presence and give him the respect he earned at least this way the King could return the same level of respect to him for taking responsibility in confronting the King with his past actions. Little did Rathan know at this point is how he presented himself to the King that would mark either the begining or the end of the Himoura family name in D'Hara.

"My King will you join me in the questioning of Marquis Rathan?" she asked waiting hopeful

Kisharianda Onyxien

Confessor of D'Hara, Duchess of Port Raviel

Roleplay from Cenarious Stormrage

Message sent to everyone in your realm (27 recipients)

"Matters are coming to a head my dear." Cenarious said seriously. "Madina rallies its armies in Paisly while I have received word there is a traitor amongst us. This entire matter grows more and more suspicious. It would be best for all concerned if we could end this matter quickly and return our united focus on outside threats to D'Hara. A fractured realm would lead to the death of both sides of our internal conflict I fear."

Pondering the Queen's words Cenarious continued speaking, "Very well, I'll hear Rathan out at the very least. Truth be told I don't trust him or Bowie at this point. Bowie has already broken his vows to me and it would appear that Rathan has done so as well. I've already allowed those involved in plotting rebellion to remain in this realm once before. I wont continue to be so lenient if I find that they are still plotting. No one endangers my family, especially not disloyal traitors. Confess them all if you must my love. For we must get to the bottom of this mess and punish those responsible. For make no mistake, someone will pay for endangering my family and my realm. I doubt even you could stay my hand this time my love."

Cenarious Stormrage

Dragon King of D'Hara

Roleplay from Kisharianda Onyxien

Message sent to everyone in your realm (27 recipients)

Entering the study where Rathan had been asked to wait Kisharianda started to speak immediately before any words could be said.

"Now Rathan, you are facing multiple charges against the Crown and the well being of D'Hara, you have agreed to come back peacefully and present us with the information that would clear you of some of those charges, here is your chance to present your proof to the King" she sat down and Cenarious sat down after her.

Cenarious was so furious that he decided to hold his tongue and let Rathan speak his defense before he asked any questions himself.

"What information do you have that will change my mind at throwing you in the dungeon and holding you there until we arrange for your departure of D'Hara" she focused all her attention to Rathan waiting on his reply.

Kisharianda Onyxien

Confessor of D'Hara, Duchess of Port Raviel

Roleplay from Rathan Himoura

Message sent to everyone in your realm (27 recipients)

Rathan stood, and bowed. "Confessor, I read to you the letters I have recieved from Bowie, and you can inspect them yourself as well.

Letter from Bowie Ironsides (10 days, 13 hours ago)

Alright Marquis, the two of us have usually been similar in method though different in motive. Since you have already begun to separate yourself from this realm in your mind then you may be more receptive to what I am about to tell you. You should immediately realize the danger I have just put myself in, but, I have always been a risk taker and I certainly do not hold much weight in trust.

It has occurred to me that Cenarious is leading the realm in the exact opposite direction of where I want it to go. He has left me in the dust and I am not happy. I have always been a patient and determined man and I have ambitions and goals. Since we overthrew the Old Bat I have been operating with the position of cooperation in hopes of accomplishing my aims. Cenarious is no longer interested in cooperation. Cenarious has become an obstacle.

You say there are things in the realm that are causing you to move away? Why should you leave and start the incredibly long and immensely difficult journey of traveling all the way west and attempting to build a new home for yourself? Instead why don't you push out the thing that is causing you to move? I want to push out Cenarious and take D'Hara for myself. A coup d'etat. Those who will likely oppose me will be his wife, the Duchess of Port Raviel, most likely the Duke of Port Nebel, and probably a lot of the other Lords whose minds are unformed and too feeble to realize his inadequacies. That means there will be room for a lot of promotion. This plan is my unfinished business. Sallowtown will never be mine so long as that dolt blocks me. Either I push him out of the way or I fold.

Proposition. Instead of building a whole new realm far west, taking all of that time and effort, you and your two companions join my collegiate and we steal this realm for ourselves. There will be a city in it for you, and a nice government rank. Any one except banker is for your choosing. It should be obvious that I will be the ruler in this scheme. If we fail then we move to Caerwyn as colonists, gather resources and make an attempt at Echiur, the last best city.

Does that douse your intention to leave? Do you find it appealing? You know we could do it. We just have to sell it the right way.

The Prince,

Bowie Ironsides (Duke)

Letter from Bowie Ironsides (9 days, 16 hours ago)

Ha! I was planning on burning down his temple in Port Nebel in a great purge of Astromancy! Great ideas really do foster other great ideas. If you wish to kill him, I won't stop you! We can make it a festival!

Alright, let us begin the scheme. The Confessor position is yours, and depending on the outcome, you may have one of the cities. We must look towards gathering our forces in the capital and slowly poison the environment of the people around us. What I wish to do is make the realm, who are largely lazy and uninformed, understand that all we are doing is replacing one man with another. Cenarious for me. Of course the whole cast of lords will probably change, but so long as they feel they are not going to experience a major change, they might not mind and they might not resist.

I have ideas that I am nurturing on how to spin this, and I will start sending out short and subtle letters to my colleagues in the realm to gauge their loyalty to the Cabbage (his code name from now on). We must try to gather as many sympathetic nobles into our camp without telling them our true intentions. This way when we finally do chop the head of the snake they will likely step aside instead of step in the way.

Please introduce me to your friends and feel free to share any other ideas you have. This league of chivalry that exists in Port Raviel I assume is the Cabbage's effort. That must be destroyed as well after we take power.

The Prince,

Bowie Ironsides (Duke)

Letter from Bowie Ironsides (9 days, 3 hours ago)


I will start engaging in conversations with some of the nobles of D'Hara. As the conversations move on, I will slowly place in dissension against the Cabbage. I shall then gauge their responses and measure their opinions. If I find them positive then I will speak a little clearer. If not, I will convince them.

No doubt we will face strong opposition, most likely from all the nobles currently in office and those in their camp. The others I feel are only a matter of proper education. If they are made to understand our position then our battle is already won.

By the way, you should begin to recognize me as Prince.

The Prince,

Bowie Ironsides (Duke)"

ooc: Break

Sir Rathan Himoura

Marquis of Nebel

Roleplay from Rathan Himoura

Message sent to everyone in your realm (27 recipients)

"Letter from Bowie Ironsides (9 days, 1 hour ago)


Do you mean put him down? Maybe it will be more enjoyable to keep him active and able to watch his ground fall out from under him. It would be disappointing for our opponent to be silenced, his protests and screams will give me great pleasure. Although it may be a necessary move, so do not rule it out altogether.

I have sent letters to the first two key figures of my plan. If I can turn them, the rest may not be so difficult. Slowly, I will plant the seed of rebellion, then when I see it mature some I will ask them to join us. How much do the others know?

I am enjoying this already, my friend.

The Prince,

Bowie Ironsides (Duke)

Letter from Bowie Ironsides (8 days, 13 hours ago)

I was unaware of any marriage. So that was your push factor, and the reason for Mathias' death sentence. Since when did you fancy Dame Sorsha?

Anyway, I have been invited to entertain the Duke in a secret bachelor party. The hosts are planning on kidnapping him, as a sort of fast one, then taking him to a surprise party. If we twist it to our advantage, we can kidnap him for real. How should we do this? Originally, I thought of letting myself get out of hand during the party and then duel the Duke, hoping to wound him. Though that is too risky and unlikely to go the way I need it to. We need something more definite.

We must ponder a solution.

Second item, what should be our timeline? I was planning a slow collecting of resources before a quick strike, but if you wish to use the rebellion to ruin the plans of your beloved, then that may be sooner than we can plan for. I do not know the date arranged for the wedding, nor how fast I will be able to convert the Cabbage's followers.

The Prince,

Bowie Ironsides (Duke)

Letter from Bowie Ironsides (8 days, 13 hours ago)

Oh, I have forgotten, ask your associates to speak with any of their acquaintances in the realm. If they extend the web then we will gain followers faster. Tell them to say something like this, making sure not to incriminate themselves or us. They can use this letter if they want:

Dear Whoever,

I have been in this realm for a while now and I don't think I am getting anywhere. Haven't you noticed how uneventful things are around here, save for the occasional social call - which I am never invited to. I thought there would be more action. Why does the King never make any big moves or grand speeches? Does he even know he is King? I might just leave to go somewhere else. What do you think, is it worth staying here?

Such and Such

Tell them to have all the responses sent to me so I can inspect the feelings of the answers. If enough people agree, the next message will include more direct comments like, "we can change this situation you know," and "I don't want to sit around and wait here forever. Why don't we make things the way we want them?" Then once the recipient starts to agree, we nab them with a "hey, I know some nobles who are planning an uprising. Let's join'em!"

Subversion skills are endlessly enjoyable, especially if they succeed. Please initiate this part of the plan. Use your men to turn others to our cause.

The Prince,

Bowie Ironsides (Duke)

Letter from Bowie Ironsides (7 days, 11 hours ago)

The party will take place when Duke Hexic arrives in Port Nebel. How should we proceed with the plan. I do not want your hearthrows to interfere with our plans to take the crown, so here is what I propose.

You should intercept our attempt and kidnap Mathias for real. This way, it would seem like you are trying one last attempt to gain Sorsha and not let the Astromancer have her. By the time the full event plays out, after the search and rescue, and the accusations etc. we may be ready to strike. I can say for certainty that next week will not be a good time for me to engage in anything, I will be kept busy on business (OOC: going on a business trip to Montreal, will be gone from Wednesday to the following Tuesday). Once I return, we can initiate, or begin preparing for, the final curtain. Would you be able to stall the rescue of Mathias until then? About a week of keeping him tucked away? It may just serve as a distraction while we gather in the capital and build our forces. We will need many to defeat the militia plus.

Is there a time limit for your departure? I did not know you were being herded out.

The Prince,

Bowie Ironsides (Duke)

This is what I have. I can go into details for plans that were discussed if you wish."

Rathan said humbly, and bowed again.

"I never meant for anything of this." he said softly.

Sir Rathan Himoura

Marquis of Nebel

Roleplay from Kisharianda Onyxien

Message sent to everyone in your realm (27 recipients)

Listening to Rathan read the numerous letters from Bowie her heart sank even lower, his reference to her and the rest of D'Hara finally opened her eyes to the man Bowie truly was. He had no honor in her eyes anymore if indeed these were his missive she needed no confrontation with the man and the ruling would be quick. Banishment from the realm of D'Hara would only be the start of the punishment, the rest would follow in the near future. She played with her ring around her finger as she watched Cenarious lick his lips as he begin to speak.

Kisharianda Onyxien

Confessor of D'Hara, Duchess of Port Raviel

Roleplay from Cenarious Stormrage

Message sent to everyone in your realm (27 recipients)

Cenarious was slow to respond as he carefully pondered the evidence. "That certainly sounds like our demon I must admit. His own letters to me in the last weeks have been suspicious to say the least. Though your past arrogance tempts me greatly to punish you harshly for your part in this, if what you say is true then you may well have just saved your own life. I wont promise you that there will be no repercussions for you once this matter is resolved, but if you can prove where your loyalties lie now it will earn you leniency and greatly reduce the seriousness of your charges. If you've any desire to remain a D'Haran, or to stay on good terms with the Crown, then you will speak only truth and tell me all that you know."

"Now," Cenarious continued, "who else is involved in this planning? It would not surprise me in the least to see the same names that I so recently spared from exile still taking part in this foolishness. Some people never learn I'm afraid. And while we are on the subject, I've received some disturbing reports that I seek confirmation of, are you aware of anyone betraying us to foreign powers?"

Cenarious Stormrage

Dragon King of D'Hara

Roleplay from Rathan Himoura

Message sent to everyone in your realm (27 recipients)

"Drakos and Alden follow my orders. They weren't aware of the plot, but being sworn to me, followed my guidance. I ask they be spared of any punishment your majesty. I suspect Kratos is involved, he ever has been Bowie's lapdog. The Lady Marshal will agree with this."

Rathan paused, thinking.

"I've not heard of any contact with a foreign power, I am sorry your majesty."

He reached over and grabbed the dagger on he laid on the table.

"I am loyal to you, your majesty, though it took me awhile to come to my senses. I pledge you my allegiance."

And with that, Rathan sliced his palm again, careful not to bleed on the floor, wrapping his hand in a cloth.

Sir Rathan Himoura

Marquis of Nebel