McDowell Family/Sorsha McDowell/bachelor/bachelor2

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Roleplay from Cenarious Stormrage

Your Majesty,

Rest assured all your Dukes are accounted for and well. I am in their company as I write this letter. Whatever rumors your highness has heard, they aren't true. If you wish to join us at our meeting please follow the directions below.

Reading Lycan's words Cenarious raised an eyebrow. 'He calls this a report? If I wanted vague assurances I'd have written to Bowie not to my Black Lions,' Cenarious thought to himself. 'This still doesn't add up. What reason do my Dukes have to meet secretly behind my back, not to mention that if all my Dukes are at this gathering why does my wife have no knowledge of it... Lets run down the list then.. Kish is not involved or she'd have admitted her knowledge as soon as I confronted her.. my daughter Sorsha's loyalty is above reproach.. Hexic is an honorable man and I simply can't picture him breaking his oath of loyalty to me.. Lycan proved himself loyal enough to me for Sorsha to accept him into the Black Lions, no small feat, but he is young and ambitious.. Mathias has thus far kept his word to me and if Mathias is truly in love with Sorsha then his loyalty is sealed, betraying me would be betraying Sorsha.. Rathan could certainly be involved in this debacle however, he is driven by his emotions and his ambitions know no bounds. He was also involved in the last talks of rebellion and it wasn't that long ago he had embezzled money during his short tenure as banker. It was clear that he would risk much to get his way, and he was likely to risk even more then usual considering how much he has lost of late. He quite literally has nothing left to lose..'

"Guard!" Cenarious shouted. "Send Lions out to find the Lady Marshal. Give her a full report of what we've heard and ask her to report to me whatever she can learn of the matter. Make certain you tell her that we have no confirmed threats but that something suspicious is definitely going on and that thus far the only confirmed person involved is Lycan. Relay my suspicions of Rathan as the source of this and ask her to look into that angle as well."

Raising a sifter of brandy from his desk Cenarious had a small sip as he pondered the situation. Cenarious was born on a battlefield, and his new found skill in diplomacy and politics all stemmed from his natural talents as a tactician. As he savored the smooth bouquet of vanilla and old sherry combined with the delicate flavors of berries with the hint of cedar, he pondered the pieces that he had already set in motion to resolve this situation. It was simply a matter of learning the truth and making the final moves for checkmate.

Returning to Lycan's letter Cenarious consider the possibilities. If he should take it on his word and go see for himself then he should bring his wife for support. As both a Duchess and Confessor it was her right to attend a meeting of Dukes and Cenarious was not one to snub his wife in any regard that he could help. Besides, with her influence she deserved a seat at any meeting of power in D'Hara, and with her supporting him Cenarious knew he could not fail in any event. Then again, if it was a trap then it would be foolish enough for Cenarious to attend let alone to bring his wife. He'd be better off sending his Black Lions in on a raid and cleaning up the pieces of this fiasco as they come to light.

Cenarious took his time as he pondered the matter, sipping his brandy as he began to flip through the newest stack of reports to grace his desk.

Roleplay from Rathan Himoura

"You already killed me once." he snarled at her, striking with his sword, forcing her to block, and then plowing through her, causing both of them to fall over and onto the dock. He landed hard, heard a crack, and felt a searing pain in his ribs. He pushed through it, blinking away the stars he saw before his eyes, and scrambled to his feet, assuming a defensive posture.

Roleplay from Drakos Garalos

Adjusting his leather mask... It had been so many years since he wore it for favors. Wait he was told, until the boat was out to sea, follow it out in your boat and he was. The few men he commanded to follow him were of the same build wearing the same dark leather armor and mask. It was easy to make copy's of the mask and he burned the same symbol he always did into the center of the masks, and they all had the same strange metal device over the mouth, which distorted the voice of anyone wearing one.. "Come up on the aft of that ship. Throw every one off the boat, except the target." he spoke loud enough for the few men on the small sloop to hear him over the waves." You are not to leave your blades on the ship..." he commanded as two of the men with hand signals to ready ropes and hooks as he did the same. Spinning the then the sound they made sounding off in that familiar way.

"Now!" he shouted as all three of the rope and hooks flew onto the sides of the deck. "Go! Do as your told." he gave the final commanded before he climbed over on his rope to the other ship. grabbing the first person he saw and threw them into the sea.

Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell

His words made her stop cold and she straightened. Who was this man? He came at her with his blade and she barely managed to block. Then he plowed through her, knocking the wind from her lungs and she fell onto the dock onto her back, knocking her head. Her vision blurred, she saw the flames and then felt him roll away. She was quickly back on her feet again, but she felt the dock waver around her and he did as well. He didn’t physically move, it was she who was unbalanced. She had lost her sword and now looked around for another weapon. There was no one else about but the two of them, further in the distance there were several people watching the fire but they paid them no mind. Her gaze returned to his hands where he held two weapons. “So, then speak your name if you are already dead, it matters not,” she said to him, hoping to distract him long enough.

Roleplay from Rathan Himoura

He shook his head, slowly advancing on her, ready to knock her out. His movements were careful, precise.

"I had thought you would have already figured it out A Thaisce. I thought you were smarter."

He moved in, swiftly, his blackjack raised high, ready to bring it down on her skull.

Roleplay from Mathias Ridder

Mathias was sitting in his chair when he noticed a figure covered in black through a port cullis. "My friends, seems to me we have visitors." Mathias then looked around and noticed his sword sitting in a pile in the corner. Grabbing it he motioned for the guards and the other nobles to move out. "What do you say should we strike first?"

Roleplay from Hexic Jeckyl

"This is my kind of party! Half naked women and sword play!" Addressing his crew that were currently present "Man the cannons! They have a ship out there somewhere. I will make for the bridge and secure it to get you guys good shots at them!" Hexic drew his sword as his crew made for the cannons, and the rest armed themselves, determined to protect the dancers.

Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell

Sorsha closed her eyes tightly and shook her head, he wavered before her again and she brought her hand up to touch the back of her skull. Her eyes fluttered at his words. Again that screaming voice in the back of her mind was beckoning for her to pay attention, screeching with desperation but she couldn’t afford the distraction. And then she really looked. It was his walk, the way he moved, she had watched him so many times when he had not paid attention, catching glimpses of him whenever she could and now... She didn’t want to say his name, if she did, it would make it all real and she refused to believe it.

“No…” she managed to say in utter disbelief, she didn’t want to fight him. She didn’t know what to do. His words then returned to haunt her as she watched him approach unable to fight now. His isn't the first heart you've pierced. You already killed me once. Mo Thaisce…

Roleplay from Drakos Garalos

As he grabs a dancer, he signals to one of his men. " I will ask only once, bring Mathias Ridder he is the one I was sent to take, if you don't..." a few of his men moved to a barrel of kerosene with torches.

"We'll see this boat in flames on the water..." as more of his men toke hold of dancers."I believe that its your move then..." he spoke just at the audible level.

Roleplay from Rathan Himoura

He brought the blackjack down and she crumpled at his feet. He winced. It had pained him to do so, but by doing this he was saving their future. He picked her up and carried her off to a nearby inn, leaving her with a healer, Chadwick and an armed guard.

"She doesn't leave, and nobody comes to see her until I get back." he ordered. He went to regroup with his men, and found them at the dock, preparing a boat. He nodded his approval, it was a cutter, one of the fastest ships available. He hopped in and they pushed off, speeding off after the ship Mathias had left on.

Roleplay from Mathias Ridder

Mathias watched as dark figure attempted to force him to come with him."Ha! some simple knight trying to order a Duke around? Let alone two! You must be mad."

Mathias then looked over to Hexic and nodded. Hexic then motioning to one of his guards then screamed "NOW!" at which point the all the men who were holding the torches fell below deck as the floors beneath them gave way. Bellow deck where the men dressed in black now laid, Hexic's guards ran up and began to mercilessly stab them over and over in the gut. The kerosene have in no way been touched during this ordeal was opened up and poured over board by some other guards who showed up to clean up the mess.

The Dark figure now on his own still held onto the dancer. Looking at him Mathias said, "Seems to me you now have nothing to bargain with." Two more guards then appeared behind the dark figure and grabbed his arms as a third showed to disarm him. Mathias then walked up and said, "Now then who are you and who sent you?"

Roleplay from Rathan Himoura

Rathan called the boat to a halt. He could see Drakos's craft ahead, next to the vessel Mathias had escaped on.

"We wait until they're finished. It'll be much easier once they're drunk. Then, we swoop in, quietly, and take him. Let them have their fun for now. Hopefully they won't call off the party."

Roleplay from Drakos Garalos

"Well it seems this ones a lost cause..." He spoke looking at the young woman he held." Well my pranks found out..." letting her go Drakos pulled off his mask, and motioned to the men still on his vessel to bring a keg aboard.

"You went a little overboard with my servants there... But I don't really blame you. Sorry for the commotion."

Roleplay from Rathan Himoura

Rathan nodded to the leader of the men he had paid.

"You know what to do from here. Let them have their party. Get Mathias afterwards, and try and recover Drakos if you can. You know where to take him. As for me..."

Rathan stepped onto another vessel that had pulled up.

"I have business."

Rathan took a seat and the sloop took off back into harbor. Sorsha wouldn't be out long... He had to head that off now. He disembarked the vessel and sprinted back to the inn, quickly changed in an adjoining room, and came into the room where Chadwick and his healer were looking after Sorsha. He nodded to the healer and he dumped cold water on her face.

Roleplay from Mathias Ridder

Mathias walked up to Drakos and slapped him hard across the face. So hard that he flew out of the guards arms and to the ground. "What were you thinking threatening us like that? I could have you expelled, banned, hung!" Mathias then grabbed Drakos by the collar and held him up over the edge of the ship, "Now then who sent you? Why are there seemingly so many people out to cause me harm this night?" Mathias then pointed one hand towards the other nobles there before bring his hand back to Drakos, "First these three abduct me from my palace in Port Nebel, and now you try to steal me away from here....All the while my love is still waiting for me in Port Nebel! Now then I see this party as over for I know I can no longer rest this night, having been assaulted twice. So then you will tell me who sent you and then I am going to go hunt him down, and then spend the rest of the night with my wife to be." Mathias then slammed Drakos against the ships railing again, "Tell me!"

Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell

Sorsha took a sharp breath and sputtered the water out of her mouth. She scrambled back and then gazed around. When her eyes found Rathan they narrowed and she bit down, her jaw flexed to show the anger in her face and she waited for him to say something. Her head was ringing so hard, it was hard to focus but she stood her ground.

Roleplay from Rathan Himoura

Rathan looked down at her, his eyes full of concern.

"Are you okay? Chadwick and I found you unconscious on the docks, there was a terrible fire, and we think it was a stray piece of timber."

He reached down and took her hand.

"You were tossing and turning, saying things while you were out. What happened? We heard Mathias was supposedly kidnapped, but it turned out to be just a ruse for a bachelor party."

Roleplay from Drakos Garalos

"First these three abduct me from my palace in Port Nebel, and now you try to steal me away from here....All the while my love is still waiting for me in Port Nebel! Now then I see this party as over for I know I can no longer rest this night, having been assaulted twice. So then you will tell me who sent you and then I am going to go hunt him down, and then spend the rest of the night with my wife to be." Mathias said as he slammed Drakos again against the railing, the pain familiar of days at home."Tell me!" he questioned.

"Duke Mathias, forgive me for what I have done. there was no one who sent me. This was an idea I had to come along dressed as a pirate of sorts. I have not had much experience in these sort of things, all I know are from the books I have read ... and the story's I heard from some of the men I knew back home and along with in Pedaren. I knew men but I spent far more time with books." Breathing deeply.

Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell

Sorsha blinked and frowned. “No…” she shook her head and moved further back, taking her hand. She had been hit on the head, but she remembered what had happened. Or did she? Had it been a dream? She recalled the fire, she could still remember the heat of the flames and then she reached up to touch the back of her neck. It was tender, “a timber?” she whispered and looked around. No her mind refused to believe it.

“A party?” she said the words slowly. “But the men with the masks” she said out loud. She wasn’t crazy, she knew what had taken place. “I need to go…” she said quickly and got up to leave and almost immediately she fell back again with a groan. “ohh my head.”

Roleplay from Rathan Himoura

"You're not going anywhere. Healer's orders. Sit, and have a glass of water. You probably jut got frightened with the ordeal with Mathias and panicked. A bad dream brought on by the injury. Don't make me have to restrain you, my healer has told me you are not to leave until the morning."

Rathan said sternly, his eyes unable to hide his fury.

"Now get some rest."

Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell

Sorsha’s face calmed but her blue eyes were still extremely cold. She could read the emotion in his eyes, but she didn’t say anything about it. Looking around the room, she noticed one guard and Chadwick. “I will remain,” she said the words slowly. “A thaisce” she then whispered and looked up into Rathan’s eyes for recognition of the word. “I should send word to Mathias and my men, and where is Lasair?” she kept talking only to fill the silence, to try and not focus on the dark eyes staring back at her. “Why can I not return to the palace and rest there?”

Roleplay from Rathan Himoura

"Mathias is out to sea, you will not be able to contact him. Your pet, I have not seen... And you cannot return right now because you need to lay still and not cause further damage. Head injuries are no joke. My healer has said that if you move around you could cause more bleeding beneath the skin, and die."

Rathan went and sat in a chair next to her bed, not acknowledging her attempt to speak in Gaelic.

"What was it that you said to me that day... I'm unfamiliar with the dialect." he said, his expression changing to one of sorrow. He knew full well what it meant, but he wanted to hear it from her.

Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell

Sorsha didn’t look at him, instead she looked to her hands now playing with the ring on her middle finger. It hurt to think about it. It hurt worse now after what had just happened. Even after what he told her, she didn’t believe it. Her instincts refused to let her.

“Slán, a ghrá. Cronaigh mé go domhain thú”, she said softly but her heartbeat accelerated as she continued to speak, “goodbye, my love... I will miss you dearly…” she didn’t look at him, and averted her gaze. She felt trapped, and worse she couldn’t even get out if she tried, she knew he was right. She would only fall flat on her face should she try to get up.

“Better?” she asked him so softly he had to strain to hear her.

Roleplay from Mathias Ridder

Mathias looked at Drakos for a second and though he didn't believe him he let him go. Then turning back to Duke Hexic and Sir Lycan, "My friends, though I thank you for the effort it seems to me this was all for naught. I shall return now to my love. Hopefully all is well on that end." Turning around he noticed what seemed to possibly be Sir Drakos attempting to sneak away. Then grabbing him again, "No you don't, you’re coming with me. Think of it as a special guest."

Holding onto Sir Drakos with his arm around his neck and hold his opposite shoulder he walked back into the cabin grabbed his bottle of ale, and walked back outside. Turning to Hexic, "My friend, I am sure you wouldn't mind if I borrowed a few of your guards for tonight." not waiting for an answer Mathias motioned for 5 of the guards to board the small vessel. Together with the five of the guards and Drakos Mathias set sail for Port Nebel. Hopefully the anticipation of his return had caused his beloved to be all the more anxious.

Roleplay from Rathan Himoura

Rathan stared straight ahead, not blinking. He slowly clenched and unclenched his fist. He gave up on trying to hide the emotion on his face, an incredible sorrow gripped him, like an icy hand over his heart. He leaned back in his chair and said softly,

"Yes. I'll stay here until Mathias returns."

Then he spoke again, so soft it was barely audible. "Like always."