McDowell Family/Sorsha McDowell/Mathias banquet

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Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell

Sorsha shifted in bed and slowly opened her eyes coming face to face with Mathias. Seeing him immediately brought her back to the previous night and she turned again to look up.

She then realized she had not woken thrashing and screaming and looked over to a still sleeping Mathias and smiled. She couldn’t help herself and put her arms around him and nuzzled into his neck. “Thank you,” she whispered and then kissed him.

He mumbled something and stirred but remained asleep and she grinned. She then slipped out of his bed and dressed back into her leathers and redid her long braid.

Leaving the room, she found her bags and dressed into fresh black leathers and left the palace. She wanted to stretch her legs, and walked in the direction of the city.

She knew the banquet was soon, and she wanted to buy a few things. Maybe some of the nobles had already begun arriving and she would come across some familiar faces? It didn’t even occur to her she was smiling, she stopped to examine some of the merchant’s wares and took her time walking around. She had so much energy, she felt calm and hopeful.

Although, she did wonder what she was going to do about her situation now. Mathias kept her nightmares away. Would she need to share beds with Mathias from now on? How would that affect him and their relationship? If people found out what would they think? Well she didn’t really care what they thought of her, she never had, but what would they think of him?

He believed she was already his she had not said so outright but she had to admit this situation was not helping. She wasn’t ready to go back, not now. Would she ever be ready for that again? She couldn’t even return his feelings like she had in the past. She had to admit though, being with him was so easy, and he did bring back some of who she was. Would that be enough for now?

She had stopped before a merchant selling rings, bangles and a variety of other jewelry. One bangle in particular caught her eye. It was made of silver atop sat a large flat blue precious stone that reflected the light.

But the sleep potion helped as well, only it left her unbalanced and she felt like she lost bits and pieces of her life, that control she wanted wasn’t there.

Maybe she could balance both…

Roleplay from Mathias Ridder

Having been woken by Sorsha's kiss, Mathias laid there and pretended to sleep while he watched her dress and then subsequently leave.

Once she had finally left Mathias stood up and got dressed himself. He did after all have a lot of work ahead of him, and wanted to make sure everything was perfect for the banquet.

Walking down the hall way he ran into his servant Duad who began to go over the preparations that had already been completed. "My Lord," he said, "The old Shadovarian throne room has been converted into the ball room as your had asked, and your chefs have been cooking straight for the past 20 hours." Then taking the inked quill and pointing to a piece of paper Duad continued, "My Lord, I need you to sign off on these so that we might go and acquire the needed tables and chairs from the local woodworkers." Mathias then taking the quill signed off on the papers and Duad disappeared into the Palace.

"Hmm. I wonder where Sorsha had disappeared to." Mathias thought to himself as he entered his courtyard. Then taking a seat by a small table he sat and watched his guards drilling.

Roleplay from Rathan Himoura

Rathan arrived early, making a grand entrance, which has heralded with trumpets and acrobats which he had hired for the event. He was lavishly dressed, but moved carefully, almost painfully. He still was recovering from his recent exploits, but wasn't going to let that ruin his fun. He entered the banquet hall, and announced in a booming voice

"Marquis Nebel, Rathan of the Grand Himoura Family has graced these halls for the evening."

Roleplay from Lycan Moreira

Lycan arrived at the banquet filled with expectation. He entered just after the Marquis had announced himself. Standing at the entrance he raised his arms and simply exclaimed with a mischievous grin and a glint in his eyes. "LADIES I'M HERE, LET THE FUN BEGIN!"

Roleplay from Mathias Ridder

Sitting there watching his guards drill, Mathias almost missed his Marquis Rathan passing by with a parade of minstrels and acrobats. "What the...." Mathias said then standing up and following behind Rathan.

When Rathan entered the banquet hall he announced himself with a booming voice, "Marquis Nebel, Rathan of the Grand Himoura Family has graced these halls for the evening."

However the hall was still basically empty but for a few lesser nobles and Rathan. Then walking up behind the Marquis, Mathias grabbed him on his shoulder and said, "Heh, practicing for your real grand entrance I see?" Not waiting for Rathan to respond, Mathias began to walk to were they would be sitting for the nights festivities. Towards the back center of the room there were three raised levels where the Shadovarian throne once stood, and on each of these levels laid a table. The bottom one for the guests of honor, the new nobles, the second level had a smaller table one that would only fit three people, this one was the dukes table, and finally the one above them the kings table. Taking a seat in the center of the table Mathias pulled out the chair to his right. "Marquis, in the past we have had our....lets just say disagreements, but i feel that we have finally been able to put those behind us. I would like if you would take this seat to my right for the night."

Roleplay from Rathan Himoura

"Well but of course. I haven't installed the rope swings or anything for my real grand entrance, your grace."

Rathan followed the Duke to the table, and bowed slightly when the seat was offered.

"It would be my honor to join you at your table this night. Who is third, if I might ask?"

Rathan asked, but he already knew the answer.

Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell

When Sorsha returned to the Palace, she rounded up some of Mathias’ servants and found a large room that suited her needs to begin preparing for the banquet. She looked through some of the things she purchased and began to pick out what she wanted. It had been so long since she’d had to do any of this, she seemed all but lost. As if looking back to her life seeing at it as if it belonged to a stranger’s.

Well hopefully she could still make an impression.

Roleplay from Mathias Ridder

Turning to face Rathan he smiled and calmly said, "Of course it is to be Lady Sorsha, she is after all the one who made this all happen. Without her steadfastness in Ordenstaat we would have never gained these nobles."

Then grabbing his shirt he tugged on it to try and straighten it out, "I am sorry I am still not used to wearing clothes such as these. I have grown to used to always wearing my armor....If you would excuse me." Mathias then gave a slight nod to Rathan and walked around the hall to meet those guests who had just arrived.

Roleplay from Rathan Himoura

Rathan smirked as Mathias walked away. He had been right.

"This ought to be an interesting evening." he muttered to himself.

And with that he snatched a glass of wine, and downed it in one gulp. He wasn't oblivious to Sorsha and Mathias. He had seriously contemplated stabbing the man several times, but he knew that wasn't the proper course of action.

Roleplay from Zeromus Abaron

As this was the first banquet Zeromus ever had been on. Ordenstaat could not afford so much gold and food be spent on festivals. The little gold Ordenstaat earned by taxes went strictly to military campaigns. With the daimons rampaging the lands and eating the tax payers, Ordenstaat had nothing to celebrate. Unsure what to do, he just clamped in the hall and clearly announced that he had arrived.

Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell

Sorsha had taken a much needed bath in rose scented water. Had one of the servants work on her long dark brown hair with her dictating the way she wanted it placed. She had found some powder for her face, a stick of black to contour her eyes adding a smoky look to them, to her eyelids she brushed on some brown with a hint of violet to bring out the color of her eyes. Then she added soft pink to her cheeks and light rouge to her lips. It had been a long time since she’d even bothered but one could never forget how to paint her face.

Finished getting dressed she looked up to the servants. “Ohhh…. My Lady,” one said softly and brought her hand up to her mouth. “It’s so…” she seemed to be looking for a word and the servant next to the first cut in, “perfect,” she sighed with a large smile.

Sorsha looked down and sighed as well. There was nothing more for her to do… She would have to be satisfied with it. To tell the truth, this had not been how she saw it, but she had to honor Mathias’ gift to her but she didn’t feel at ease, she saw this as being vulnerable. She then turned around and headed for the banquet hall.

A few moments later she arrived, she could see from the doorway that others were there as well. She stood in silence for a moment until the man beside her cleared his throat to get her attention. “Sorsha McDowell,” she told him and he blinked and took another look at her. She guessed it had been longer than she thought. Finally he turned to announce her.

“Lady Sorsha McDowell, Dame of Nebel and Marshal of the Black Lions,” he said in a loud voice and she walked forward.

When she did many people turned to look at her and she looked ahead without focusing.

Her hair was swept off her neck in an elaborate twist, some strands were fanned in every direction with a mixture of long curled strands that hung down her back. In her hair were small flowers and silver beads.

Her neck was adorned with a silver chain and a sapphire pendant which accentuated the beautiful white gown Mathias had given her, which if moved a certain way showed a soft blue iridescence. The straps hung loosely off her shoulders and curved down into an X across her breast and abdomen and laced down her back, showing a small amount of cleavage. The tight bodice itself was detailed with exquisite bead work, soft blue threading of roses, silver leaves and the part she liked, stars. Left loose the skirt trailed behind her to the ground, but she’d had it bustled up to her waist and only a small portion fanned out, which would prevent anyone from stepping on it. She had not lied, the gown was fit for a queen.

Oh her wrist she had clasped the sapphire bangle and hanging from her earlobes, small silver chains.

She took a deep breath, forgetting how hard it was to breathe with a bodice and walked further into the room.

Roleplay from Mathias Ridder

Mathias turned to see Sir Lycan standing there, "You didn't bring any ladies with you did you?" Lycan winked. To which Mathias replied, "No unfortunately I cannot at this moment claim a lady to myself. Though if I was to there could only be one. Perhaps you mean to look for one?" Mathias then grabbed Lycan by the shoulder and began to walk through the crowd of people. Though there were not many free upper nobility women there were quite the few lower that had very beautiful daughters with them. 

Going from one to the other Mathias introduced Lycan to family after family when suddenly. “Lady Sorsha McDowell, Dame of Nebel and Marshal of the Black Lions,” was bellowed throughout the hall. Quickly turning to face the door he saw Sorsha slowly walking down the stairs into the hall. Mathias jaw might as well have been on the floor.

Mathias turned to face Lycan, "Perhaps you are looking for something like that?" he said with a smirk. "Unfortunately you will have to find another like her. Though those chances are zero." Patting Lycan on the back Mathias continued, "Sorry, we will have to continue this another time."

Mathias then slowly worked his way through the crowd to Sorsha. Blowing off many nobles who wish for the duke’s attention, he just continued on to Sorsha. Finally reaching her Mathias bowed grabbed her hand and kissed it. "Sorsha, you are by and far the most beautiful creature I have ever seen. For one to think that you were not worthy of this dress is blasphemy." Then taking a few steps forward into the crowd Mathias turned back to Sorsha and said, "Will you allow me to accompany you to your seat?"

Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell

Sorsha could see Mathias approaching from a distance and prepared herself for him. She smiled politely at the compliment yet she couldn’t see the truth of them. No amount of jewelry or powder would make her see it as he seemed to. She inclined her head at him and continued to smile for appearances sake. It didn’t seem to come as easily now as it did this morning. “Yes you may,” she accepted and he smiled back as if her words had made his day.

Roleplay from Lycan Moreira

Lycan followed Mathias when he grabbed him by his harm and started introducing him to diferent families. Lycan politely nodded and greeted each as Mathias kept doing it family after family when he was finally done he left him standing there with a pat on his back and ran to Sorsha who had just entered. She truly looked breathtaking and for a minute there Lycan did feel jealous. Everyone there didn't hold a candle to her and he smiled at such beautiful sight. He could almost swear he was seeing the old Sorsha again. He turned away not to intrude in Mathias and Sorsha's moment and looked back to the women he had just been introduced to. Slim pickings he thought to himself and sighed.

Roleplay from Mathias Ridder

Mathias had lead Sorsha to her seat next to his, and rejoined Rathan who seemed to have remained there since he left him. The two took their respective seats and then Mathias looked to Sorsha and said, "So Sorsha, I have yet to actually meet this Sir Zeromus. The little amount of contact I have had with him has been via letter. I would so like to meet him. Could you point him out for me?"

Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell

As Mathias led her to her seat, Sorsha noticed Rathan sitting there. He was only two seats away from her, with Mathias separating them. She looked directly into Rathan’s eyes and nodded her head in greeting, before sitting and then her attention was on Mathias who asked her to point out Sir Zeromus.

She looked around the room for a minute until she spotted a man apart from the rest who seemed quite uncomfortable. Although if it hadn’t been for his posture and the fact that he wasn’t adventuring amongst the rest of the nobles, he would have fit in.

She then leaned into Mathias and spoke softly, “he is currently near some of the hors d’oeuvres, you cannot miss him, he is…” she didn’t like using the term but there was no other way to describe him, “quite large.” Not only was he tall, but he was corpulent. “One may think him intimidating, but apart from his appearance though, he seems to be quite approachable. He has shown signs of timidity with the idea of a large crowd, it may be wise to let him approach you else you may scare him off.”

Roleplay from Cenarious Stormrage

Ignoring the fanfare that always seemed to accompany his entrances, Cenarious attempted to keep from staring at the beautiful woman on his arm. He had spent the entire trip to Port Nebel admiring every curve of his wife's body in the lovely dress that she chose for the evening. It looked as though she had been poured into it and the radiant glow of her pregnancy still had yet to fade from her beautiful features. Truth be told, if Cenarious didn't know better he would not believe that she had given birth to twins so recently with the way her figure had bounced back so rapidly. Seeing as how this was the first time they had been away from the children for any length of time Cenarious couldn't help but think that with any luck he could convince her to leave early so that she could take full advantage of his undivided attention. Who knows.. tonight might be the night that Alistair and Alexis get a younger sibling..

Thus distracted by his thoughts, Cenarious ignored the nobles seeking a word and led his wife out of the crowds in the great hall and out on to the nearest vacant balcony. With his desire to be undisturbed made apparent, Cenarious's Stormguard proudly flashed their Black Lion's insignia as they arrayed themselves at the balcony's entrance to give the royal couple a chance to speak in private. Taking a moment to admire the view of the Grove of Honor Cenarious finally turned his gaze back to his wife and drank in the sight of her smiling face. With such a radiant wife smiling up at him Cenarious couldn't help but smile back as he drew her in closer to him and went in for a kiss.

Roleplay from Hexic Jeckyl

Hexic strode up to the castle gates, a female companion on each arm. For the festivities he was wearing matching vestments of royal blue finery with gold embroidery, and his familiar leather boots. A longsword at his side, as always. His companions were scandalously dressed by a noble's standards, but still covered enough to not be mistaken for whores, or so the Duke hoped.

On his way up, Hexic passed a well dressed man with a wide brim straw hat. Hexic thought this may have been one of the new nobles to arrive in D'Hara. If it was though, surely he would have expected him to be heading towards the festivities. Hexic decided that it must have been Mathias' staff sent on an errand, or else someone that tried to pass themselves off as a noble, and was rejected at the door.

Hexic arrived at the gates and as he was he addressed his companions, Kathrine and Elizabeth. "Now ladies, remember, for tonight you must act like nobles, and not what you were before you entered my employ. Understood?" "Perfectly." replied both in unison. Hexic always found it odd that shared the same thoughts. Shrugging off this odd phenomenon, they proceeded to the ball room.

Upon arrival the guards recognized the Duke more likely by reputation than his physical appearance. "And who are these two?" Asked the guard, a note of suspicion in his voice. "Ladies Kathrine and Elizabeth, from Qubel Lighthouse." The guard had a hint of doubt in his eye, but proceeded to announce the three anyway. "Duke Hexic Jeckyl accompanied by the ladies Kathrine and Elizabeth." Boomed the guard as the three strode in. Hexic surveyed the scene, and was pleased. This was exactly the effect he had desired. Many of the people that had turned to see the three new arrivals had a shocked or envious look. One such individual was the Royal Fiduciary. Hexic escorted Elizabeth and Kathrine over to Lycan to make introductions.

Roleplay from Lycan Moreira

Lycan saw Duke Hexic approach with two ladies, one in each arm. They looked presentable one could say. "Sir Hexic it's nice to see you here. And who are these fine ladies?" he said while taking an appreciative look over each in turn.

Roleplay from Mathias Ridder

As more and more nobles began to arrive Mathias decided it was time for the real festivities to begin. Standing up Mathias had his guards call to attention the entire floor. "Ladies and Noblemen! Your host the Duke Mathias requests your attention!" said the herald next to Mathias.

"Friends, acquaintances, and others who have joined me here today!" said Mathias his voice booming throughout the hall. "I have invited you all here today to welcome these new nobles to our realm!" Mathias said motioning to the table below him which seemed only part way filled. "Well then seems some them are taking their duties quite seriously and didn't show for their own party. Let us commemorate these hard working men and women of the forest...." said Mathias trying to hide his shame of not having all the guest show for their own party.

"Sir Zeromus!" said Mathias pointing to the new knight. As the de facto leader of these new nobles I would request your presence at my table. I shall have an extension made and for tonight you shall eat with me and my most trusted charges."

At this three servant came out from behind a curtain almost as if they had been waiting for the order and added on and extension to the table next to Marquis Rathan's spot. "Now then! If you would all raise up and give a big thanks to Lady Sorsha who has made all of this possible for us. If it were not for her steadfastness in the face of danger, and her refusal to give up on the people of Ordenstaat we would not have these fine nobles here with us today." Turning to Sorsha and gently grabbing her hand and lifting it he said in a soft calm tone, "My Lady please take a bow." all the while the hall had erupted in cheers and applause for the new nobles and the Lady Sorsha.

Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell

At his introduction to the new nobles Sorsha joined in the clapping to welcome them to D’Hara. But then when Mathias continued and put the attention of her she froze and looked up at him, not knowing what to do. That’s when he extended his hand to make her rise and she bowed, trying to ignore the attention that was all given to her but then she put her hand up to silence the room and spoke in turn. “Which I would have not been able to accomplish had it not been for the fine nobles who left with me on the expedition. Marshal Carlos, Sir Lycan and the Western Guard and to my right here, Marquis Rathan.”

Quickly taking the attention away from her, she clapped in turn and sat.

Roleplay from Hexic Jeckyl

Noticing the way Sorsha and Mathias looked at each other, Hexic could tell that they had fallen in love, or else given into lust. Either way he viewed the battle for Sorsha's heart over, as it now belonged to Mathias. Hexic's clapping slowed to a stop, and turned back to Lycan.

Lycan, may I present Lady Kathrine, and Lady Elizabeth." Kathrine and Elizabeth both held out a hand for the Royal Fiduciary to kiss, batting their eyelashes as they did so. Having automatically turning on their charm Hexic could only pray that any indecency they exhibited would be from behind closed doors. Lycan kissed each hand in turn, looking thoroughly excited by this encounter. "I will leave you three to it then" said the Duke. Hexic made to walk away and as he did so whispered to Lycan "Elizabeth is the one with the dimples".

Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell

From a distance Sorsha had noticed Duke Hexic enter with two women, one on each arm. After her announcement, her eyes shifted again to the Marshal in question and his company. She couldn’t help herself, and examined each woman longer than she should have. By their expression and closeness to each she could see they all knew each other very intimately. This made her frown.

Hexic then approached Sir Lycan who seemed all but taken by each beautiful woman. As the Duke then left them and approached, her eyes found his, and after a moment she slowly withdrew her gaze.

Full platters of food were then brought out to the tables, replacing the hors d'oeuvres and she looked to the food before her.

Roleplay from Lycan Moreira

Lycan appreciated Duke Hexic's "offer" of companionship and winked at his dimple remark. He led the ladies to the table next to where Sorsha and Mathias were sitting and sat with both ladies one on each side of him.

His eyes met Sorsha's for a second and he smiled appreciatively at her. They sat and waited for dinner to be served and Lycan poured a drink to each of his new lady friends.

Roleplay from Mathias Ridder

Mathias sat there and finished his food, afterwards looking over to see Sorsha sitting there finishing her food as well. She looked like a delicate angel sipping upon the ambrosia that is her food. If only she would always look as she does right now.

Mathias then stood up and asked for her hand. "My lady will you come and dance with me?"

Roleplay from Kisharianda Onyxien

Kisharianda sat at the table smiling and nodding at the guest when they looked in her direction. She had been so preoccupied with all the attention Cenarious had been giving her she almost forgot they were in a room full of nobles. Cenarious not paying much attention to the crowd continued to whisper comments to her that made her blush and smile like two young adolescence in love.

She noticed the beautiful dress Lady Sorsha was wearing and thought it complimented her well, it had been far too long since she had been dressed with such elegance.

"Isn't Sorsha stunning this evening my Lord" she turned to Cenarious and nodded in Sorsha's direction

Cenarious looked up and nodded "Beautiful indeed" and she agreed

"It is nice to see some of the new nobles have attended, It is very thoughtful of Mathias to have held this evening for them" she smiled and looked at Mathias who was sitting closely to Lady Sorsha.

"Hopefully this will give them the opportunity to meet the rest of the D'Harans and feel more at home" she reached for her wine "I am glad we attended this evening, although I miss the babies it's nice to get out and be amongst friends"

Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell

The meal done, everyone started to mingle through the room away from the tables. The room was immense, allowing both a chance for people to sit and watch or to dance in another area. She accepted Mathias’ invitation with a nod of her head and he led her to the center of the dance floor. More nobles joined in when they noticed the musicians beginning to play a soft and mesmerizing song.

Mathias faced her and she raised her hand and so did he, they lay them palm flat against one another and looked into each other’s eyes. He smiled at her and she watched him for a moment wondering what he was thinking. She walked forward and he back. After a few moments they turned and then danced side to side, then switched hands, several couples dotted the floor, following the dance steps for a few moments until it was time to switch partners. She was then with a new male partner who bowed and he a female who curtsied. She watched over her shoulder at Mathias and then turned to the noble in front of her.

The dance was so that each noble was partnered with a different noble until they returned to their original partners. It would be a few minutes before she was partnered with Mathias again.

Roleplay from Mathias Ridder

The dance continued on and even though it was but a few minutes that he was away from her it felt like hours. Mathias just couldn't bear the thought of her being with any other man. Sneaking peaks at each man as they danced with Sorsha he made sure to remember their faces in case they insulted the lady in any way. If they were to he would see to it they met the executioner first thing in the morning.

Having finally rejoined Sorsha, Mathias bowed one last time then proceeded to give the musicians applause to which the other dancers joined him. Then turning back to Sorsha as the others continued to clap he grabbed her hand and gave it a kiss after which he said, "My Lady, I thank you for this dance. You have not only made my night but quite possibly my whole lifetime. I cannot remember another time I have felt so invigorated. At least not since my time during the rebellions."

Then walking towards one of the open balconies Mathias motioned for Sorsha to follow him to which she did. As the two passed the open arch Mathias held his hand high and gave his fingers a snap. Then instantly two guards came into the archway and blocked any from entering behind them. Resting his arms on the railway Mathias looked up at the stars and said, "Sorsha...why did you decide to grace me with your presence? Why did you give me chance after chance? There are so many other suitors out there. So many other who would kill for the chance to be as close to you as I am…” Mathias then turned to Sorsha and awaited her response.

Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell

At his question Sorsha looked away and walked to the wall, leaning against it. “Yes you’re right,” she told him honestly, “some do wish they were in your place right now,” she clarified. She wasn’t conceited; she just knew his words to be true. Rathan for one, others… well she had a feeling about some. This time her gaze looked on to the stars that were just now starting to appear in the night sky.

“As for why I gave you chance after chance…I don’t know,” she put her hands to the wall behind her back and exhaled, misting the cool air. “No matter what my choices are in life, they always lead me back here… to you.” She gave a ghost of a smile as she admired him in his fine new clothes, the outline of his broad shoulders, the shine of his dark blond hair, which almost looked brown right now, his blue eyes, the lines of his handsome face as he watched her. “It is a mystery to me,” she breathed and bit her lip, she almost closed the distance to touch him and then realized what she was doing and looked to the ground. “What is on your mind Mathias?”
