McDowell Family/Sorsha McDowell/Hexic's Banquet

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Roleplay from Lycan Moreira

It was night and everyone of Lycan's men were sitting around a camp fire resting from the long trip to Ordenstaat. A few moments later Lycan came running out of his tent with a letter in one hand and a smile across his face.

"Boys, time for festivities!" They all looked up at him awaiting the good news. "The Lighthouse feast has begun! Since we can't be there let's make our own, shall we?"

Everyone cheered. Finally something to celebrate and truth be told they were in dire need of a celebration. Especially Lycan...

Turning to Lanfried he said "Captain, invite every noble in the region, we'll pretend we're back home. Don't forget the wine, ale and all the food you can find!"

Lanfried nodded and saluted with a grin across his face and ran off. Hmm, love it when he takes control like that.

Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell

Sorsha was just about to enter her tent when a soldier ran up to her. “Lady Sorsha,” he addressed her and smiled. She turned to face him, her face expressionless. She had never met him before but she recognized the Moreira sigil on his tabard. “There are festivities and you have been invited to partake… at the Moreira camp,” he added with a wisp of a grin and her brow rose. With that he left and she turned to the guard at her tent.

He seemed to be concentrating on keeping guard and watching the Captain run off at the same time. She neared him and his gaze returned to her. “Sounds like fun,” she said and nodded in the opposite direction. “Tell the men they are free to go. Mind, I still want guards posted around the perimeter. I leave the arrangements up to you. I will check in with them later, they better be there when I do.”

With her words he nodded seriously but he was unable to hold in the smile as it broke into a grin and his eyes shone. “Yes Milady,” he saluted and he was off.

She continued into her tent and sat on her cot. She could hear the whooping of her men as the news broke out. Laughter and already some had taken to singing, the merriment filling the air. She watched the opening of her tent for some time, wondering if she should go.

Roleplay from Lycan Moreira

Everyone was singing, drinking and dancing around the camp fire. A few more drunk then others but all merry. Lycan was no exception. A bit drunk too he sat with his ale in one hand watching as Lanfried and Gregor danced in a drunken haze. He couldn't help but laugh at the vision before him. If Lanfried acted a bit weird sober this was something to remember. He danced with such delicate moves he wondered where he had learned them. He looked more like one of those royal blooded spoiled brats trying to sweep a Lady of her feet than an experienced soldier. And Gregor was just too drunk to even care about the theatre they were creating.

"Lanfried do that one more time. That swirl was almost perfect!" Gregor said laughing and Lanfried did so with such enthusiasm it was... contagious.

Lycan averted his gaze from them while he took a sip and noticed the Black Lions had joined them in their feast. He got up and looked around hoping to find Lady Sorsha. He wondered if she would join them after what was said the last time they met but regardless he still had a soft spot for his friend.

Not seeing her he walked to Luna and rode back to her camp to see if she would join them. After all he had lost lately, he figured he wouldn't lose a friend too no matter how changed she was. This was no time to dwell on past actions and events. Enjoying a celebration was good for anyone's spirit.

He arrived at her camp and asked the soldier outside her tent if she was in. The soldier nodded and went inside to announce his presence.

"Lady Sorsha, Sir Lycan is here and requests to see you."

Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell

Sorsha walked to the opening of her tent and pushed the flap aside. “Sir Lycan,” she greeted, noticing the smile on his face. The last time she had seen him it was to give him the horrendous news that his sister was dead. Of course she had not sugar coated it, she had been as harsh with it as she could. She couldn’t imagine the smile was for her, it was most likely the drink. She moved aside allowing him entry to her tent and turned around, crossing her arms. “Enjoying yourself,” she noted, and cocked her head. “What can I do for you?”

Roleplay from Lycan Moreira

Lycan saw her and his smile grew bigger. Maybe it was the drink or he was just happy to see her. She was still wearing the same leather outfit which hugged every curve and he couldn't help but appreciate it. She greeted him inside and he followed her.

"Hello Sorsha." he said with a smile. "Look before you say anything I must apologize for the way I reacted when we last saw each other. The news you gave me weren't exactly...expected." His smiled slipped for an instant and then he added "And I would also like you to know that I won't try and change you back into who you were before. Not anymore. I don't fully understand it yet but I must accept you for who you are."

He had been thinking a lot lately about his sister and the destructive path he took and realized he had lost a lot but still had much more to lose. Now with the ale he had he was just being sincere. Like they say In vino veritas.

Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell

“Very well,” she answered flatly. How life mocked her at every turn. She had been purposely cruel with Lycan; the one person she had considered a true and dear friend, only to push him away from her before life took him from her first. She was trying to hasten something that would inevitably happen and here he was again, with his honesty and his sweet caring words, making it harder.

He nodded in the direction of the tent opening and smiled, as if beckoning her to join him. She blinked, weighing her decision. This morning she had done something especially hard for her. In fact she was still reeling from the decision, unsure if it had been the right one to make and now here stood another one before her. She wasn’t exactly in a festive mood.

Despite her promise to attend Duke Hexic’s feast, duty had taken precedence and she was unable to attend. The least she could do was honor his request.

Sorsha turned to pick up the bottle of wine off her desk, the one she had prepared to drink by herself and motioned for Lycan to lead the way. It wasn’t like she had to start singing and dancing, she would just attend.

As they walked out, they passed by Marquis Rathan’s camp and subconsciously her steps slowed, she looked over her shoulder to his tent, wondering if he had been informed and would attend as well... Maybe he was already there. She turned to Lycan. “Have any other nobles joined?”

Roleplay from Hexic Jeckyl

Hexic rose from his throne-like seat at the head of the banquet hall, raising his glass. He clinked is spoon to it, to call for everyone's attention. Discussions and music died down and everyone turned to face the Duke.

"We are here today to celebrate the upgrade to the fortifications here in the Lighthouse. It is all thanks to two people: Duke Mathias and Duchess Kisharianda!" Hexic motioned for them to stand so they could be properly honoured for their contributions. Polite clapping arose from the nobles, while the commoners that comprised Duke Hexic's staff were much more enthusiastic. Hexic raised his hands for silence and continued "I would also like to congratulate the King and Queen on the coming birth of their child, and have arranged for a festival to start when we finish eating!" Hexic could not separate the reactions from the commoners and nobles, the entire hall had erupted in clapping and cheering. Hexic tried to say to dig in, but he couldn't even hear himself. So he simply motioned towards the food and sat down. Everyone who had turned their attention to Duke Hexic understood, and told their neighbours they could start eating.

Roleplay from Lycan Moreira

"Very well" was all she said to him and he stood there waiting for something else. A sign of...something. Well that's better than "no" I guess. She was still being cold and distant but at least she didn't turn him down flat. There's still hope. He thought to himself.

Seeing her pick up the bottle he led the way outside. He noticed her slowing down her steps as they passed by Sir Rathan's camp. When she asked about him being invited Lycan smiled "Yes, I did invite all nobles in the region. D'Haran and Ordenstaati. But since I'm here I'll go ask him in person."

They both walked up to Rathan's tent but Lady Sorsha preferred to wait outside as Lycan announced his request to see him.

He was shown in and Sir Rathan sat at his desk going through paperwork. He looked up as Lycan approached.

"Sir Rathan, good to see you again. Last time we saw each other was at the duel and ceremony at Sir Bowie's estate if you recall."

Sir Rathan nodded remembering the event.

"I am having a feast to celebrate the Lighthouse improvements since we can't be at Duke Hexic's estate. Would you like to join me? Lady Sorsha has just accepted."

He waited for Sir Rathan's reply.

Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell

Sorsha was a short distance off but she could still distinctly hear Lycan’s voice from where she stood. She looked back to the tent, she could see the shadows within and then back towards where Lycan’s camp should be. She didn’t wait to see what would happen, instead she walked away.

She made her way to the camp and sat near the fire, many of her men were surprised to see her there at all and she ignored their gaping stares. She opened the bottle of wine and started drinking directly from the bottle. She didn’t care about what was proper and ladylike manners, she was roughing it. When she left with her men, she was in a man’s world, she became one of them. When the men saw her drink, they smiled and started singing again. Some continued laughing and playing games to the side.

In silence she watched the fire before her. Wondering if Rathan would join them.

Rathan… She had been of a similar attitude with him at first than she had been with Lycan. Being down right insolent to try and discourage him only he didn’t let go. She used that to draw him in, playing, teasing, toying with him to fulfill her need to feel wanted, but on her terms. Of course she had succeeded in attracting him further, only it had turned on her. Instead she as well was left with this addiction, this insatiable craving that made her go back. In him, she had found an equally dark mate, but in the end she knew it would never be enough, for either of them.

She drank again, not really tasting the drink, just needing to keep herself busy.

Roleplay from Kisharianda Onyxien

Listening to Hexic' words she looked around to notice any other familiar faces in the crowd, she knew some had left for Ordenstaat but it seemed the grounds here were still well filled. Startled by the crowd's cheers from the Duke's last words Kisharianda looked up at Cenarious and smiled.

"Hexic seems proud up there" she smiled and watched the servants start bringing out the food.

She was famished and followed the trays like a starving peasant. Since the beginning of her pregnancy she ate everything the cooks made for her and everything else she had them make as well, not counting the midnight snacks and sneaking in the kitchen quarters in the middle of the night for her crazy cravings. It was almost like she was under a spell, the instant the aroma hit her nose she was like a lioness on the hunt.

She filled her plate with everything her arm could reach, people looked at her smiling and giggling amongst each other. She may have been Queen but in this state there was no room for control, she continued to spoon her plate with meats and vegetables.

"Cenarious" she smiled as she tried to reach over his plate "I want some jelly for my turkey" her eyes as wide as her stomach

"Jelly...on turkey?" Cenarious looked at her unsure "Jelly?" he giggled "Jelly it is he reached over to the bowl excusing the man who was about to help himself. "The Queen wants jelly on her turkey" his brows rose up and down and he smiled at the man taking the bowl.

"Ohh fantastic" she spooned two big helpings of the jelly on top of the white meat "Do you see any gravy" she asked without taking her eyes away from her plate making more room.

Cenarious looked on each side and turned to one of the servants "Be a doll and bring a small gravy bowl for my wife" he instructed "And you might want to stay close to her" he paused "She's got quite an appetite these days" they both smiled and she left to fetch the sauce.

"Is there anything else my love?" he asked as he looked down at her plate.

"Just the gravy" she smiled as she continued to break little cubes of cheese all over her plate.

"Milady your very own gravy bowl" the servant handed her a small porcelain bowl with a large spoon. She thanked the servant and took the spoon out and poured the gravy over everything.

Her salad was mixed into her mashed potatoes, her meats were covered with jelly, the whole plate was topped with small green grapes, cubes of cheese and she finalized by drowning everything with gravy. Anyone in their sane mind would not attempt to eat the plate it looked like a big goo but to Kish it was a feast on it's own. This would surely be the last event she would attend considering she was nearing the end of her pregnancy and her midwives always fussed when they couldn't see her. After tonight she would return home and wait for the baby to arrive.

Looking over at Hexic she smiled and raised her glass "Congratulations on the swift building of your walls Duke Hexic, the fortress couldn't be in better hands" she raised her glass higher "To Duke Hexic" the crowd cheered behind her "TO DUKE HEXIC" "May he live long to watch over you all" she started to drink and she smiled at the Duke as she sat back down to devour her food.

Roleplay from Rathan Himoura

Rathan looked up from the dusty tome he was reading at Sir Lycan.

"Ah yes I do recall. For future reference, my title is Marquis, not sir. But, you may simply call me Rathan."

Rathan marked his page and closed the book, and Lycan could catch a glimpse of the odd runic characters within.

"I would be delighted to join you, lead the way."

Not waiting for Lycan's response, Rathan stood, buckled his sword to his belt, and strode out the tent, towards the festivities. Upon arriving at Lycan's encampment, Rathan saw Sorsha, sitting by herself, and drinking straight from the bottle. Rathan procured himself a bottle of rum, and sat next to her, drinking in silence.

Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell

Darkness was slowly filling the horizon and Sorsha envisioned being home. Not in Fontan, but in D’Hara. The soft breeze, the verdant grass and the waters surrounding them were vivid now. The image brought her back to the Lighthouse. That reason for the festivities.

It was probably better she wasn’t there at all. Her life had such a way of unfolding, even had she planned it, it would fall apart and turn on her anyway. It had been proven so many times.

For a moment she thought of Mathias… The one she continuously pushed away, denying him what he wanted the most. Thinking up new ways of hurting him, in a pathetic attempt to bleed him of his love for her, to make him hate her, but she was unable to accomplish that either. She wanted Mathias free of her. Only… he seemed to love her more now than she thought possible. The joke was on her for even after all was said and done he was the one… taming her.

Mathias would be at the feast now, in company of the host, Duke Hexic. She took another drink.

Duke Hexic was… another dilemma. She had met him only to fulfill her desire to meet the Marshal in person. Her admiration had not been wasted, she was satisfied, yet something occurred even she had not anticipated. His attraction to her had been obvious, and again she breathed it in as she would the need for oxygen. Much had been left unsaid, from both of them and it was these words that rang loudest in her mind. Had she given the invitation directly he would have bedded her without question. Had she stayed longer she knew she would have probably given in to the overpowering desire to feel more of him than was decent – A new and insatiable attraction. The thought made her shift uncomfortably and she closed her eyes. “What is wrong with you?” she hissed and the man sitting next to her frowned. “I’m sorry Milady, I uh… I uh…” he had no idea what to say and she tsked her tongue. “Not you.”

Yes it was better, she wasn’t there at all. She could only imagine how that one would play out.

She lifted the bottle to her lips closed her eyes and drank more wine, when she opened her eyes, the soldier was gone and in his place sat Rathan. She blinked slowly, wondering why her senses had not warned her. “Milord,” she greeted.

Roleplay from Rathan Himoura

Rathan nodded curtly. "Milady."

He uncorked the bottle in his hand, and took a long drink. He winced at the taste and would have preferred to have something to mix the drink with. It would have to do for now though. Rathan looked over at Sorsha, thinking to himself.

She was the one thing keeping him in D’Hara. How he would love to be rid of the rude tyrant that now sat upon the throne, so forgetful of how he had gotten there in the first place. Without Rathan's quiet support, mostly extended through Conrac, the rebellion would have fallen flat on its face. He took another long swig off of the bottle. Titles and gold were nothing. Knowledge and respect... And Sorsha. That's what he wanted... And maybe a mark or two to sink his blades into along the way.

Roleplay from Lycan Moreira

Lycan watched as he saw Rathan sitting next to Sorsha. He noticed something about them but couldn't quite name it. He didn't give it more thought and took two plates with food.

Approaching them he handed the plates to them and said "Anyone hungry?"

Roleplay from Rathan Himoura

Rathan looked annoyed, and curtly answered.

"I've already dined this evening. I would love to, but I am already fulfilled. Thank you for the offer."

Rathan took another long drag off the bottle, and was starting to feel the effects.

Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell

Rathan being this close to her, made Sorsha’s silence grow and they both took a long drink of their bottles, before being presented with food by Lycan.

She didn’t have a chance to say anything before the Marquis refused. It was only after, she as well shook her head. “No…” there was a pause and she added, “thank you.”

She looked down to her feet and put both hands to her bottle, rolling it slowly to the tips of her fingers and back. She bit her lip and looked over to Rathan, ready to speak, but then stopped, going back to rolling her bottle.

Roleplay from Lycan Moreira

He noticed the cold air between them and decided to leave them alone for the time being.

"Very well then," Lycan said simply.

Turning to Sorsha he added, "If you need me I'll be close by." He then turned away taking the food and handed it to other soldiers, and kept his distance keeping an eye on them just in case.

Roleplay from Rathan Himoura

Rathan took another sip from his bottle, and looked over at Sorsha, hating every second of the awkward silence. He wanted to say so much... But at the same time he couldn't find the words. Nor should he say everything... He would lose any advantage in his dealings with her...

"So... Nice weather we're having, eh?"

Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell

Nodding to Lycan as he left, she drank some more. It seemed her and Rathan were racing to get to the bottom of their bottles, if only looking for a distraction not to speak. Unlike Rathan though, she had not eaten yet that day. Therefore the wine hit her hard and fast…

This time when she turned to speak, he beat her to it. At his question she took another drink. When she turned to look at him, she saw so much in his face. So much beneath the surface.

“Yesss… but it is only the calm before the sturm… strum… strooom, s t o r m” she answered honestly and slowly, trying to get the word right but with a slight slur to her speech. She wasn’t referring to the weather and hid her face in her hands, trying to regain some composure.

Roleplay from Cenarious Stormrage

Watching the revelry Cenarious sat quietly lost in thought. Even the queasiness any normal man would feel when seated within looking and smelling distance of the Queen's plate was forgotten by the King.

'Why am I not surprised Rathan is causing trouble again..' Cenarious thought to himself. 'It's always something with that one. Disobeying orders, making threats against his liege, not to mention the endless insults.. if it wasn't for my bloody wife D'Hara would be rid of that trouble maker already, and we would all be better for it! Her delicate condition wont last too much longer though.. she will not be so lenient after she has recovered I'm sure.. besides, there is only so much she can protect the fool from, and she certainly can't protect him from himself.'

As his loyal knights and soldiers gave voice to their happiness and enjoyed the festivities to their fullest Cenarious grew more resolved. 'I can hardly let one fool ruin all that we have built here. This leniency puts all the people who rely on me in danger. Rathan digs their graves with his antics.. if its a choice between them or him, then my choice is obvious..'

Catching Hexic's eye Cenarious felt pride in his Duke and it shook him from his dark thoughts. Raising his glass of Cagilan Brandy in tribute to his loyal Duke Cenarious thought to himself, 'I couldn't have chosen better in that one..' Savoring the moment Cenarious took a sip of brandy to toast another great achievement in the long line of his Duke's accomplishments.

'Though there might be some bad apples, there were also some great men here in D'Hara.' Cenarious pondered as the festivities swirled on around him.

Roleplay from Rathan Himoura

The rum was slowly starting to affect Rathan. He nodded at what she said, and started to speak himself.

"You're right. Its kind of like our King you know? You give a man a fish, and he'll stink up the whole town... But you give him a fishing pole... You see where I'm going? Yea... You give 'em a fishing pole, and he'll poke yer damned eye out."

Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell

At his words, Sorsha blinked… trying to follow his train of thought and then out of the blue she started to laugh. He looked angry but so… what was it? Cute?

“Mar…Maarq…” she dropped his title, “Rath…are you telling me fables?” she chuckled lightly and took another drink. Maybe she should pay more attention, she knew why he was saying it, but she was trying her best to move away from the subject. It was not something she felt would solve anything.

“You are here, I am here, the King is not, and well I don’t like fish,” she added with a light chuckle and put her hand on his leg. “So uhm.. ya…” she blinked, not really knowing where her words came from. “So let’s… forget the st..” she wasn’t going to mangle the word again. “How is your rum?” she asked instead. Waiting for his reply she took another drink.

Roleplay from Rathan Himoura

Rathan finished the bottle, and looked at it sadly.


He looked back at her again, captivated. The fire dancing in the pit reflected in her eyes... And he spoke.

"I have traveled the world and none is so bew.. beautiful as you." his drunken honesty getting the best of him.

Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell

At his words, she stared at him and bit her lip. She couldn’t say what was on her mind. Couldn’t say how when he spoke to her like that she could forever drown in his words. She wanted to but she had promised. Instead she took another drink and handed him her bottle. “I will get us another.”

Noticing one of her soldiers, she waved him over. Trying her best to compose herself, her voice got cold. “Return to my tent, I have wine there, bring it back.” He nodded and left. She would have gotten it herself, but she wasn’t sure her legs would take her there, or if she would have even made it back at all.

She licked her lips and her gaze returned to the fire. “The world must be sssmaller than I imagined, surely you haven’t seen all of it…” she said softly.

Roleplay from Lycan

Lycan kept drinking and watching everyone having fun. He glanced in Sorsha and Rathan's way every now and then but they seemed fine.

After a few moments he saw Lanfried stumble his way towards him and when he approached him he leaned on his shoulder without ceremony.

"Sir, I saw some...thing in the staring, staring at me. I think I was being watched." he said with round eyes.

"What? Everyone is watching you in case you haven't noticed. You're quite a dancer." he grinned playing with him.

"No Sir. I saw these eyes shining in the dark. Maybe it's a wolf."

At that Lycan laughed at how scared he seemed. "Alright Rosebud... he let the name slip in his drunken state. "Let's see what it is. I know wolves. Follow me."

Lycan could usually hold his liquor but he was stumbling a bit too.

Lanfried followed him close behind tip toeing. They approached the bushes where Lanfried had seen it last and they leaned closer trying to see anything in the dark. Out of the blue Lycan hears a growl followed by a girly squeak.

He turns to see a cat-like animal had jumped on Lanfried's face as he was leaning closer. The captain left running with the cat still attached to his face and stumbled to the crowd until he fell on his butt screaming for help.

Lycan stood there impassive at first but when he saw the scene unfold he started laughing so hard he fell to the ground.

Everyone stood watching Lanfried and his attacker but couldn't move a finger because his girly squeaks and panic were just hilarious.

Roleplay from Rathan Himoura

"Well.... I haven't seen the WHOLE world... But I've seen mossst of it."

Rathan adjusted his position, and slid off of his seat, and scrambled back into it, hoping nobody noticed over the commotion being caused by Lycan and his man. Rathan twiddled his thumbs and looked around, acting as if nothing had happened.

Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell

Sorsha heard Rathan but her attention was drawn to the pit where a man was squealing with something on his face. It took her a moment to realize Lasair was attacking him. She let out a shrill whistle and the cat looked up, jumping off the young Captain’s face it ran to her side. She spoke Gaelic and the cat’s ears drew back as if being reprimanded.

Scratching at his neck, he sprawled to the ground beside her and watched the soldiers glaring at it. Sorsha’s man had returned to hand him a new bottle and she took it. She noticed the rest of the men watching her. “He will not hurt you he was probably disturbed in his hunt.” At that the men grumbled and almost instantly they started laughing again. Lycan doing most of it. She had to admit, it had been funny. “You sscream like a girl,” she added to Lanfried bluntly. “And I sshould know.”

At that the rest of the men laughed harder and Lanfried looked about nervously and gave a small chuckle.

She took a drink from the new bottle and handed it to Rathan, ignoring the rest of them. “I wish I could have seen the world,” she admitted. Along with her speech now, her fingers were tingling, and her vision seemed hazy. What control she had earlier, was slipping.

Roleplay from Rathan Himoura

"Its sstill not too late you know. I could show you all sorts of places. Like... You know..."

Rathan pulled her close to him and pointed up at the night sky.

"First I can show you what I can from here."

Rathan pointed to a trio of blood red stars in the sky.

"Those are the Bloodstars. Bunch 'o crazed loons think they're gods or something."

Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell

Moving into him she looked up to the sky, where he pointed. “Fuil réalta she repeated. She knew of the Bloodstars… but they had never been pointed out to her before but Mathias had talked to her about it many times in private. Come to think of it…

“Aren’t you one of the crazed loonss?” she whispered in his ear and smiled mischievously. Being this close to him, she could almost forget where they were, it was as if they were in a world of their own.

Roleplay from Rathan Himoura

Rathan smiled a little and whispered into her ear.

"On paper yes. In actuality... No. I figure it’s a good idea to be a member of one of the largest organizations on Dwilight. Keeping one step ahead and all."

Her scent and her touch was driving his senses wild, and in conjunction with the alcohol, which was starting to impede his vision, he couldn't begin to describe how he felt. Rathan pointed to the West, towards another constellation.

"That one there, the bright blueish stars. In my homeland we call it Raziel. It was named after my great great uncle who fell in battle."

He took her hand in his and pointed out each of the stars.

Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell

When Rathan returned a whisper into her ear, Sorsha moved into him subconsciously seeking the warm shiver his breath gave her and laughed lightly. She watched as he continued to show her each star. No matter where she was when night came, her gaze was always towards them.

She recalled some simply by looking at them having done so too many times and could now associate a name to, others she had never seen before.

The stories he associated to each were captivating, adding life and beauty to them. At that moment, she could almost forget who she was but the tightness within her was burning her inside. The wine had done its work. If only between them, every now and then Rathan would have gotten a rare glimpse of the Sorsha she used to be before her transformation.

Leaning into his shoulder, she looked up to the heavens, and whispered, “Rath…Do you know how many times I’ve watched… and wondered what kind of life brought them there? Why some shine brighter than others, why only on some nights only one or two twinkle at all…or even appear” she paused and tightened her hand in his. “I know now, some were named after legends, great people. People who shone so bright in life, so beautiful, that even in death their memories shine through the ones who still remember them.”

She paused and looked down at her hands, they were both intertwined with his without realizing she had done so. Her gaze became hard and her eyes shone. “Should there ever be one named after me, it would not shine brightly at all… It would be dark… and lifeless and corrupt everything it touches.” She slowly let go of his hands and stood. “I need to go,” she told him and left.

She stumbled her way through the camp and by some miracle made it back to hers. The noises had receded from the distance as she returned to her tent, she took to pacing it for a while. She shook her head, muttering to herself for sometime… incoherent thoughts, jumbled with vicious reprimands. In case Rathan followed she left her tent and walked the forest, her ocelot had not been far behind. She did not go to sleep, she refused to, and everything she had thought of, returned to play in her mind, haunting her.