Asgard Informer/Issue Seven

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Price: 1 silver coins Phoenix sized.png Main editors: Xaphan, Smeagenwulf

Phoenixsmall.png   Still Undaunted   Phoenixsmall.png
by Smeagenwulf Graeven
April 8th, 2009
The war on Norland's soil continues, with no end in sight. Beaten, but certainly not broken, Norland's troops were able to recoup while our foes were refitting or tending to their regions, and managed to restore some order and retake Ashmoor from the Barony and Shiverwood from the anarchist squirrel warlords who had persuaded the peasants to go rogue.

Despite all this, a large attack force from L'estonland, Talerium and Darka recently managed to storm and defeat Barad Riel's outnumbered defending forces, and reports state a brutal takeover of the city by Eston was not long to follow. The attack was only a matter of time, seeing that the stronghold was cut from Norland's other regions by L'Estonand's earlier Takeover of Elost. Barad Riel was isolated with no way to funnel troops for it's defense, and relied heavily on militia forces.

With our enemies amassing against us once more, Norland stands ready to fight to the last man. Despite the grim and dark days we face, spirits are high, and many stand fit in defiance of these recent events and battle 'till either victory, or Valhalla; Whichever comes first. The true northern spirit burns strong in us all.

Phoenixsmall.png   Surprising Turn!   Phoenixsmall.png
by Smeagenwulf Graeven
April 11th, 2009
Runners came panting and wheezing into the Asgard Informer's offices today, bearing ill news. Given, building the offices high up and a rocky hill was perhaps not fully thought through, but these news are fresh for a change.

Said reports state the newly appointed duke of Barad Riel, Jean Alain de Bardt has switched the city's allegiance to L'Estonland, taking some eight nobles with him- Including the new Konungr of Norland, Chisil Arnel! Details of this event are yet unclear, and reports will follow as the story unfolds, but for now, It's safe to say that Norland is bereft of both a Stronghold and a leader for the moment.

Note, the City was Barad Riel was on the verge of being taken over by L'Esonland, and so Jean Alain's appointment was to be temporary at best. More news as it unfolds.