Dwilight Daily/2009/March

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Revision as of 03:43, 9 March 2009 by Fury (talk | contribs)
An Eventful February March 3, 2009
The previous month of February was one of the most eventful months that has happened on Dwilight since the first noble settlers arrived on the island. We have seen the birth of four new realms, the death of a once powerful empire, a tournament, and the disappearance of a religion that at one time had one of the most opulent and extensive palace complexes ever seen. Even more unusual is that these events took place while under the harsh weather of a brutal winter. Some of the events that occurred:
Comment on this story. by Brance Indirik
Duke of Libidizedd 
A Royal Charge in Rettlewood March 1, 2009
The Ruler of Ordenstaat turns back unexpectedly to rejoin the rest of the Inferi Hunters in a royal rumble in the woods.
Roleplay from Arden Fury
Message sent to all nobles of Ordenstaat

General Arden was stunned. In an astonishing turnabout, Grand Master Milmice who was heading back to Rettleville to take care of matters of the realm had turned back and appeared alongside the rest of the Inferi Hunters in battle. His sudden change of plans had no doubt left him and his men with no time to dig in.

Charging into battle, Grand Master Milmice headed straight towards the monsters. General Arden's archers fired volley after volley in support but the beasts would not be swayed. It was unbelievable. The General's brows started to furrow with sweat. They had sensed royal blood and their bloodcurdling roars would have left any men shaking yet it was the Grand Master who would not be swayed.

Judge Eddard's men were rearing to move into action but were held back by him. He spoke just two words, "Not yet."

Again and again, men and beasts clashed - tusks against shields, metal against hide and metal rain fell from the sky. Then the beasts broke through the front lines!

"Back! Back towards the melee!", the Grand Master, who was miraculously unhurt in the initial charge, shouted.

Then, in a flash, one of the men screamed, "The Grand Master!" Many turned only to see him falling to the ground and a bloody tusk gleaming red in the sunlight.

- and Judge Eddard could hold it no more. "Now!" he screamed and he and his men echoing the battle cries of For Ordenstaat! - charged into the melee.

With this new assault and the continuing pinpoint bleeding of the metal rain, the beasts could take it no more. With a final roar of defeat, the remaining surviving creatures turned tail and fled in a panicked retreat.

And Grand Master Milmice could not be found. Yet... he saved the day. The surviving monsters had all... disappeared.
Arden Fury (Brother Bellator of Ordenstaat)
Comment on this story. by Arden Fury
Duke of Rettleville