Ironsun Family/Aeolus

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Curiculum Vitae

Aeolus probably is the most religious of the living Ironsuns. He is a member of the Church Of Ibladesh and a knight of Zawr. He joined the church right after his arrival in Ibladesh and later became a follower of Tersea, the goddess of trading and economics.

One day Aeolus had a strange and strong experience, which should change his live. The goddess Tersea appeared before his inner eye, while the young noble was meditating. A few moments later Aeolus did feel the presence of the whole Pantheon of Ibladesh. ... On the next morning he woke up, holding both a pen and a full ornamented book in his hands. It was the Book of Origin and Aeolus always is contemplating about its content. Since then religion got even more important for him and Aeolus now is an important member of the church.

Titles and Status

Aeolus is a knight of Zawr and a Follower of Tersea.

Ironsun Family