York Journal/Issue 23

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MinasIthilFlag2.png The York Journal
Cost: 1 silver February 09 Editor(s): Roxas Sypher
News Articles
News Briefs

February 19th - Norland completes its brutal takeover of Cheltenborne.
February 18th - King Raoul steps down and Queen Katherine is chosen.
February 17th - Minas Ithil defeated by the armies of Suville, Caergoth, and Carelia in the plains of Lyton.
February 15th - Eston reclaims control of Loratril from Darka.
February 12th - The Cagilan Empire has taken over the region of Nazgorn from Falasan.
February 7th - The city of Tucha falls to Tara ending the realm of Southasland.
February 6th - Darka has taken over the region of Loratil from Eston.
February 2nd - Minas Ithil takes over Cheltenborne, which had fallen into anarchy.

By Roxas Sypher Queen Katherine Yorke February 18th

Coming Soon!

By Roxas Sypher Battle of Lyton February 17th

Coming Soon!

By Roxas Sypher Invasion from the south February 16th

Over the past day, forces from Carelia, Caergoth, and Suville have appeared in Lothruin without warning. Carelia has already started looting the region and hundreds of peasants have been killed. The force in Lothruin numbers more than 2000 men(and 27kcs). Beyond the looting they have not declared their intentions and no war declarations have been made. The armies of Minas Ithil are mobilizing to combat this new threat. Minas Ithil stands greatly outnumbered with but a thousand soldiers in Lyton.

By Roxas Sypher A dark day February 9th

Royal Prince Dead Angel the Third, Minas Ithil's former king, was executed by Norland on this day.

By Roxas Sypher Robb Stoneheart February 3rd

Robb Stoneheart has been named Earl of Cheltenborne. Robb Stoneheart, formerly a knight of Winham was named the new lord at a ceremony presided over by King Raoul De La Fere. Earl Robb Stoneheart is the Marshal of the Swords of Minas Ithil and bears the civil title of Duke. With a distinguished career Robb has set an example for others to emulate. Cheltenborne has suffered greatly in the current war with Norland, with the region suffering briefly under Norland rule and falling into anarchy.

On behalf of the York Journal congratulations on your appointment and we wish you luck in the hard work ahead.

By Roxas Sypher War update February 3rd

The war with the northern federation has shifted. Darka has captured the duchy of Massillion. In a recent battle on the plains of Wistir, Darka defeated the armies of Eston and Barony of Makar. Minas Ithil has inflicted heavy casualties on the armies of Norland in the last two weeks. The armies of Minas Ithil have also managed to regain control of Cheltenborne during this time. Only Winwich remains under the control of Norland.