York Journal/Issue 21

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MinasIthilFlag2.png The York Journal
Cost: 1 silver December 08 Editor(s): Roxas Sypher
News Articles
News Briefs

December 31st - Norland has taken control of Winwich. December 30th - Minas Ithil unsuccessfully defends against an attack by Eston in Lyton. December 28th - The people of Winwich have revolted and declared independence from Norland. December 22nd - The people of Melmoor have revolted and declared independence from Barony of Makar.
December 21st - The realm of Norland has elected Gorhero as its new Konungr.
December 7th - Winwich frees itself from Norland oppression.
December 4th - Minas Ithil drives out the Northern Federation forces in Winwich.

By Priest Ash Smallsheep Manga Serpaensism December 31th

'For this article I have been asked to consider how Magna Serpaensism guides the lives of it’s noble followers. The physical trappings of the faith of the great serpent are clear enough to anyone who even glances at our doctrine, the consuming of pies, Magnus’s scared dish, the drinking of Ale, Magnus’s sacred beverage, and the watching for storms, omens of Magnus’s will (what causes these things to be so sacred is a matter debated by many of the followers of the all powerful Magnus, but that’s not a debate I’ll go into here).
What’s much more important to this most holy of Faiths, is the mental and spiritual side of each believers experiences, this essentially involves accepting that the great Serpents who created all and watches over all, has a divine plan and that each believer is a part of this. It involves looking for omens of the great serpents will all around not just externally but also looking at the storms within ourselves that help to show us what we can do to aid the cause of Magnus. At the core of this is the acceptance that Magnus gave us our free will for a reason, and that while all people are open to corruption by the great foe, Calamar, our instincts are the best indicators of what Magnus wishes from us, and for this reason there are very few written down rules to the faith of Magna Serpaensism, and much more of a belief in the ability of each believer to look inside themselves and discover what Magnus wills for them on their own.
Unfortunately while followers of the great serpent do believe that people, as the creations of the benevolent Magnus, are fundamentally good they are faced by the sad fact that people are always open to corruption by the taint of the wicked Calamar. Thus another key element of our faith is a constant vigilance for the work of this great foe. So each follower of the word of the great serpent must never cease being on the lookout for this corruption both in themselves and in others around them. Luckily the taint of Calamar is quite easy to locate as it normally manifests as an overwhelming focus on self advancement above all else, and so followers of Magnus are quick to question this level of selfishness when they see it in others (and quick to suppress it when they feel it within themselves.).
So really in my opinion what is at the core of each believers experience in Magna Serpaensism, is this battle between the positive creative urges given to them by the holy Magnus and the negative selfish destructive urges forced upon them by the wicked Calamar. From this flows the joy that can be found in embracing the righteous path of Magnus, and thus it is this following of the divine will that makes the pies and ale of the followers of Magnus especially sweet (or savouring depending on the type of pie) as they eat/drink them secure in the knowledge that they are doing holy work, and are respected and protected by the great Serpent.
-The thoughts of Ash Smallsheep one believer in Magna Serpaensism'

By Archon Major Hades Ironsides The Two Paths of the Warrior Saints December 20th

As an exposition of my faith, this article will describe to you the Way of the Warrior Saints from a perspective you have yet known. I have done many sermons on different aspects of the faith in my Mission to convert the nobles of Minas Ithil. What I have not done, and what I intend to do with this opportunity, is describe the faith from the practical layfolk’s level, in addition to returning to the material I so often visit. So, I set before you what I call, the Two Paths of the Warrior Saints.

It is in the beliefs of this religion that the earliest Warrior Saints were survivors of the Holy Cataclysm, and because they lived the command of the Great Father so well they ascended to sacredness. They were now responsible for teaching the succeeding generations how to maintain Order on Earth in accordance with the Great Father’s will. Thus, all those who follow the Saints are following the way that they provide. I separate this way into two paths. The first is the Mundane, or the Earthly Path, the second is the Transcendent Path. These are both very important for a follower, but one can be more emphasized over the other depending on your relationship with the religion. The Clergy must follow both paths without hindrance, while the Layfolk must follow one path and should be aware of the second.

The Mundane, or Earthly Path, is what most listeners do not hear from me, as I tend to preach more on the transcendence; but it is integral to the worshipers of the Saints to know and practice this important element of our religion. The Earthly Path is what the layfolk must embody. It is what makes up their initial beliefs and practices. The Earthly Path teaches a follower about virtue and strength. The path of the lay requires a faithful to have few enemies, but show no mercy to those who are threatening. It teaches one to disregard the weak because they have forgotten that they were created with Valour and Glory in their bones as well as the Strength of Stone. The Mundane Path teaches a follower to respect their weapon as another self, as it will be the instrument of their salvation. This path teaches one to embrace death without fear as it is a returning to the Earth and Stones, returning to the Mountain where the Father sleeps, and the point in which your faith is weighed. Should you have proven yourself worthy, it is in death when a true follower will ascend to sainthood. Furthermore, the most vital part of the Layfolk’s faith as followers of the Earthly Path is to comprehend their reason for existence: to maintain Order and vigilance over the Earth. That is the point in which all other points derive. This understanding is the Cardinal Knowledge. Verily it is said, when Disorder reigns, the Sleeping Father will awaken a second time and destroy all things.

It is clear that this path is suitable for the layfolk. It is saturated with a warrior’s sentiment. With this path alone, a worshiper would be following the correct path set for us by the Saints. This basic way still maintains Order and it appreciates and dignifies the virtues and strengths of the created Man. Most of all, it carries the Cardinal Knowledge. For those like me who have been drawn to a deeper worship, a fuller understanding of the Saints’ teachings, a new path takes priority. This is the Path of the Transcendent. This path I often describe in my sermons, and I will relate the basics of it in this article for completion’s sake.

The Transcendent Path exposes the worshiper to the fullness of the Saint’s teachings. It teaches one about the Holy Power inherent in all humankind. A follower of the Transcendent Path will recognize those who are agents of Order, and then how to rend this power from those who are agents of Disorder (the wicked). This is an important task for those who are on the Transcendent Path because should we allow the wicked to roam free, we would only be ushering in the End all the sooner. The Transcendent Path teaches us how to strengthen and recognize the Holy Traits in ourselves and the masses. The Holy Traits are Diligence, Valour and Prudence. These qualities are to be celebrated, cultivated and shared. Once again, the Transcendent Path teaches us our supreme task, the very reason for our existence, which is the Cardinal Knowledge: we are to maintain Order over the Earth.

These are but two points of our religion that I have focused on for this article. There is a great deal more to be discovered and pursued by the devoted mind. In addition to the multitude of unknown Saints, there are many tenants and positions in our faith which have yet to be fully materialized. You will find more detail about the Warrior Saints available in many other sources, or even in my sermons on various aspects of the faith. Should you feel the need to learn more, any one of these provisions will be of great use to you. Please visit a temple to the Warrior Saints and begin your path. Should you only feel the need to remain a layfolk, then the Earthly Path is what you will forge; but if you realize the great potential in our faith, then you will surely ascend to the Path of the Transcendent.

By Roxas Sypher Religion in Minas Ithil December 7th

This Month the York Journal is looking at religion here in Minas Ithil. Faithful of Venerable Order of the Citadel, a faith from Eston are in Winwich. Priests of the Hörgr of Makar have been stirring up the people with anti-Minas Ithil propaganda in Dunstoke and other regions. The Way of the Warrior Saints, a faith started in the lands of Eston and with faithful in Eston, Minas Ithil, Falasan and Tara has grown to be the second largest faith in Minas Ithil. Magna Serpaensism remains the most widespread faith in Minas Ithil but things appear to be changing.

Later this month we will have interviews with priests from some of these faiths to hear from them.

By Roxas Sypher Marching Songs of Minas Ithil December 6th

The Dragoon's Song
I wanna be in the cavalry if they send me off to war
I wanna good steed under me like my forefathers before
I wanna good mount when the bugle sounds and I hear the battles' roar
I wanna be in the cavalry if they send me off to war

well,I wanna horse in the volunteer force that's riding forth at dawn
Please save for me some gallantry that will echo when I'm gone
I beg of you sarge let me lead the charge when the battle lines are drawn
Lemme at least leave a good hoof beat they'll remember loud and long

I'd not a good foot soldier make, I'd be sour and slow at march
And I'd be sick on a navy ship, and the sea would leave me parched
But I'll be first in line if they'll let me ride, by god, you'll see my starch
Lope back o'er the heath with the laurel wreath underneath that vict’ry arch

I wanna be in the cavalry if they send me off to war
I wanna good steed under me like my forefathers before
I wanna good mount when the bugle sounds and I hear the battles' roar
I wanna be in the cavalry if they send me off to war

Let me earn my spurs in the battle's blur where the day is lost or won
I'll wield my lance as the ponies dance and the blackguards swing their swords
A sabre keen, and a saddle carbine and an army behind me
Where the black thatched shaft screams with the cold, cold steel let me be a cav’lryman

I wanna be in the cavalry if they send me off to war
I wanna good steed under me like my forefathers before
I wanna good mount when the bugle sounds and I hear the battles' roar
I wanna be in the cavalry if I must go of to war

Let 'em play their flutes and stirrup my boots and place them back to front
For I won’t be back on the rider-less black and I'm finished in my hunt
I wanna be in the cavalry if I must go off to war
I wanna be in the cavalry, but I won't ride home no more.

Thank you to Marshal Raziel Himoura the Third for providing this song. It is sung by the First Ithillian Dragoons.