Da Hadez Family/Janna

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The House Da Hadez originates in the realm of Darka on the continent of Atamara.

Janna Da Hadez


Janna Da Hadez, the eldest daughter of a small branch of the Da Hadez family based in Azzal in Darka, had a troubled childhood; her fiery temper and lack of respect for tradition led to constant conflict with her family and the minor nobles and wealthy merchants that comprised their social circle.

As she matured Janna ignored the entreaties of her mother and father to concentrate on developing the skills and manners that would ensure a good marriage and instead sought out those willing to teach her the skills of a soldier. As her family had some influence with the local academy and militia Janna's training in the arts of combat were obtained surreptitiously from less than conventional sources and were the cause of many quickly hushed-up scandals.

Finally came a scandal that could not be ignored. During her reluctant attendance at a ducal ball the Duke's son attempted to forcefully impose his intimate presence on Janna. The lecherous young man survived her spirited refusal but the damage done to his family's honour (not to mention the sudden impossibility of his continuing the Duke's noble linage) was too great and Janna was forced to flee their retribution.

Janna had long admired the exploits of her great-uncle Balian Da Hadez, another Da Hadez exiled from Darka, who eventually led Norland's armies and became a legendary hero. She decided to follow in his footsteps and join that viking realm as a soldier.


  • Physical Age: 20 years
  • Character Class: Knight
  • Member of Realm: Norland
  • Lord of: None
  • Rank: Knight
  • Titles:
  • Liege: Chisil Arnel
  • Honour: 15
  • Prestige: 3