An Adventurer's Tale/Danost's Death

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In an epic battle against an undead champion in Bessimir, Danost was impaled on the rusty blade of an undead champion. His body was later recovered by Calibann, who began the long journey south to deliver the body to the man rumoured to be Danost's father, King Dimian Indirik of the Kingdom of Alluran.

Letter from Calibann
Message sent to all adventurers in the vicinity of Bessimir (9 recipients)
Calibann stumbles across the dead body of his truest travelling companion,

Oh My God! Danost??

What happened?

Oh, this is my fault, I sent him in the direction of those undead earlier, they must have been stronger than I thought.

I can't believe this, how. Dear Gods! How could you take this man who is only trying to do good and clean these lands.

Calibann is shaken by uncontrollable anger and anguish thinking of his lost companion

This is all my fault! I never should have asked him to come up here with me to these lands.

Dear Friend I shall buy a cart and I shall transport your body to the one you spoke of Dimian, in the Kingdom of Alluran, I will tell him of your deeds and that you deserve burial in his family plot for everything you have done for this continent in your travels.

I will not rest until I do so.

Travel safely in your next adventure friend.

Calibann (Freeman)

Item Received
You've received a Wooden Statuette from Calibann.

Letter from Calibann
Message sent to all adventurers in the vicinity of Bessimir (9 recipients)
Calibann places a small wooden statuette over the shrouded body of his lost friend.

"This shall protect your during our travels Danost"

Calibann (Freeman)

Roleplay from Calibann
Message sent to all adventurers in the vicinity of Bessimir (9 recipients)
Calibann finishes wrapping the shround around his dear friend and places him on the small cart he had traded for.

He had traded one of his prized possessions, a golden idol he had found months ago, for the cart and a small mule to pull it.

His plan was to make his way to Eno, the capitol of the Kingdom of Alluran. He still had not figured out how to get an audience with Dimian, or how to even get close to the Royal Grounds, but he had been friends with Danost for many moons and had heard the man talk about his relation to the King and he believed him. He felt he could do no less for his friend than alert his family that he had passed and that he had passed trying to kill undead from this land.

He deserved nothing less than the burial of a hero. Even if the "nobility" saw him as nothing but a commoner Calibann knew men of all ranks held noble blood just as he himself did.

"I shall not rest until you Rest In Peace my friend! I shall spread the word of your valour Danost and I hope all those I meet will do the same"

Calibann sets off solemnly to the South.

Calibann (Freeman)

Calibann would eventually reach Eno after a journey of several weeks. The body of Danost was left with the steward of the palace in Eno, and Calibann headed back north to continue the struggle against the daimonic invaders of the island.