Dubhaine Family/Cathal/Roleplays/2008/August

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27th August - Irdalni

The small parish church had seen better days, the nearby ruins of the Commandary a stark reminder that its current misfortunes were in large part the work of that arch heretic Denarien who during his brief and ignominious time as Baron of Irdalni had raised the sanctuary and slaughtered its Templar guards.

The ruins were slowly returning to nature, the charred timbers and blackened stones peppered with grass and marbled with silver-green moss, but a deep sense of tragedy and betrayal still clung to the carcass. A sense of betrayal exacerbated by the funeral procession which had wound its way from Alowca over the last two days, stopping at villages and hamlets along the way so that the people could pay their respects to the man who had lead so many of their sons into battle.

Lord Gravitas, former General and Pontifex of Alowca was returning one last time to the land of his birth, there to be interred alongside his ancestors according to the rites for which he had fought and died. Honour would be paid to his mortal remains.

Cathal walked at the head of the cortege dressed in a yellow robe shot with red streaks, the death robe of blessed Denariel who taught that men must be willing to die for their beliefs if they are to truly live. By his side his sister Lady Aoifa carried the blade with which she had slain Denarien the Heretic, her polished armour and yellow Templar tabbard matched by those of the six Temple guards who carried the bier on which the incorruptible flesh was borne.

As the procession entered the hallowed ground in his charge the parish priest rushed to meet them, falling to his knees as he grasped the prophet's hands with tears of sorrow trickling down his scarred and ruddy cheeks.

"Arise Aelwyn," Cathal lent forward and helped the aged veteran to his feet, "It is I who should be kneeling to you brother."

The two men embraced and the congregation wept to see the prophet come amongst them.

"Brothers and sisters in the Trinity," Cathal raised his hand in the ritual benediction, "May Denariel guide your hearts through darkness and despair to the Path Invisible. Follow as she leads and you will be thrice blessed before the throne of mighty Khagistar from whom all goodness flows."

And then signalling to the pall bearers he lead the procession into the church where Lord Gravitas would pass his final lonely vigil.