De Ravenal Family/Rhathar

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Rhathar Frostnova
Status: Alive
Class Hero
Realm/Island: Ethiala, Far East
Title: Baron of Lantzas

Legate of MAE Marshal of the High Army

Former realms: Arcachon
Former titles: N/A

Current Affairs

In an act that could forever define the young lord, Rhathar swore his, and Lantzas' allegiance to Queen Trinity of Arcaea. The war with Arcaea was only in its infancy but already Lantzas had come under attack, despite Rhathar's warning to the senate that such an act would occur. The Winter Chill stood against the invaders alone, and were only forced to withdraw from the battle once they had seen of 90% of the attacking forces.

Rhathar appealed to the High Marshal to send forces to stop the TO, but this was not forthcoming. Instead Ethiala intended to continue the plan of assaulting Lasop while Sartania pillaged and burned Saex. Having lost faith in the both the High Marshal and the King, Rhathar vowed to take the only action left available to save his people.

Appearance & Personality

He has the shoulder length,sandy blonde hair of his mother, which he wears tied back. At 5'10, he is still considerably shorter than his eldest brother but has a solid, muscular frame. He still bears a scar along his back when he fell from a tree as a child.

Blessed with a quick mind and brimming with confidence Rhathar quickly becomes the centre of any gathering. While he possesses all the qualities to make him a natural leader, he has little concern for the furthering of his station.


Rhathar was born with wanderlust and the family spent many hours during his childhood on long searches for the missing boy. Equally adept on the battlefield and in the subtleties of court, Rhathar has the ability to go far in whatever he chooses. Leaving the family home he found himself a part of Arcachon but quickly left for the realm of Ethiala when he found himself both unacepting of Arachon's seemingly warlike nature and the apparent disjointedness of the military leadership.

Since joining Ethiala, Rhathar has quickly proved himself to be a capable and trustworthy commander, gaining a small measure of recognition during battles against Arcaea and later the rogue realm of Miraglonn. His current unit, the Winter Chill stands as one of the prides of the Ethialan army, an honour which Rhathar pays a hefty price in gold to maintain.

More recently Rhathar has committed himself to the faith of the Magna Aenilia Ecclesia, the religion of his home nation, Greater Aenilia. Around the same time he also became aware of the Chaos Requiem, a religion founded in Ethiala and most probably related to the guild of the same name. Having found evidence of the doctrine that the religion adheres to, and believing that several members exist within Ethiala, Rhathar has begun to dig deeper to ascertain whether they are a threat to his home and the MAE.

Words of Wisdom, humour and outright stupidity (IC & OOC)

First meeting with Kazuma

Roleplay from Rhathar Message sent to everyone in the region Idapur (12 recipients)

"Alright then Kazuma, I'm following your lead. Lets hit the most expensive pub that this city can offer!"

The two men began to wander down the street keeping a careful eye out for where all the expensively dressed people were heading.

"By the way Kazuma, has anyone ever mentioned that your freakishly tall?"

A couple of minutes after meeting Kazuma

Roleplay from Rhathar Message sent to everyone in the region Idapur (12 recipients)

"Well as long as the beer is expensive. I don't want my brother getting off cheaply. Mind you, I hope there are a few good looking women there. Ethiala is a great place to live, wonderful place in fact. Ugly women though."

Rhathar sighed deeply and continued walking.

This was a fun night actually

Roleplay from Rhathar Message sent to everyone in the region Idapur (12 recipients)

"This will do nicely I think."

Walking through the door Rhathar flicked a gold coin to the guard who caught it in his hand.

"Buy yourself something nice".

First meeting with Lady Wa

Roleplay from Rhathar Message sent to everyone in the region Idapur (12 recipients)

Rhathar waved across the room to the serving girl and ordered juice for Lady Wa. Perceiving that she was not one to make sport of he kept his thoughts on juice to himself and instead took a sip of his own drink. Desparate for something to say Rhathar opened his mouth before his mind caught up with the words he was about to say.

"So Wa, you're a woman..."

At this point his mind finally caught up, which unfortunately left Rhathar looking and sounding like an idiot.

Something not related to drinking or Kazuma

Out-of-Character from Rhathar Message sent to everyone in your realm (27 recipients) Unit Status Report (15 hours, 6 minutes ago) 1 of your wounded men die from their wounds. Morale of your troops rises by 13 points.

He was popular.

Brad Joy-Clavis