Old Taxes 2

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Revision as of 15:51, 26 February 2008 by Psymann (talk | contribs)

Preface: There is a new Experimental Tax System in testing, which will replace parts of the current system. You should read up and prepare for it.

This Experimental Tax System was added to all islands in 2007, making much of the information on this page out-of-date.

Where Do Taxes Come From?

In short, tax gold comes from the people of your realm. They live their lives, make their money, and turn over some of it to the tax collectors. The region commander gets a percentage, and the rest goes to the realm. The realm pays for trades and militia, then divides the rest among the troop leaders. Some additional gold may come from trading, or from the pockets of wealthy troop leaders (those that hold more than 100 gold or 100 bonds are also assessed a tax), but most of your gold will come out of the pockets of the people of the realm.

Producing Gold

Some regions in BattleMaster are wealthier than others. This is shown by Gold ranking for the region, which shows the amount of gold produced at 100% production. Every day, the region generates gold, according to the current level of production, and the region's gold rating. A percentage of that is taken by the tax collectors, and stored in the region.

While the gold is sitting in the region, it can be an attractive target for infiltrators or looters.

Regions without local lords collect only partial taxes, so it is important to have a lord in charge of every region, who can enforce the taxes. Peasants do not enjoy paying taxes, and will "forget" about it if given the chance.

Collecting Gold

Taxes are collected automatically every seven days, or the banker can call for an early tax. On tax day, the treasuries of each region are collected.

Before it can be distributed, the realm has a few expenses which must be taken care of. Militia must be paid, first of all, and the region will even take money from the rest of the realm to pay their troops. Once militia have been paid, then region commanders receive their share of the region's taxes, if there is any gold left over.

If realm control is very low, then some or all of the region's tax gold may be stolen on tax day.

Distributing Gold

The following distribution method was replaced with the new tax system in 2007

When the militia and region commanders have been paid, then the tax gold is distributed to the troop leaders of the realm. This is done according to the points system. Points are allocated to troop leaders according to Class, Rank, office, and other criteria. Each troop leader has at least one point. The total number of points given to all the realm's troop leaders are counted, and the gold is divided up among them. This way, a troop leader with 3 points gets three times as much gold as someone with 1 point, and half as much as someone with 6.

Taxes are distributed in bonds to all eligible troop leaders.


Region gold can also be used for purchasing food from traders. Similarly, traders can buy food from a region, and the gold goes into the region's coffers along with the tax gold.

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