The Oritolon Times/Sandbox

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This is a sandbox for Editors of The Oritolon time Most newspaper use Wikicode but there might be a few that use HTML code. HTML code 1:Falasan Inquirer



March Edition
Date of Issue: March 2008
Price: 1 silver
Editors: Reilwin Merytis
Rathkanouros Kalantis
Jambo Lamonte
Tenebrioun Kiri-Jolith

Archives / Main Page
Battle Reports

Letters from the readers

-- Boen


                          Oritolon Coat-of-Arms         




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March Edition
Date of Issue: March 2008
1 Silver Piece
Editors: Willhelm Valdemar
Sub Editor: Devona Uceek
Archives / Main Page
Battle Reports
A Welcome Lull
9th March 2008

Other the past few days things have quietened won noticeably, an outsider could be fooled into thinking we were at peace. Nothing could be farther from the truth, however! This temporary, unofficial ceasefire is merely the lull before the storm. Both sides in the Long War against Alebad-Alowca are surely using this time to build up forces for a new campaign which wil surely come soon after the next harvest! With both sides fully prepared, defences set up, battle plans drawn and thousands of men eager for glory this could be the pivotal moment of the war! When our allied forces go forwards, with the weight of better numbers, equipment and resources how can our vile enemies hope to win?! Whilst I cannot disclose battle plans for fear the enemy might learn of them to early, I can assure our readers that the tactics are sound and only a miracle could stop us! So take heart! Soon the waiting will be over and the Battle for the Colonies will truly begin! All hail Oritolon! All hail Prime Minister Spearhead! And all hail the coming victory!
-- Willhelm Valdemar

monsters sighted in Windaria.

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Oritolon Coat-of-Arms
The Oritolon Time


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March 11, 2008

Huge Battle Fought

Minor stories Elost:

Norland vs. Minas Ithil

Estimated combat strengths: 9,000 CS vs. 13,000 CS

Defender Victory!


Ash code Borderless:

Oritolon Coat-of-Arms
The Oritolon Time


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'main text'

March 11, 2008

Huge Battle Fought

Minor stories Elost:

Norland vs. Minas Ithil

Estimated combat strengths: 9,000 CS vs. 13,000 CS

Defender Victory!


Oritolon Coat-of-Arms

Leaders.gif[[Oritolon/Leaders]|>] History.gif> Regions.gif>



The Republic of Oritolon is one of the oldest realms in The Colonies and has a proud, if tragic, history steeped in myth and legend.

As much a family as a nation the nobles and people of Oritolon are tolerant, cooperative and dedicated to each other and their realm. Oritolon welcomes the immigration of any nobles who share these valuable qualities.

While peaceful by nature the people if Oritolon have honed their skills in warfare defending themselves from the regular incursions of undead hordes into their territory and their long-running war against the despised ideologies of the theocratic states Alowca and sometimes Alebad.

These are interesting times in Oritolon; the ongoing war against the church-states and a reorganisation of the council are galvanising the nobles of Oritolon into even greater discussion, cooperation and activity.


Oritolon is a republic ruled by an elected prime-minister and council. The laws of Oritolon encourage both individual freedoms and national unity. Open discussion, debate and rule-by-consensus are well established traits of government in Oritolon.

Oritolon prides itself on it's egalitarian philosophy of equality and tolerance. Nobles of Oritolon are judged on their words and deeds rather than any accident of birth or circumstance.

The Oritolon military, while small, is well organised and dedicated. It tends to be deployed in defense of it's people rather than in the pursuit of aggressive expansionism.

While Oritolon enjoys peaceful relations with most of the other realms on The Colonies we are in a constant struggle against the theocratic state of Alowca due to irreconcilable ideological differences. This also often brings us into conflict with their sometimes ally Alebad.

As a pre-emptive move against a rumoured federation between Alowca and Alebad Oritolon has formed their own federation with their northern neighbours, Lukon, who also see a possible federation between them as a precursor to a more aggressive stance towards all other realms.