Grindle Family/CripRP

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< Grindle Family
Revision as of 19:02, 28 February 2008 by Psymann (talk | contribs)


Please select a period of time:

Falasan/Eston War

Peace Time

Ash Sea Islands War

The Cast:

Crip Grindle: Knight of Elroth, Falasan

Werner: Crip's captain, recruited as part of his second troop, after the first were left as militia in Amdor.

Haragh: Crip's servant, picked up from Eston lands, and obsessed with Loronzo of the Mist.

Crip's Men:

Hurgle: Killed heroically in battle in Meneriel.

Lerati: A man of many nerves and apologies.

Prutu: A man of few words.

Yuji: A man of much strength.

Liert: Crip's scribe

Kruthi: Keen and religious

Unit Reports

Crip's scribe produces unit reports for his army. Crip has so far discovered the following about the origins of the numbers represented on those reports. Here is his current file on this:

My Statistics

Physical Age: straightforward

Character Class: straightforward

Honour: the number of times my name has been mentioned favourably in inns and taverns which my scribe frequents

Prestige: the number of times my name has been mentioned in my scribe's company by anyone of great importance, such as region lords or royalty

Gold: straightforward, though I wish I didn't have an ex-pickpocket as a scribe - there's no way he should know such information

Bonds: straightforward, though again I have no idea how he manages to find this out when I keep them on my person at all times

Status: unless I write something different myself, this always seems to be "ok", unless I've been injured, in which case he just puts "wounded"

Time Pool: something to do with how long we have until the men's brandy rations run out, and therefore how much time before I will get murmerings in the ranks if I give them more orders

Unit Statistics

Captain (+X): the figure in brackets is the number of Skat tournaments that the captain has won

Type: straightforward: infantry, archers or cavalry, I believe

Strength: number of men under my command; wounded listed separately

Training: still not sure on this one

Weapons/Armour: still not sure on these two

Damage: still not sure on this one

Morale: equal to the percentage of men who want seconds at dinner - my scribe is utterly convinced that only happy men have hungry stomachs

Cohesion: equal to the number of men who stay after dinner to play cards, less the number of arguments that they have in my scribe's presence during the day

Combat Strength: my scribe asks three local respectable people to give a mark out of ten both for my men and for my captain. I have labelled these as Mm1, Mm2 and Mm3 for the men, and Mc1, Mc2 and Mc3 for the captain. He then gives his own small score for my personal servant based on what I believe to be a somewhat arbitrary whim, which I have labelled as Ms. The total combat strength is then calculated as:

((Mm1 + Mm2 + Mm3) * (Number of men)) + (Mc1 + Mc2 + Mc3) + Ms

This confusing formula appears to give a reasonable approximation of our strength in battle. How much brandy the scribe drank before concocting this, I dread to think.

Designation: a vague description of the sort of work I've been asking them to do recently

Last paid: straightforward