Noble Family/Elijah

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Elijah preparing for battle

    • Note: The character of Elijah is really a NPC at this time but will be the next character in the Noble family so this page is a big work in progress.

Elijah Tal Kestrel is the twin brother of Kurecalle. Born to the ill fated lovers, Kureshtal, Royal Treasurer of Wetham, and Innocent, Dictator of the Assassins. Early in his life his Kureshtal feared for the lives of her children and in a fateful choice walked away from Innocent and married Wolfgang, king of Wetham. Kureshtal did this in order to secure the safety of the twins but the choice left Elijah's father a broken and empty man.

For many years Elijah's life was perfect and he and his sister grew up not knowing anything beyond the carefree life of most children. Then when Elijah was ten his hero Chault was killed in a battle in Hulaferd and suddenly a young boy found himself disillusioned and without a mentor. As much as Wolfgang tried to love him his affections went to Elijah's sister and Wolfgang's other children.

Forced by fate and the subtle scorn of most of the nobles in Wetham Elijah, like his father Innocent, wandered the lands of the colonies for many years before finally heeding the urge to find comfort in the family of the Assassins.

A young noble, driven to claim his birth right and driven by a past he does not understand but cannot escape. Elijah struggles to find the inner peace and calm confidence that his father is said to have once had before his heart was broken.

Pictures are the work of Jason Engle