Ara'Draug Family/Molin

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Molin is a bastard son of Lord Ara'Draug. Although the Ara'Draug family's home is in Skalk on Atamara, the old Lord travelled in his younger years. During a trip to Beluaterra he had a dalliance with the daughter of a blacksmith. Molin was the result.

Although he has taken the name of his father, he has never met any of the Ara'Draug family and indeed has no idea that he has noble blood. Being a commoner on Beluaterra he does not hear detailed news from Atamara.

Growing up in his grandfather's workshop, he was used to handling weapons. Although he started an apprenticeship as a blacksmith under his uncle it quickly became apparent that his fate wasn't to be a smith. When he came of age his mother gave him a sword which his father left for him, a finely made blade with a lion on the pommel. He then left home to carve out his own destiny and find his place in the world.


Undead group number: 3

Location: 76334f4e03d261cbe0c532d9a1f08830