An Adventurer's Tale/The Undead Part 5

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Roleplay from Baldhart (6 hours, 37 minutes ago)
Message sent to all adventurers in the vicinity of Athol Margos (11 recipients)
The roaring din of the city was deafening, a cacophony of sounds and voices that caused Baldhart to wince, thousands of peasants milling about in the crowded street, haggling and arguing with the street vendors manning the hundreds of sprawling wooden stalls lining the street.

"I hate cities," he said as they pushed their way through the crowd, "Too many people, too much noise, too much hassle." A woman, slender and young and firm, brushed up against his body. He felt a tug at his belt, caught her wrist as she passed, pulled her close and plucked his leather purse from her fingers. She looked at him, wide eyed, shocked, and then broke into a quick walk, melting into the crowd. "Bitch," he murmured, sliding the leather thongs back between his belt and knotting them. "Townslands're 'bout as big as I like."

"You're a simple man," Danost said, moving his eyes slowly over the market's stalls, his mind working, cataloging which stand sold what, listing the items they needed and what would simply be nice to have.

"And it's how I damned well like it, too! Simple life is the best life. To hell with-" he waved his hand around, "-all this nonsense."

Danost stopped suddenly at a stall manned by a tall, thin merchant with a broad and inviting grin on his face, his wares laid out before him on a red-dyed blanket. Trinkets, mainly. Little carved wooden statues, cheap bolts of material. Nothing really of any use or value.

"I disagree with you, Baldhart. You can't find trash of this quality in a Townsland."

The Merchant puffed up suddenly, his smile turning into an angry sneer. Danost simply looked at him, smiled, nodded, and walked off with Baldhart en towe.

Soon the crowd began to thin, the stalls grew cheaper and less frequent. Stopping momentarily at a stall, Danost talked quietly with the merchant, and then motioned Baldhart to follow down a steep sideroad.

"Where're we going?"

"To the wharf. Cheapest inns, food, and women in the whole city. Fishermen coming in all the time to sell their catch, little money, willing to spend it all on some minor comforts."

Baldhart (Freeman)