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Response to your critism

First, I delete it to keep it clean. I heard your response and never relized the preview button. You are not the ruler of Battle Master, and therefore I do not have to keep my page cluttered with "dude... uh, wow dude, like, eh stop doing stuff dude."

So, therefore, I delete it, and will continue to do so. I got the comments, and I followed them.

Timothy Collett
Home Country
USA (New York)
  Game Family
(Wiki Page)

Me? You want to know about me?

Well, I live in Upstate NY in the USA (nowhere near the city thank you very much; I hate cities). I'm a programmer of sorts (though I don't work on the game code) and all-around useful computer guy. I use Macs by choice and Windows by force. Try a Mac for a while sometime and you'll probably see why.

I'm both a writer and a strategist at heart, so both the RP side and the strategy side of BattleMaster appealed to me from the beginning. However, most of what I do is pretty left-brained stuff, so I usually have to wake up my right brain to be able to write much RP.

I'm also pretty opinionated when it comes to certain things (for instance, I disagree with Tom's assertion that a reply-to-all feature would damage the game), and that means I sometimes end up in conflict with Tom...and Eric...and others who try to defend the game from evil people like me. So you'll sometimes see me in heated discussions/arguments/flamewars on IRC or (less often these days) the mailing list. Just as a sort of warning.

My characters are the Anaris Family, which comes from a story I've been working on for several years, and mostly have just a bunch of disorganized notes to show for it. You want to know more about them, go to their page; this is mine.

--Anaris 21 September 2005 15:05 (CEST)