Ikalak, the Land of Nergal, Her Instrument of Destruction

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Disambiguation: this entry refers to Ikalak on the second incarnation of the South-West Island, created July '05

Eons ago, the seed of greatness was sown. The seed that would one day lead to the pre-eminence of Ikalak among the realms of the South-West.

From the ranks of the vast pantheon residing in the divine celestial abode, a ball of fire arced down in a blaze of light and embedded itself in the soil, on the self-same spot where the silvery spires of Ikalak now rise soaring into the sky.

Out of a crack in the now smouldering ball arose the avatar of Nergal, God of War and Pestilence. Rising to her full eight feet, She surveyed the countryside and saw that it was Good, with both swamps, mosquitoes and quicksand in abundance. Content with her chosen site, the avatar sat down and waited. And waited. And waited.

After a few millennia, the first vertebrate lifeforms appeared on the shores, only to promptly die from viral infections, sepsis, and internecine squabbles. It would take several millennia more before a life form evolved that was hardy and brutal enough to survive on Nergal's Chosen Site. These lifeforms became what today is known as the Nobles of Ikalak.

The avatar became the first ruler of Ikalak, and after She saw that we were bloodthirsty enough to hold our own, She left for other shores to spread the word and the plague. In Ikalak, the first Pontifex Maximus ascended the throne in the ceremonial bile-green robes as the terrestrial representative for Nergal. Through the Pontifex and his instrument of war, the Paladin Primus, Nergal seeks to spread strife and bloodshed to the world. We shall not disappoint her.



Ikalak is the most populated city in the south west. Its current duke is Paladin Primus Octimus, a very able and talented general as well as duke. The region of Ikalak has beautiful landscape and impressive buildings featured inside the actual city. A large monument to Nergal resides within the city. The city is wealthy to say the least , it is also strategically located to stopped the Sandalakatakians from ever enterring through that way into Nergals chosen lands.

Toren stronghold

Toren Stronghold is the current Capital of Ikalak, previously Ikalak city. though the mountains there are of note, much of the mountain range is dominated by the huge Stronghold. Directly to the east is the region of Bieth. Toren Strongholds current duke is Xaphan, formerly Fura. The regions makes it wealth through cutting valuable metals from the mountains based around the stronghold , The stronghold features large and efficient blacksmithes and armourers. Due to its stronghold design it always needs a garrisson to man the walls , it currently has a strong and mighty garrison . Toren stronghold also produces some of the best archers around .


Bieth is a townsland to the east of Toren Stronghold. The Marquis and former Paladin Primus, Diodorus, rules over this region with an iron rod, quelling any rebellious squirrel related uprisings related to the exorbitant amount of gold he taxes out of the region. There used to be an undead problem but that was usually fixed when they ran into the former Marquis, Amadeus Kain the Brutal, on one of his binge drinking runs with a battle axe.


Korlok was one of the most important regions in Ikalak for a long time , It used to hold a sizeable garrison to keep the sandalakatakians from ever crossing the bridge into the heart of Ikalak . But as things progressed and Ikalak turned its attention to the north-east Korlok became less important ass many holding were gathered and the north made permanently safe . In the north-east Sandalak lost many battles , a sign of there own incompetance. The regions current lord Is Albert.

The Grand Horde of Nergal's Squirrel Leaders

Sponsor: Sir Farlouche, Pontifex of Ikalak Marshal: Lady Alanna, Marshal of the Grand Horde of Nergal's Squirrel Leaders

The Grand Horde of Nergal's Squirrel Leaders was originally founded by Diodorus but Diodorus has left for Atamara to hone his Infiltrating skills but he has promised to return soon . The horde was originaly intended to fight on the western / southern fronts of the war but as things progressed away from the south their purpose changed also. Much of the fighting is now in the north / east , Ikalak swivelled the whole battlefield around to the north in a brilliant tactical maneuvour.

The Army of The Apocalypse

Sponsor : Sir Octimus , Paladin Primus of Ikalak , Marshal of The Army of The Apocalypse Marshal : Sir Octimus , Paladin Primus of Ikalak , Marshal of The Army of The Apocalypse

The Army of the Apocalyps was originally founded by Sir Octimus , It is still run and sponsored by him . The Army was originally tasked with protecting and fighting in the north / east battle frontier .

Nergal's War Council

Troopleaders in Ikalak

Alanna : Marshal of The Grand Horder Of Nergal's Squirrel Leaders.
Alberte : Repeatedly elected fiduciary of Ikalak , Lord of Korlok.
Alderath : Lord of Endelee
Arthea : Dicatator of Bieth.
Betelgeuse : Lord of Lesthem
Dashem :
Douglas :
Druzil : Former Sandalakatakian Troop leader , Fairly new member to the realm.
Farlouche : Pontifex of Ikalak for nearly 600 days.
Gerd : 
Geron : 
Helios :
Kaagami : Former lord of Falens.
Kammar :
Koeharik : Lord of Seggelin
Liandra : 
Loathin : Current fiduciary ( 29/4/07 , up coming elections ) Lord of Dakan.
Lucifer :
Natasha : 
Octimus : Duke of Ikalak , Repeatedly elected as Paladin Primus (another election upcoming) Marshal and sponsor of The Army Of The Apocalypse.
Pirtamri : Lord of Astin
Teagan : 
Teniel : Harupsex Maximus of Ikalak.
Terra : 
Vincent : Lord of Kail.
Xersius : 
Xaphan : Duke of Toren stronghold , Served a short term as Paladin Primus .
Zereth : Lord of Riakond
Zul'Jin Jr :
Location of Ikalak
Continent / Island South-West Island
Capital Toren Stronghold
Largest City Ikalak
Government System

Pontifex Maximus
Paladin Primus
Haruspex Maximus



Region Numbers 16
Population 100584 (2nd)