Talk:Titan Reform

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Revision as of 01:49, 15 April 2007 by Indirik (talk | contribs)

'No Defence or Clarification Allowed'

The two suggestions made here seem awfully time consuming on the part of the titans. I daresay the job of being a titan is burden enough without having to physically investigate both sides of each and every case brought before them. This seems like a change that may gridlock the system, especially if you consider how long such investigations could drag out depending on how far you dig to make a decision on a matter. --Revan 00:29, 15 April 2007 (CEST)

The clarification should obviously be at the discretion of the Titans on the case: if they need it, they should ask for it. The problem there is that the Titan Report page specifically states that they will never ask you for clarification, so if you don't happen to know what all the information they could possibly need is, tough luck. As for the defence, as stated in the text of the issue, there could be dozens of reasons the report doesn't tell the whole story--or even the report and the messages in game. I don't know about you, but I find it extremely unjust to be given a punishment, or even an official warning, for something that was not my fault, or I was given to understand by Official Pronouncements was OK, or...many other things. --Anaris 01:23, 15 April 2007 (CEST)
I think these are some very good ideas. I think the last point, Titan_Reform#No_Positive_Side_Visible, should be expanded to include a public list of titans decisions. It doesn't have to list islands or player/family names, just a general note that an account was locked for a day because the player told people not to go to a tournament, or something. I think it is important to know that actions are being taken, and what type of action they are. This will enable consistency, establish precedents of what is and is not punishable, and provide some assurances that the titans are actually doing things.
As far as being burdensome or time consuming, I really have no idea how much time it takes now for a titans action. Does it take more than 10 minutes per incident to read the complaint and render judgment? I really don't know. However, the idea that someone can file a complaint against you, and have punishment handed down without even getting to have your sa just doesn't seem right. Personally, I think this essay is very well thought out, and deserves some serious consideration. --Indirik 03:49, 15 April 2007 (CEST)