Shenron Family

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Shenron Emblem White Backround.png
The Shenron Emblem

Shenron Emblem Icon.pngShenron ClanShenron Emblem Icon.png

For a long time the Shenron family stayed with their parents and stayed at their homes. Staying at home grew tiresome for the three youngest of the Shenron family Katsuyori, Nobukage and Mitsuhide. These three decided to set out to the open world and start a new beginning and new honour for the Shenron family. Bring back gold and honour were top priorities and the young men were determined as ever. The Shenron family functions as a Clan so if the current Clan Leader(could be any of the family members) You no longer officially belong to the Clan. you are only a blood brother and that is meaningless in the ways of the Shenron.

Then shortly after others came and the Clan went on.

At the moment the last brothers left of the huge Shenron Clan is Saiga, Mitsuhide and Kazuma. These brothers have done many courageous deeds and have a description of each below.

Our greatest family companion is the Wensile family. Ever since they swore service to the Shenron family for their deeds of helping the Wensile family. The Shenron clan now has great friendship with the Wensile family and they will help each other wherever their path's cross.

Shenron Emblem Icon.pngThe Family ItselfShenron Emblem Icon.png

This is all the members that have an origin that traces to the Shenron Clan however not all of them have remained in the Shenron Clan.....

Past Members of the Shenron Family

OOC: I played these characters with my old account.

Current Members of the Shenron Family

OOC: These are the characters I play in my new account.

Shenron Emblem Icon.pngFamily Traditions or they could be called RulesShenron Emblem Icon.png

In the Shenron Clan there are very strict rules and always must be followed or the Clan Member will most likely be outcast if he/she disobeys a tradition purposely.

The biggest tradition in the Shenron Clan is that the warrior must forge his own weapon and may not have help after he must bestow it a name. He can choose any weapon he pleases as long as he makes it. Usually a Shenron Clan member would spend years mastering the skill of forgery because after the weapon is forged he is bound to it forever and that would remain the warriors official weapon for the rest of his life.

Another Tradition is that a Shenron Clan member must always believe he is fighting for good. If he takes clear actions for greed or makes another of the same realm suffer for evil purposes he will be quickly outcast.

The Last main Tradition is that a Shenron may never under any circumstances conspire with the enemy. He may become the enemy but conspiring with the enemy is too extreme dishonour to the Shenron Code......

Minor Traditions or Rules:

  • If a Shenron makes an Oath to something he must fulfill it.
  • If a Shenron backstabs a friend accidentally (purposely he would be instantly banned from the Clan). he must do all he can to mend what he has done.
  • If a Shenron ever enters into marriage, he may never divorce.

Shenron Additional Information

Shenron Family | Shenron Duel Records | Shenron Family Tree | Shenron Clan Leaders | Shenron Fame