Talk:Volcanic Hot Newsletter/February '07 issue

From BattleMaster Wiki

I don't know many bureacrats who carry poisoned daggers and sneak around the enemy camps of High Council members. The fact that your propaganda is forced to lie in order to whine about this incident tells me much about the truth.

You blamed Redspan for your own rape and pillage of Redspan. "After all," you say cheekily, "If they had just paid us lots of gold, they could have avoided this." Well, Darka. This one is just as much your fault. "After all, if your judge hadn't decided to dissolve the Prisoner Pact, you could have avoided this." How does that appeal to you? There's also, "After all, if your realm hadn't decided to send Assassins after High Council members, you could have avoided this." Like that one? Or how about, "After all, if your realm hadn't decided to rape and pillage in Abington and Abington's allies, you could have avoided this." Sound familiar? House Olik 16:48, 4 February 2007 (CET)

Cost of the War

What is the cost of Pride and honour? Also out of curiosity how much did it cost to outfit your army? And to maintain it for at least 3 weeks down south? ScottSabin 19:16, 4 February 2007 (CET)

You probably can't put a price tag on such abstract concepts. As for the army, I don't know. Large amounts of RedSpan militia and mobile forces were also killed, but I left them out because factoring those in would be too much of an estimation. The same goes for the Darkan army. Like it says in the article, it's a rough estimate. I'm not sure on the wall costs either, but if you can provide me with accurate figures I'd be more than happy to use them. - LilWolf 19:27, 4 February 2007 (CET)
Im not sure about acurate figures but if memory serves me right, it is about 150-200 gold for Sullenport and 200 for Stargard. Thats per section. If you could find out how much the army cost, it would be great. Ive always wanted to see how much you spend this far from home on mercenary status for a week or more. ScottSabin 19:31, 4 February 2007 (CET)

What is the cost of Pride and honour? You got it right in front of you, Tony, at least 4700 gold because your "pride and honour" (your stubbornness) prevented you from doing what was fair and right. in AJ's case. Van Peteghem 19:49, 4 February 2007 (CET)

Fair? You mean demanding 1200 gold from us to cover the cost a bounty that was only 600 gold? yes, thats fair alright. ScottSabin 19:52, 4 February 2007 (CET)
Considering all the collateral damage done aside from the bounty collection during peace, I would call that a fair price indeed. Van Peteghem 19:53, 4 February 2007 (CET)
Collateral damage? Did i miss somehting in this? The only collateral damage was when you murdered our peasents. ScottSabin 19:55, 4 February 2007 (CET)
Collateral damage as in Darka not having a Banker for two days, and everything that went lost that the banker has to watch frequently, as well as the lack of his bureaucratic skills, unit payment and mental and physical cures, and not to mention the agression during peace. Don't be mistaken, the collateral damage you are talking about is the result of not paying the fine. Van Peteghem 19:59, 4 February 2007 (CET)
Wow Two days...Im sure all your peasents starved in those two big crisis there! Unit Payment? Now your useing excuses...he would have had to pay those men if he was wounded or makes no difference. Try some better reasons next one buys this crap anymore. ScottSabin 20:03, 4 February 2007 (CET)
Noone needs to buy the crap anymore, the war has been fought already. You asked for reasons, I gave you reasons. You don't find them suitable, fine, I don't care, nobody cares, it's done, and it turned out to be a little higher than the initial price... Van Peteghem 20:05, 4 February 2007 (CET)
I can't speak for my fellow Darkans, but I'm leaving RedSpan with more cash gold than I had when I left Azzal, and I left Azzal with a pretty elite bunch of men. Is that a profit? Why, I think it is. And then I'm not talking about the two weeks worth of taxes that I still need to cash. Sure, I lost thirty-one out of thirty-four men, but hey, we all have to die sometime, and it might as well happen when you're enjoying yourself. And fresh mercenaries are abundant. Make no mistake, goat people, this war didn't cost us too much, if anything. Especially when compared to what we dealt to you. -Pizarro 23:06, 4 February 2007 (CET)

Bwahahahaha Bwhahaha BWAH! Vashmere 23:14, 4 February 2007 (CET)