Mortis Family/Geruvegan/Notes on Undead and Monsters

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My Notes on Undeads and Monsters on the Southern regions, specifically around the area of Luz de Bia in Beluaterra.

I start this journal to further my idea of a controlled breeding program of monsters and undead. My reasons for this is that we adventurers (and perhaps nobles as well) would then not have to spend hours upon hours of searching in vain in giddy heights and dark forests. Moreover, unexperienced persons shall be able to practice on lesser beasts first rather than encountering Champions and Dragons while wandering. Basically, we will have a more "alchemic" training program against these abominations of nature.


A collection of my divisions on the Monsters and Undead, to help facilitate my studies. Classes are denoted using characteristics most common and attributes such as strength, physical appearance and rarity. Tips and Tricks are noted by cursive. Group Levels are confomant to the usual monster levels used in the adventurer network.

Kinds of Undead

Classes of Undead

  • Shambling Corpse - By far the most common undead kind, yet the weakest of the lot. They are commonly derived from slain peasants, slaves, scribes and scouts. Since they did not have any formidable strength in life, they do not have strength in un-life. Their movement is very slow and they possess just wnough wit to locate the enemy, move shambingly to it and bite or attack it. Appears in Level 1 above.

Weakest of the undead. Even novice adventurers and peasants could vanquish these nuisance. Their attacks are slow and far between and their movement slow as well. A gigantic swarm of them could be dangerous and overcome a lone warrior, as fatigue shall kill you.

  • Zombie - Slightly stronger than the Shambling Corpse, and as common. Derived from paesants, slaves, scribes and scouts that had a particular deep hatred when they died. Their hatred fuels their arms and legs, resulting to more powerful attacks and slightly faster movement. Nevertheless they are at par with the Shambling Corpse in wit. Appears in Level 1 above.

Use the same strategy as the Shambling Corpse. Although they are stronger, the difference is not much and only make for a more annoying nuisance. Commonly seen together with Shambling Corpses, it would take a huge swarm of these to be deadly to take out a lone wanderer.

  • Skeleton - From aged corpses six feet under, Skeletons form the next division of Undead. The previous classes are derived from relatively fresher corpses, and their movement and strength is primarily derived from the strength of the body, but not so with Skeletons. Because they have less matter around them, they are very fast, and their strength is directly proportional to the magic that summoned them. They sometimes use their very bones as weapons, holding a rib-bone or arm-bone as swords and clubs, a proof of wit. Appears rarely in Level 2 but common on Level 3 upwards.

Formidable at first sight, fighting them first hand will reveal that bones are no match to steel and that these skeletons are very brittle. Although they are significanty stronger than the other classes,they are easily dispatched by striking them on their joints.

  • Revenant - Revenants are warriors brought back to life. Their appearance is more similar to that of their original appearance in life, as compared to zombies and Shambling Corpses, with but the coldness of body and paleness of skin as indicators of death. They retain all their battle lore and wit from life, and even, though I haven't tested it yet, perhaps memories from life too. Appears in Level 4 upwards.

When fighting Revenants, be as alert and wary as fighting a skilled warrior, for that is their true nature. They weild and wear their weapons and armor in life, and their strength and speed is enhanced by their status of undeath. Flight is wisdom when faced with death, so do not blanch in fleeing from such foes.

  • Ghoul - Ghouls are elder Zombies, who through putrefication and decay, have degenerated to an abominable monstrosity. Their appearance will not be done justice with words, and the adventurer must see one for himnself to judge. Although they wear no armour and weild no weapons, and they are as easily sliced as a Zombie, they command the insects that feed on their flesh (thusly can attack by range), and their claws and fangs drip venom, so beware! Appears in Level 4 upwards.

The insect attacks are hard to parry and block, and the venom can cause death and even zombification within days thus the Ghoul must be the first to die, if you can reach them. Although slightly faster and possesing greater wit than a Zombie, their flesh is weak and one well aimed slice can shatter them to dust.

  • Undead Champion - One of the strongest of the undeads, the Undead Champion's derivation are ussualy heroes, kings, mages, sages, or even persons who are consumed with despair or dark magicks. Whatever the case, Undead Champions are typically of great size and tremendous strength. Although their size hampers their speed somewhat, they are not overly slow and they possess battle lore and wit greater than even a Revenant. They weild great weapons, armor and accesories, that sometimes may be left behind and spared by the giant's dust-death. Usually seen in command of a horde of undead of Level 5 upwards.

Undead Champion. Use all your skill and wit, hold not back, if you do not want to die. Take your time in gradually taking him down. Undead Champions are not reccomended against novice adventurers, and flight does not reduce your honor. Oh and pray to your gods, they might help you, you'd need it.

Kinds of Monsters

Kinds of Beasties and Monsters

- currently researching...