Talk:Redspan Revealer/January Edition 2007

From BattleMaster Wiki


To the speakers for RedSpan: is it often you have your own infiltrators attempt assassinations on fellow nobles? Jezralhm 15:03, 19 January 2007 (CET)


Congratulations. Your latest article has made it clear that you are not a newspaper, but a mere propaganda rag. - LilWolf 21:55, 18 January 2007 (CET)

I'm simply reporting the events your realm has announced publicly that our reader might not otherwise notice. --Habap 23:01, 18 January 2007 (CET)
You fail to account for several things, such as that Fade was revealed to be in the underground by the secret police. You make it out like Lavigna made that up herself while offering absolutely no proof of it. You also make the incorrect assumption that it has something to do with Vatticus getting appointed as Marshal. This was an completely separate incident as these people had been in the underground *before* Vatticus was even appointed. Your reference to Darkanism is completely out of place as Darkanism has nothing to do with the whole incident. These combined with your own personal opinions makes the story a mere propaganda piece and not a news story. - LilWolf 23:22, 18 January 2007 (CET)
Have you ever read a RL newspaper? The stories int hem vary alot between each of them. For example, recently there has been rumour that the Royal Navy will scrap some of its ships...these numbers have ranged between 6 and 22 vessels. Every Newspaper saying that this was the "offical" number. But the offical number is that none are actually set, its justa rumour. Newspapers exploit rumours to their best advantage. So we are just doing what journalist do best. ScottSabin 15:53, 19 January 2007 (CET)
Of course you would claim they are not related. Both nobles who opposed the appointment have now been banned. I see a direct correlation. The existence of a state religion and executions conducted by someone titled, Arch Priestess, leads one to believe that Darkanism is involved.
It appears that tyranny and injustice is the normal mode of operations in Darka, so it doesn't surprise me that Darkan rulers would think that identifying them is "propaganda".
Seriously, appointing a loud-mouthed fool who has never fought a battle against an army, nor even fought outside the borders of your realm, to be Marshal has to raise eyebrows. When he has rude and incivil words for everyone except the rulers, to the extent that two nobles objected to his appointment, pointing out his words and actions. How do you get promoted in Darka? Apparently by slavishly annointing the ruling class with praise rather than by showing merit on the battlefield.
A mercenary realm in which loving words rather than swinging swords wins appointment to Marshal? A warrior realm that declares war and does nothing for two months? A Judge more interested in saving face than preserving justice? Darka is a comic opera in progress. I merely expose the comedy for what it is. --Habap 16:06, 19 January 2007 (CET)
Vatticus has never attacked or insulted a noble unless he was challenged first. Furthermore, he is a madman with very little regard for personal safety, which makes him the ideal man for the job he was appointed to. I suggest you don't open your mouth until you know fully what's going on. It makes you look rather stupid. -Pizarro 17:48, 19 January 2007 (CET)
There are those who would argue with your interpretation of Vatticus' actions. Of course, if you allow that when he imagines he has been insulted to be included (he has "visions" a-plenty), he is freed from "blame". By your own admission he is a madman. If a madman is welcomed at the realm's council table, it must make one wonder about the sanity of the rest of those sitting at that table. --Habap 18:55, 19 January 2007 (CET)
Like I said, Vatticus is the perfect man for the job he was appointed to, as he has not failed his tasks to this very day. Even madmen have their purpose. -Pizarro 19:14, 19 January 2007 (CET)

RedSpanians don't really have a leg to stand on if you try to act high and mighty over state religions and tyranny. At least Darka doesn't send infiltrators to stab those who believe in something other than the majority(Min). RedSpan seems to have no problem doing that, or at least AJ doesn't have a problem doing that. We have a duke in Darka who doesn't want to have anyhing to do with Darkanism and that's not a problem for us. We're certainly not going to send an infiltrator after him. I'm sure if RedSpan had a similar situation of someone mocking Da great Goat, AJ would already be on the job(quoting AJ: I care not for individual rights, especially not of those who trample on Da One's Way). Oh what a great and free nation you live in. Such tolerance for others. - LilWolf 17:35, 19 January 2007 (CET)

Again i point you you to RL issues that most realms are based on. After the CofE was founded in England many Catholics and Protestants were killed becasue of thier religion. Becasue they did not belive in the state religion they lost their lifes as it was considered Blashphmy. Do not forget that we are playing in Medieval times, the people were god fearing and still thought the world was flat. So acusing those who do not belive in your religion blasphemous is totally justified. ScottSabin 17:55, 19 January 2007 (CET)

Additionally, AJ is not our Judge and his religious zealotry is not the policy of the realm. --Habap 18:55, 19 January 2007 (CET)
(What do RL issues have to do with anything? we're talking about BattleMaster here, not catholics and protestants. Stop clouding the issue with irrelevancies.) You accuse Darka of religious zealotry and state that "no disagreement or objection to the tyrannical rule of Darkanism is tolerated". Yet when one of your own nobles disagrees with "Da Way", she is assassinated by one of your own infiltrators. So, two nobles getting banned for openly plotting rebellion and public criticism and insult to the Darkan government is state-sponsored religious zealotry, but one of your own assassins attacking one of your own nobles for commenting against "Da Way" isn't? RedSpaniel nobles have even stepped forward with the belief that the attack was ordered by a government official. The hypocrisy here is as appalling as your "news". --Indirik 21:05, 19 January 2007 (CET)
I use RL issues to show you what Religion in the real medieval world was like...just how battle master is. If someone does not like your religion you purge them out and either get you to join your or you banish/punish them. BM is a lot like RL. ScottSabin 21:26, 19 January 2007 (CET)

Shamus' comments

"I find it sad that when ASI was given the chance to make things right between our two realms by selling us Rogeshore, they would not even consider an offer."

This is Horse-crap man...seriously. Shamus compared the struggle between the Ash Sea Islands and Abington in regards to the Islands to what, exactly? RedSpan wanting more land, and offering to buy it? What a damn insult to my Kingdom.

Look at this for what it is. Abington and ASI fought for ages about the Islands...two place. ASI /gave/ Sullenport over to RedSpan TWICE...but where did ASI get it? From Tara. Similarily, ASI took over Byblack and Rogeshore from Tara...WHEN did RedSpan take up arms with ASI against Tara? NEVER...we asked, better said, I asked...but all i got was the good old fashioned "I am sorry, but we can't." (However, much later in the war, RS did join the fight--so to speak--and ASI was in RS lands protecting HER regions and helping HER takeover regions...which pisses me off so much more now that I even have to recall these mixed memories of love and hate) Back to the point, ASI got several regions from Tara...and THREE of them are now in what I thought were "friendly" hands. Jagla in Falasan, Byblack and Sullenport in RedSpan. But you want more? Byblack, Rogeshore and Sullenport are regions that ASI got from Tara as mentioned above--that I didn't even know ever belonged to RedSpan because at the time RedSpan and Tara were FRIENDS!!! (possibly allies, but I forget exactly). So you better cut the bull here, Shamus, and be grateful that ASI has given you so much already--without hinting you want more, or that we're greedy. ASI invested heavily in our relations by giving you a HUGE city and Byblack...don't belittle our contribution to RedSpan by saying "It wasn't good enough." Further, when ASI+RS spoke in regards to land exchanges, the agreement was clear as day: We give return Byblack AND Sullenport to you if you stay out of the Abby/ASI war, and the King agreed. If there is any honor in your lands, you will revoke your comment, and issue an apology...unless what the RS King agrees to is not worth mentioning. Doc's Revenge