Arn Family

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Revision as of 13:51, 27 December 2006 by Kamandi (talk | contribs)


The House of Arn is of relatively recent origin, having risen from low-born foreign anonymity to the honorable nobility of Massillion a mere forty years ago. It is unclear how they managed to achieve this newfound rank, as the known history of the family speaks of nothing but brutal mercenaries and villainous traders. Some quietly allege that bribery and extortion were involved, while others whisper of murder most foul. Despite their humble and highly questionable roots, however, the House of Arn has attracted little undue attention since their noble founding, quietly assimilating into the ways of the Kingdom of Eston.

Recently, the fourth born son, Maladek, has taken up the family banner and ridden forth to bring honor and fame upon himself and his house. He serves Duke Basil, and is yet unproven in battle. The family expects very little of him.

Maladek's twin brother, Levant, emigrated to a foreign land to seek a blasphemous faith. His name is no longer spoken by the family.

The third born child, Valeria Trueblade, fled the cruelty of the family to the distant shores of the South-East Island to seek her fame and fortune. She serves Duke Cyperus in the realm of Toren, and is as green as summer grass. The family expects her to return swiftly, penniless and disgraced.

The second born son, Jorn Ironborn, was sent abroad to fight in foreign wars in order to slake his thirst for battle and man-killing (and to allow the consternation about the "incident" to die down). The family hopes that he will return soon enough, further covered in glory and the life-blood of any foes that have the misfortune to cross his path.