Sleanra Vasatas Inn Guide to Riombara

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This page is very much under construction so don't be surprised if something changes :)

- LilWolf 00:14, 9 May 2006 (CEST)


Everyone has a different idea of what a good inn is. Some say it's the food, some say its the cleanliness. I say it's a combination of many things. I have traveled around Beluaterra and seen many - tens, possibly hundreds of - different kinds of inns. Many of them bad, but some are simply perfect. I have settled down in Riombara for now, so my focus is on the inns that can be found in Riombaras lands. I have picked the best I have come across and here, I share them with you my dear reader, so you may enjoy them too, should you ever wander into Riombara and find yourself without a quality establishment to spend your night in. I hope you find this book to be usefull.

- Sleanra Vasata


Here are the main criterias I base my judgments on.

  • The inn building. Is it well maintained? Is it in a pleasant location?
  • The cleanliness. Are the rooms clean? The common room?
  • The food and drinks. Are they good?
  • The innkeeper and servants. Is he a pleasant person? Is the service good?
  • The beds. Soft? Hard? Free of parasites?
  • The pillows. I can't stress this enough. A good pillow will make or break your night. The bigger and softer, the better.

You might wonder why price is not included here and it is a fair question. The answer is simple: When you are looking for quality, you are prepared to pay good gold for it and it should not be an issue. Be sure though that I will remark if the price is very high compared to the quality.

The inns

The inns will be broken down by aplhabetic order of regions. There can be more than one good inn per region.

Athol Margos

The capital of Riombara. Though not one of the largest cities, it does offer a traveler views to enjoy and some fine architecture.

The Flying Boar

Not the finest inns Athol Margos has to offer, but it is of high quality and located in a very calm area of the city. No market fuss to distract the visitors. On the downside this does place it a fair way off from any stores and official government buildings.

The inn building: A large wooden building with a tiled roof. The large balkony on the front of the building gives it a nice addition and makes for a good place to enjoy your foods and drinks on a beautiful day. There are six single person rooms and several that can hold a larger amount of people.
The cleanliness: The inn is kept nice and clean by the servant girls. There really isn't much room for complaining, other than the common rooms floor having some stains that simply do not come off. Must be before they realized the importance of cleanliness.
The Food and Drinks: Though the wine and beer are only average, the food saves this inn. The apple pie offered is second to none and the fresh bread they offer every day is so tasty you hardly want to put any cheese or meat on it. Highly recommended even if you are just looking for a place to eat something.
The innkeeper and servants: Though the innkeeper is nice enough, he does have a habit of letting the commonroom get out of hand from time to time, resulting in fights and undue noise that distracts those who have rented a room. The servants are polite and do their jobs efficiently, but there is room for improvement - especially in the area of managing the common room.
The beds: Though not small, they are not that large either. The mattresses are alright, but some might find them too hard. The beds are well maintained though and you will be hard pressed to find any parasites to surprise you on your visit.
The pillows: Ah, the pillows. Large, fluffy, soft and simply magnificent. I have not managed to find out the secret how the innkeeper has managed to get such magnificent pillows. The softness is something I have not encountered anywhere else. Though there are better ones out there, these still seem to have a certain quality that makes them shine and stand out from the rest.

As stated in the beginning, it is not the finest inn in Athol Margos, but it is a decent place to visit, especially if you are a bit light gold and don't mind the occasional noise distraction. The prices are very fair and dare I say, even low compared to the quality of the place.


The southern most region of Riombara, limited by sea to the east and south and by a river in the west.

The Fallen Swallow

Located near the border with Bolkenia, this inn offers some comfortable nights and soft and large pillows.

The inn building: A well maintained wooden building with ample space and large rooms. Though located in only a small village, the building is not left to shame by those of it's city counterparts - quite the opposite. There are five single person rooms and four larger rooms than can fit four people each. The larger rooms are of lower quality than the single rooms and you might end up sharing the room with a stranger if the inn is full.
The cleanliness: The rooms are well maintained and there is very little to complain. The common room is not the usual noisy, dirty and drunkard filled hall, but a rather cozy one. The fireplace is well placed and gives the hall a nice breath of warmth with its light and heat.
The Food and Drinks: You can not leave this inn without trying the deer meat stew. There simply is no better stew in this world that I have tasted. The other food are also good, but pale in comparison to the stew. The red wine they offer is of good quality and the beer is more than just water. This is a good place to stop even if you're just passing by and hungry.
The innkeeper and servants: You can see from his stomach that he has tasted his stew, but all in all, he is quite a pleasant fellow. He keeps the inn quiet during the night and makes sure there are no drunken brawls to disrupt his customers. There is only two or three servants in the inn, but they manage to serve their customers and be polite about it. The men reading this might want to take note of the bargirl for she has some ample qualities.
The beds: One of the main reason I rank this inn among the best are the beds. They are large, the mattresses are soft, even though they are in heavy use. There are enough blanket to keep you warm even on the coldest of nights and as mentioned before, the beds are large, so it's no problem having someone next to you to warm you up.
The pillows: Big and soft, like good pillows should be. The innkeeper has clearly realized that a comfortable night will keep customer coming back. The best things is, the rooms usually have more than one pillow per bed. It is quite luxurious, considering where the inn is located.

All in all, The Fallen Swallow ranks among the finest inns I have ever been to. Fellow nobles, do not be afraid to journey to Cagamir, for there is high quality accomodations available. And the price isn't bad either.